
TM Wins 12-Year Contract For Advanced Emergency Services Platform

TM Wins 12-Year Contract For Advanced Emergency Services Platform

Business Today ·  07/02 09:34

MIDF Investment Bank (MIDF), in its recent Malaysia Company Update, reported that Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) had secured a 12-year RM1.25 billion concession from the government to develop and operate the Next Generation Emergency Services 999 (NG999) system, replacing the existing MERS999 system.

MIDF投資銀行(MIDF)在最近的《馬來西亞公司簡報》中報告說,馬來西亞電信有限公司(TM)已獲得政府爲期12年的12.5億令吉的特許權,用於開發和運營下一代緊急服務999(NG999)系統,取代現有的 MERS999 系統。

The new concession would run until 2036 and include services such as call management, infrastructure, connectivity, and continuous improvement support, integrating advanced technologies like data analytics and AI to improve emergency response times.


TM's NG999 system aimed to offer a strategic digital platform for the public to access emergency services from key agencies, including Polis DiRaja Malaysia, Kementerian Kesihatan, Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia, Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia, and Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia, incorporating features like web-based digital maps, caller identifications, geolocation services, and mobile smart apps.

TM 的 NG999 系統旨在爲公衆提供一個戰略數字平台,使他們能夠獲得關鍵機構的緊急服務,包括馬來西亞警察局、Kementerian Kesihatan、馬來西亞救援局、馬來西亞海事規劃署和馬來西亞國家安全局,並整合了基於網絡的數字地圖、來電者識別、地理定位服務和移動應用程序等功能。

MIDF highlighted that this development aligned with international best practices and would leverage advanced technologies to ensure more effective emergency responses, although it viewed this concession as a continuation of TM's previous MERS999 project, making no changes to earnings estimates.

MIDF 強調,這一發展符合國際最佳實踐,並將利用先進技術來確保更有效的應急響應,儘管它認爲這一特許權是 TM 先前 MERS999 項目的延續,對收益估計沒有改變。

TM had previously developed the MERS999 system under a government concession that ran from May 2007 to June 2010, at a cost of RM334 million, creating a unified emergency services database to improve efficiency and response times.

TM 此前曾根據政府特許開發過 MERS999 系統,該系統從 2007 年 5 月持續到 2010 年 6 月,耗資 RM334 百萬美元,創建了統一的應急服務數據庫,以提高效率和縮短響應時間。

MIDF noted that TM had been focusing on accelerating its initiatives in artificial intelligence to enhance customer experiences and optimise operational processes, suggesting that more project wins could be expected in the future.


Maintaining a NEUTRAL recommendation with an unchanged target price of RM7.03, MIDF recognised the strategic importance of the NG999 project but indicated that the financial impact would be minimal given its continuation nature from the previous project.

MIDF維持中立建議,目標價保持在7.03令吉不變,承認了 NG999 項目的戰略重要性,但表示,鑑於該項目與先前項目的延續性質,其財務影響微乎其微。

Investors might find TM's strategic positioning in developing critical national infrastructure appealing, although MIDF did not foresee any immediate changes to earnings from this concession.


TM's commitment to advancing AI technologies and improving its service offerings was seen as a positive long-term strategy that could enhance its market position and operational efficiency.


The group's focus on AI and potential for more project wins suggested a steady outlook, although MIDF recommended maintaining a neutral stance pending further developments in TM's broader strategic initiatives.


For investors, TM's involvement in significant national projects, coupled with its AI initiatives, represented a stable investment with potential for future growth, albeit with no immediate changes to earnings forecasts.


