
Canter Resources Reports Additional Lithium and Boron Brine Results From Shallow Drilling

Canter Resources Reports Additional Lithium and Boron Brine Results From Shallow Drilling

newsfile ·  07/02 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 2, 2024) - Canter Resources Corp. (CSE: CRC) (OTC Pink: CNRCF) (FSE: 6O1) ("Canter" or the "Company") is pleased to report additional brine assay results from the Company's completed 15-hole Phase I shallow Geoprobe drill program at its Columbus Lithium-Boron Project ("Columbus" or the "Project"), located near Tonopah, Nevada. The Company has now received all brine assays corresponding to its Phase I program with clay assay results pending for nine (9) holes.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華——(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月2日) - Canter Resources Corp. (CSE: CRC) (OTC Pink: CNRCF) (FSE: 6O1)。 ("Canter"或"公司西部證券(")高興地宣佈,該公司位於內華達州託諾帕附近的哥倫布鋰硼項目(")的第一階段淺層地質探控鑽井計劃的額外滷水分析結果。公司現已經收到與第一階段計劃相對應的所有滷水分析結果,但尚待針對九個(9)鑽孔的粘土分析結果。哥倫布"或"項目目前爲止最高等級: 最新的滷水分析結果包括第一階段最高硼("B")和鋰("Li")值,總濃度高達3140 mg/L b和76.4 mg/L Li(有關分析和解釋請參見結果摘要部分)。

Brine Assay Highlights & Takeaways:


  • Highest Grades to Date: The latest brine assay results include the highest boron ("B") and lithium ("Li") values from Phase I, with total concentrations up to 3,140 mg/L B and 76.4 mg/L Li (see Summary of Results section for analysis and interpretations).
  • 目前爲止最高等級:最新的滷水分析結果包括第一階段最高硼("B")和鋰("Li")值,總濃度高達3140 mg/L b和76.4 mg/L Li(有關分析和解釋請參見結果摘要部分)。
  • Consistent Brine Aquifers: Two shallow aquifer horizons (<100 feet ("ft") / 30.5 metres ("m")) were intersected at similar depths in most of the drill holes (see Figures 1-2).
  • 滷水含水層一致: 在大多數鑽孔中,兩個淺層含水層地帶(
  • Boron Grades Increasing with Depth: The six (6) new assay results at depths > 55 ft (16.8 m) in the central grid of drill holes averaged 558 mg/L B, with two 651 mg/L B samples collected at 86 ft (26.2 m) and 93 ft (28.3 m), respectively (see Figure 2).
  • 硼等級隨深度增加: 在鑽孔中央網格深度> 55英尺(16.8 m)的六個(6)新測量結果中,平均硼含量爲558 mg/L b,並分別在86英尺(26.2 m)和93英尺(28.3 m)處收集了兩個651 mg/L b的樣品(參見圖2)。
  • Significant Lateral Extent: Higher grade boron and lithium-enriched brines were encountered in drilling located more than five (5) kilometres ("km") west of the central grid, demonstrating the potential for lateral continuity of individual aquifer horizons and widespread mineralization.
  • 顯著的橫向範圍: 在距中央座標網格西側五(5)公里以上的鑽探中遇到了更高品位的硼和富含鋰的滷水,顯示了個別含水層地帶的橫向連續性和廣泛的礦化。
  • Geochemical & Geological Model: Dynamic geochemical system in which boron preferentially precipitates in shallow zones, with the primary target zones for significant lithium concentrations remaining at greater depths in deeper aquifers and structural traps.
  • 地球化學和地質模型:一個動態的地球化學系統,其中硼優先在淺層區域中沉澱,主要靶區尋找明顯的鋰濃度則在更深的含水層和構造圈閉中。

"The latest brine results from this shallow interval have provided us with valuable geochemical data for our 3D model and deeper targeting, while consistently intersecting shallow aquifer zones and demonstrating the multi-commodity upside at Columbus," stated Canter CEO, Joness Lang. "The exceptional boron grades near surface show significant mineral resource potential in the upper levels of the system and the increasing downhole lithium concentrations further support our model and deeper drilling plans. We look forward to receiving the clay results and launching a focused 10-hole follow-up Phase II program in the coming weeks."

"這一淺層間隔最新的滷水結果爲我們的3D模型和更深層次的鑽探提供了寶貴的地球化學數據,同時不斷地與淺層含水層帶相交,證明了哥倫布的多商品上漲潛力," Canter的首席執行官瓊斯·蘭格說道。 "最新的靠近地表的硼品位顯示了該系統上層存在着重要的礦產資源潛力,不斷上升的井下鋰含量進一步支持了我們的模型和更深層次的鑽探計劃。我們期待着得到粘土的結果,並在未來幾周啓動專注於塔吉特的第二階段10孔跟進計劃。"

Summary of Results: Observations and Interpretations


Initial observations suggest a dynamic geochemical system in which boron preferentially precipitates in shallow zones. The preliminary results and discovery of high-grade boron along with elevated barium and potassium in the upper brine generation layer indicate distinct solubility and mobility patterns for lithium and boron and supports the underlying basin deposit model. Boron tends to precipitate and bind in clays at shallow depths, influenced by pH and reducing conditions while lithium is expected to remain more soluble and migrates towards deeper aquifers and structural traps.


The water sampling program from this Phase I campaign suggests significant multi-commodity potential with widespread near-surface lithium and boron mineralization in brines (see Figure 1).

此第一階段的水取樣計劃顯示出了哥倫布存在廣泛的近表面鋰和硼礦化滷水的多商品潛力(見圖1) 本計劃視圖僅顯示滷水結果,紅色鑽探 ID 標籤對應的是新樣品。

Figure 1 - Plan view showing brine results only with new assays corresponding to red Drill ID labels.


The additional brine assay results further demonstrate the potential for very significant boron concentrations in the shallow aquifers at Columbus, with new high-grade (>600 mg/L B) results consistently obtained from the northern half of the central drilling grid and peak total values of 1,730 mg/L and 3,140 mg/L B more than five (5) kms to the west. New lithium results from the western grid ranged from 4.2 to 76.4 mg/L Li and, while more modest grade (6 to 24 mg/L Li), the new brine results from the central grid showed increasing lithium concentration trends at depth (total and dissolved), which further supports the Company's deposit model at Columbus and higher-grade lithium targets at more moderate depths.

附加的滷水分析結果進一步展示了在哥倫布淺層含水層的非常顯著硼濃度的潛力,新的高品位(> 600 mg/L B)結果在中央鑽探網格的北半部持續獲得,並且在西側5公里以上的地方峯值總值分別達到1730 mg/L和3140 mg/L標號。來自西側網格的新鋰結果範圍從4.2到76.4 mg/L Li,雖然品位更爲適中(6到24 mg/L Li),但中央網格的新滷水結果顯示出在深度(總和和溶解)上遞增的鋰濃度趨勢,這進一步支持了公司在哥倫布的礦牀模型和更適度深度的高品位鋰靶區。

Central Drilling Grid


A total of nine (9) holes were completed in the central grid. The new brine results to the north of an interpreted brine mixing boundary are favourable and indicate significant mineralization potential, with high boron grades and anomalous lithium, both increasing at depth (see Figure 2). The findings within this grid are consistent within the 0.5 ohm-metre and 0.3 ohm-metre areas of the geophysical anomaly, with an interpreted third aquifer zone just below the limits of drilling from Phase I at 100-150 ft (approximately 30-45 m). The total lithium values also show a narrowing range and an increase in dissolved lithium numbers with depth, suggesting lithium is beginning to show signs of further precipitation at deeper levels. Specific drill holes and depths highlight these trends, providing valuable data for ongoing exploration efforts.

中心地帶完成了共 9 口井探測。解釋鹽水混合邊界以北地區的新鹽水結果表明存在顯著的礦化潛力,硼含量和鋰異常含量均呈現逐漸增加的趨勢,並且均隨着深度的增加而不斷提高(見圖2)。該區間內發現的結果與地球物理異常中的0.5歐姆米和0.3歐姆米區域一致,解釋了第三個含水層區域位於第一階段井下鑽探限制下方,深度爲100-150英尺(約30-45米)。總鋰值也表明了其範圍正在變窄,溶解鋰數隨深度增加而增加,提示鋰正在深層範圍開始顯示出進一步沉澱的跡象。具體的鑽孔和鑽井深度突顯了這些趨勢,爲持續的勘探工作提供了寶貴的數據。

Figure 2 - Long section view (looking west) of central drilling grid showing interpreted aquifer zones, inferred structure and brine mixing boundary, increasing Li-B concentration trends and interpretive shallow aquifer zones including a third favourable horizon (based on previous downhole geophysics) that will be tested in Phase II.


Western Drilling Grid


Drilling in the western grid (six holes), located approximately five (5) km west of the central grid, was designed in part to test the inferred open-ended projection of the HSAMT anomaly (see press release April 8, 2024). Significant mineralization was observed, with peak boron values reaching up to 3,140 mg/L B (CB24-018G) and 1,730 mg/L B (CB24-022G). CB24-021G also returned consistent boron at multiple depths (499 mg/L and 596 mg/L B) located directly due west from the HSAMT projection (see Figure 1). Total lithium concentrations ranged from 4.2 to 76.4 mg/L Li (consistently > 15 mg/L), underpinning the potential for widespread mineralization laterally.

在距離中心鑽探區域約5公里西側的西部網格(六口井),其一部分設計是爲了檢測HSAMt異常推斷的開放端向(見2024年4月8日新聞稿)。觀察到了顯著的礦化現象,尖峯硼值分別爲3140 mg/L b(CB24-018G)和1730 mg/L b(CB24-022G)。CB24-021G也在多個深度(499 mg/L和596 mg/L B)處返回了一致的硼值,直接位於HSAMt推斷投影的正西方向(見圖1)。總鋰濃度範圍爲4.2至76.4 mg/L Li(一致大於15 mg/L),爲橫向礦化的潛力提供了支撐。

Table 1 - Brine Assay Highlights from Phase I Shallow Drilling at Columbus


Notes: Differences in detection limits are due to the Dilution Factor (DF) being used. (x) = Duplicate. Total solids encompass all the solid matter, both dissolved and suspended, found in water, including organic and inorganic substances. In contrast, dissolved solids refer specifically to the portion of total solids that are soluble in water, such as salts, minerals, and some organic materials, passing through a filter and remaining in solution. The highly anomalous results from CB24-018G were retested at the request of the Company and they were confirmed and validated by WetLabs internal QA/QC.

注意:檢測限制的差異是由於使用的稀釋因子(DF)不同。 (x) = 重複樣本。總固體物包括水中所有的固態物質,包括有機物和無機物。相反,溶解固體是指總固體中溶於水中的部分,如鹽,礦物和一些有機物質,通過過濾並留在溶液中。出現異常的CB24-018G結果已經根據公司的要求進行了重新測試,並由WetLabs內部QA / QC進行了確認和驗證。



The brine results have been incorporated into the Company's 3D model and are being analyzed to help with the precision for deeper drilling at Columbus.


The Company's general thesis at Columbus, supported by deposit analogues plus historical and new data at the Project, suggests boron-rich upper levels, overlapping transition zones (potential for both elevated lithium and boron concentrations), followed by an increase/decrease in lithium and boron, respectively, in deeper aquifer zones.


Boron: Established Market, Emerging Applications & Strategic Importance


The boron market is rapidly emerging as a critical mineral due to its use in numerous high-tech and clean energy applications, making the presence of high-grade boron mineralization at Columbus potentially significant. The Columbus Project hosted historical borax production and shares the same volcanic source rocks that feed Ioneer's Rhyolite Ridge Lithium-Boron Project ($240M USD market capitalization).

由於硼在許多高科技和清潔能源應用中的使用,硼市場正在迅速崛起,哥倫布存在高品位硼礦化可能具有重要意義。哥倫布項目曾承載硼砂的產量,並與Ioneer的Rhyolite Ridge Lithium-Boron Project(24000萬美元市值)供應相同的火山岩源石相同。

The boron market is expected to grow to more than $3 billion USD by 20271, with Rio Tinto's US Borax and Turkey's state-owned Eti Maden producing an estimated 85% of global supply.2

預計到2027年,硼市場規模將增長到30億美元以上。1Rio Tinto的美國硼和土耳其國有企業Eti Maden生產的全球供應量約佔85%。2

To learn more about boron and its more than 300 applications, visit the Company's Boron 101 webpage.

訪問公司的 Boron 101 網頁,了解關於硼及其 300 多種應用的更多信息。

Disclaimer Note: Mineralization at nearby or adjacent properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted at the Company's Columbus Project.


Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC)

質量保證 / 質量控制(QA / QC)

In a continued commitment to ensuring the highest standards of data accuracy and reliability, the Company has implemented a rigorous quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) protocol for both groundwater and sediment sampling and analysis. This initiative is designed to enhance the precision and credibility of sampling techniques and assay results.

爲確保數據準確性和可靠性的最高標準,本公司已爲地下水和沉積物採樣和分析執行了嚴格的質量保證和質量控制(QA / QC)協議。此舉旨在加強採樣技術和化驗結果的精度和可信度。

Upon reaching the target lithology depth during drilling, groundwater sampling is initiated with care to avoid surpassing the designated zone. Utilizing a drive-point screen sampler or mechanical bailer, groundwater is extracted to ensure a clean and uncontaminated collection process. Initial purging is conducted, and a Myron Ultrameter II is used to measure general parameters, such as temperature, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), specific conductivity, and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). For wet samples, a minimum 350 mL of groundwater is collected for comprehensive analysis, with all samples handled under strict chain of custody (COC) protocols and stored under optimal conditions until delivery to Western Environmental Testing (WETLAB).

在鑽探達到目標巖性深度後,會謹慎進行地下水採樣,以避免超過指定區域。採用驅動點篩選器或機械舀取器,地下水被提取以確保清潔和未受污染的收集過程。進行初始清洗,並使用Myron Ultrameter II測量常規參數(例如溫度、pH、總溶解性固體(TDS)、特定導電度和氧化還原電位(ORP))。對於溼樣品,收集至少350毫升來進行全面分析,並在嚴格的責任鏈(COC)協議下處理所有樣品,並在最佳條件下存儲,直到交付Western Environmental Testing(WETLAB)。

The Company's QA/QC procedures involve collecting additional samples every tenth sample, including duplicates, umpire, and blank samples, to validate the consistency and accuracy of the data. Laboratory analyses cover general parameters and both total and dissolved metals, adhering to stringent testing methods and holding times. More specifically, the following analysis is carried out at WETLAB: Density and pH: SM 4500-H+B; Temperature: SM 2550 B; Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): SM 2540 C; ICP Metals Total Li, B & K: EPA 200.7; Digestion for Total Metals: EPA 200.2; ICP Metals Dissolved Li, B & K: EPA 200.7; Digestion for Dissolved Metals: EPA 200.0 and Sample Filtration: SM..

本公司的QA / QC程序涉及一次更多的樣品採集,包括重複、判定和空白樣品,以驗證數據的一致性和準確性。實驗室分析涵蓋了常規參數和總和及溶解金屬,遵循嚴格的檢測方法和保持時間。在WETLAB進行了如下分析:密度和pH:Sm 4500-H+B;溫度:Sm 2550 B;總溶解性固體(TDS):Sm 2540 C;ICP總鋰億K:EPA 200.7;消化總金屬:EPA 200.2;ICP溶解性Li及K:EPA 200.7;消化可溶性金屬:EPA 200.0和樣品過濾:Sm ...

Qualified Person (QP)

本新聞稿中包含的技術性信息由Canter Resources的資格認證人(QP)Eric Saderholm P.Geo,董事和技術顧問審查並批准,其定義符合43-101號國家規範,即公告礦產項目的披露標準。

The technical information contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Eric Saderholm P.Geo, Director and Technical Advisor of Canter Resources, a Qualified Person (QP), as defined under National Instrument 43- 101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

Canter Resources Corp.是一家加拿大的初級礦產勘探公司,正在推進美國內華達州的哥倫布鋰硼項目和蒙大拿州的比弗克里克鋰礦物產權。本公司正在進行哥倫布項目的第一階段勘探活動,以測試一個高度有前景的鋰硼滷水目標,並計劃利用公司的關鍵金屬針對數據庫,進而建立支持北美清潔新能源供應鏈的高品質項目組合,並定義足夠支持相關能源供應鏈的礦產資源。

About Canter Resources Corp.

Canter Resources Corp.是一家加拿大的初級礦產勘探公司,正在推進美國內華達州的哥倫布鋰硼項目和蒙大拿州的比弗克里克鋰礦物產權。

Canter Resources Corp. is a Canadian junior mineral exploration company advancing the Columbus Lithium-Boron Project in Nevada, USA and the Beaver Creek Lithium Property in Montana, USA. The Company is completing a phased drilling approach at Columbus to test highly prospective brine targets at varying depths for lithium-boron enrichment and plans to leverage the Company's critical metals targeting database to generate a portfolio of high-quality projects with the aim of defining mineral resources that support the domestic clean energy supply chain in North America.

Canter Resources Corp.是一家加拿大初創的礦產勘探公司,正在推進內華達州哥倫布鋰硼項目和蒙塔納州Beaver Creek鋰物業。公司正在進行分階段鑽探,以測試深度各異的高潛力鹽水目標的鋰硼富集,計劃利用該公司的關鍵金屬定位數據庫生成一系列高質量項目組合,以定義支持北美國內清潔能源供應鏈的礦產資源。

For further information contact:


Joness Lang
Chief Executive Officer
Canter Resources Corp.
Tel: 778.382.1193

Joness Lang
Canter Resources公司。

For investor inquiries contact:


Kristina Pillon, High Tide Consulting Corp.
Tel: 604.908.1695

Kristina Pillon,High Tide Consulting Corp。

The Canadian Securities Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this news release. The Canadian Securities Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


1 Global Boron Market Report 2024
2 Boron: The Overlooked Critical Material - Seeking Alpha 2022

2 硼:被忽視的關鍵材料——尋求阿爾法2022年

