
Spectrum Expands Gigabit Broadband, Mobile, TV and Voice Services in Kent County, Michigan

Spectrum Expands Gigabit Broadband, Mobile, TV and Voice Services in Kent County, Michigan

特許通訊 ·  07/01 12:00

Broadband ExpansionJuly 1, 2024


Spectrum Expands Gigabit Broadband, Mobile, TV and Voice Services in Kent County, Michigan


Spectrum Internet with Starting Speeds of 300 Mbps Now Available to More Than 440 Homes and Small Businesses


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Network Buildout is Part of Spectrum's $5 Billion, Multiyear Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) Investment in Rural Broadband


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Spectrum, the #1 rural internet provider in the nation*, today announced the launch of Spectrum Internet, Mobile, TV and Voice services to more than 440 homes and small businesses in previously unserved or underserved portions of Ada, Algoma, Cannon, Grattan, Sparta, and Vergennes Townships, Michigan. Spectrum's newly constructed fiber-optic network buildout in Kent County is part of the company's approximately $5 billion RDOF-related investment in unserved rural communities, partly offset by $1.2 billion in the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) RDOF auction.


The company's RDOF expansion will provide broadband access to 1.3 million customer locations across 24 states in the coming years. Spectrum has also won more than $700 million in state broadband expansion subsidies, which, combined with Spectrum investment, will connect another 300,000 homes and small businesses.


"Spectrum is bringing gigabit broadband to unserved communities in Michigan and across America through RDOF," said Thomas Yates, Vice President of Construction leading Spectrum's Michigan and Indiana buildouts. "Our investment is making it possible to deliver the high-value broadband, mobile, TV and voice services now available in Kent County. We are providing local residents and small businesses superior connectivity at highly competitive prices, backed by a team of skilled local technicians and 100% U.S.-based customer service."

“Spectrum通過RDOF使未覆蓋社區和全美各地都能使用千兆寬帶,”領導Spectrum在密歇根州和印第安納州建設的副總裁Thomas Yates說。“我們的投資使得在肯特縣提供高質量的互聯網,移動、電視和語音服務成爲可能。我們爲當地居民和小型企業提供高競爭力價格的卓越連接,並配備一支技術嫺熟的本地技術人員和100%的美國本土客戶服務團隊。

Broadband Speeds up to 1 Gbps, Plus Money-Saving Mobile Options and 85,000 On Demand Choices


Spectrum Internet delivers speeds up to 1 Gbps and Advanced WiFi for residential and small business customers, featuring starting speeds of 300 Mbps, with no modem fees, data caps or contracts. Spectrum Business Internet offers customers 1 Gbps download speeds, with 300 Mbps and 600 Mbps options. The company has also begun a network evolution that will provide gigabit upstream speeds and multiple gigabit download speeds across its entire 41-state service area.


"Many Michigan communities lack necessary infrastructure to serve residents with adequate internet access at home. I am pleased to learn of Spectrum's network expansion, which will bring much needed service to hundreds of Michigan families," said U.S. Representative John Moolenaar. "This construction is a welcome addition to the community and will provide greater economic opportunities for residents."

“許多密歇根社區缺乏必要的基礎設施,以便在家中爲居民提供充足的互聯網服務。我很高興聽到Spectrum的網絡擴張計劃,這將爲數百個密歇根家庭帶來急需的服務,”美國衆議員John Moolenaar說。“本次建設是社區的受歡迎補充,並將爲居民提供更多經濟機會。”

"Expanding access to high-speed internet in rural areas is critical to fostering a robust economy, supporting small businesses, expanding opportunity for students, and so much more," said State Senator Rick Outman. "Spectrum's expansion through RDOF is delivering the fast, reliable connectivity that our rural Townships desperately need.

“在農村地區擴寬高速互聯網接入,對於促進強大的經濟、支持小型企業、拓展學生的機會以及促進更多等方面至關重要,”州參議員Rick Outman說。“Spectrum通過RDOF的擴張將提供我們這些農村地區迫切需要的快速、可靠的連接。”

Spectrum Internet exceeded advertised download and upload speeds for all tiers measured — even during peak weeknight usage between 7 and 11 p.m. — according to the FCC's most recent "Measuring Broadband America Fixed Broadband Report" issued in January 2023.


"District 90 encompasses much of Northeast Kent County, where Spectrum has recently delivered access to fast and reliable internet," said State Representative Bryan Posthumus. "This is a day our community members will remember for a long time because now they have access to online tools and resources that can bring endless opportunity."

“90選區包括肯特縣東北部的大部分地區,在那裏Spectrum最近提供了快速可靠的互聯網接入,”州衆議員Bryan Posthumus說。“這是我們社區成員將記住很長時間的一天,因爲現在他們可以使用在線工具和資源,帶來無盡的機會。”

Along with multiple broadband options, Spectrum services now available also include Spectrum Mobile and Spectrum TV. Spectrum Mobile is the nation's fastest-growing mobile provider** and combines with Spectrum Internet and Advanced Home WiFi to provide seamless connectivity inside and outside the home. Spectrum Mobile provides customers access to nationwide 5G at great value, with Unlimited lines starting at $29.99 a month, as well as By the Gig options.

除多種寬帶選項外,Spectrum還提供Spectrum Mobile。和Spectrum TV。Spectrum Mobile是美國增長最快的移動提供商,與Spectrum互聯網和先進的家庭WiFi相結合,可以在家中和家外提供無縫的連接。Spectrum Mobile爲客戶提供在全國範圍內使用5G的機會,價格實惠,單月無限線路起價爲29.99美元,也有按使用量付費的選項。**Spectrum TV提供超過270個高清頻道和85000小時點播電影和電視節目。通過Spectrum TV App——美國評價最高的付費電視流媒體應用——觀衆可以跨越越來越多的平台流媒體內容,包括iOS和Android移動設備、Xbox One、Kindle Fire、三星智能電視、蘋果電視、Google Chromecast,Roku、Xumo電視和個人電腦。

Spectrum TV offers more than 270 HD channels and access to 85,000 On Demand movies and shows. Using the Spectrum TV App — the highest-rated pay TV streaming app in the U.S.*** — viewers can stream content across a growing number of platforms, including iOS and Android mobile devices, Xbox One, Kindle Fire, Samsung Smart TVs, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, Roku, Xumo TVs and PCs.

“在北密歇根等極度偏遠的地區,寬帶服務不再是奢侈品,”美國衆議員傑克伯格曼說。“由於特許和FCC的合作,高速互聯網正在到達更多沒有可靠聯網的家庭和企業。這對於我們稱之爲北密歇根和東部UP等極爲偏遠地區的家庭來說,是朝着我們的目標邁出的又一大步。”***Spectrum TV App是美國最受歡迎的付費電視頻流應用,可通過越來越多的平台觀看,包括iOS和Android移動設備、Xbox One、Kindle Fire、三星智能電視、蘋果電視、Google Chromecast,Roku、Xumo電視和個人電腦。

Local residents and business owners should visit to learn more about when their home or business may be able to receive Spectrum services.


* Based on December 2022 FCC Broadband Data Collection locations.


** Based on year end 2022 subscriber data among top 3 carriers.


*** iOS (App Store) and Android (Google Play) average ratings as of Oct. 1, 2023. Apps must have at least 150k reviews through combination of iOS & Android store reviews as of Oct. 1, 2023.

***截至2023年10月1日,基於iOS(App Store)和Android(Google Play)的平均評分。應用至少需要在截至2023年10月1日時,通過iOS和安卓商店評論總和達到150k次。

About Spectrum


Spectrum is a suite of advanced communications services offered by Charter Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ:CHTR), a leading broadband connectivity company and cable operator serving more than 32 million customers in 41 states. Over an advanced communications network, the company offers a full range of state-of-the-art residential and business services including Spectrum Internet, TV, Mobile and Voice.

Spectrum是特許通訊(Charter Communications,Inc.(納斯達克:CHTR))提供的一系列先進的通訊服務,特許通訊是一家領先的寬帶連通性公司和電纜運營商,服務於41個州的3200萬客戶。通過一個先進的通訊網絡,該公司提供全方位的高科技住宅和商業服務,包括Spectrum互聯網。對於中小型企業,Spectrum 商業提供與增強生產力的特殊功能和應用相結合的一整套寬帶產品和服務。而對於大型企業和政府機構,Spectrum Enterprise 提供高度定製的基於光纖的解決方案。Spectrum Reach 爲現代媒體景觀提供量身定製的廣告和製作。公司還通過 Spectrum Networks 爲客戶分銷屢獲殊榮的新聞報道和體育節目。有關特許通訊公司的更多信息,請訪問。

For small and medium-sized companies, Spectrum Business delivers the same suite of broadband products and services coupled with special features and applications to enhance productivity, while for larger businesses and government entities, Spectrum Enterprise provides highly customized, fiber-based solutions. Spectrum Reach delivers tailored advertising and production for the modern media landscape. The company also distributes award-winning news coverage and sports programming to its customers through Spectrum Networks. More information about Charter can be found at

警示有關前瞻性聲明的聲明 本通訊包括根據 1933 年修訂版證券法第 27A 條和 1934 年修訂版證券交易法第 21E 條而發出的前瞻性聲明,其中包括但不限於可能的發行行爲。儘管我們相信反映在或建議通過這些前瞻性聲明的計劃、意圖和期望是合理的,但我們不能保證我們將實現或實現這些計劃、意圖或期望。前瞻性聲明固有地受到風險、不確定性和假設的影響,包括但不限於我們向 SEC 提交的文件中不時描述的因素。本通訊中包含的許多前瞻性聲明可能會通過使用 "相信"、"期望"、"預計"、"應該"、"計劃"、"將"、"可能"、"打算"、"估計"、"目標"、"機會"、"暫定"、"定位"、"設計"、"創造"、"預測"、"項目"、"計劃"、"尋求"、"可能"、"將繼續"、"正在進行中"、"上行空間"、"增加"、"增長"、"專注於" 和 "潛力" 等前瞻性詞語加以識別。我們或任何代表我們的人作出的所有前瞻性聲明均在其整體上受到本警示聲明的明確限制。本通訊日期後,我們沒有更新任何前瞻性聲明的義務。資料來源:特許通訊公司。提供量身定製的廣告和製作,以適應現代媒體局勢。該公司通過Spectrum網絡向客戶分發屢獲殊榮的新聞報道和體育節目。有關特許通訊的更多信息,請訪問。

Media Contact


Leigh Byrd

Leigh Byrd

