
Visa, Mastercard Deal 'Unlikely To Be Materially Impacted' By A Revised Antitrust Settlement: Analyst

Visa, Mastercard Deal 'Unlikely To Be Materially Impacted' By A Revised Antitrust Settlement: Analyst

Benzinga ·  03:44

A federal judge's call for a revised settlement from Visa Inc. (NYSE:V) and Mastercard Incorporated (NYSE:MA) after tossing out their $30 billion antitrust settlement on June 25 should not have much of an impact on their similar business models, according to an analyst.

聯邦法官於6月25日駁回Visa Inc. (NYSE:V)和Mastercard Incorporated (NYSE:MA)的300億美元反壟斷和解後,要求進行修改的呼籲,不應對它們類似的業務模式產生太大影響,根據分析師的說法。

U.S. District Judge Margo Brodie in Brooklyn wrote on Friday that the banks could handle a "substantially" larger settlement, arguing that the deal would have "disproportionately and inequitably" benefited small, local merchants over larger retailers such as Walmart Inc. (NYSE:WMT), Bloomberg reported.

布魯克林的美國地區法官Margo Brodie週五寫道,銀行可以處理一個“大幅度”的更大的和解,認爲該協議將“不成比例地和不公平地”使小型本地商家受益,而不是沃爾瑪公司等較大零售商,彭博社報道。

Despite Brodie's opinion, JPMorgan remained Overweight on both Visa and Mastercard on the belief that "the diversity, complexity and scale of their business models give each substantial ability to preserve overall pricing and maintain earnings growth."

儘管布羅迪持有的意見,根大通仍然重倉Visa和萬事達,因爲“他們的業務模式的多樣性、複雜性和規模爲每個人提供了保持整體定價和保持盈利增長的大量能力。” 週一,摩根大通分析師Tien-tsin Huang在一份備忘錄中寫道,“孤立地(並承認廣泛的結果) ,我們並不認爲法院的評論過分關注,根據備忘錄的文本,我們認爲V/MA的經濟模型不太可能受到修訂協議的實質性影響”。

"In isolation (and acknowledging a wide spectrum of outcomes) we don't find the court's commentary overly concerning and based on the memo's text we think that V/MA's economic model is unlikely to be materially impacted by a revised agreement," JPMorgan analyst Tien-tsin Huang wrote in a note on Monday.

“儘管存在各種各樣的結果,我們認爲法院的評論並非過分關注,根據備忘錄文本,我們認爲V/MA的經濟模型不太可能受到修訂協議的實質性影響”儘管存在各種各樣的結果,摩根大通分析師Tien-tsin Huang在週一的一份備忘錄中寫道。

"In our view, a worse outcome would be if an agreement cannot be made and the litigation proceeds to trial, which widens the spectrum of potential outcomes."


Also Read: Visa, Mastercard's $30B Deal Hits A Snag: Judge Signals Rejection

Visa, Mastercard 300億美元交易出現障礙:法官表示拒絕

The initial agreement, which is aimed at resolving two decades of legal battles over credit-card swipe fees, would have let big retailers charge higher fees on Visa or Mastercard credit cards while allowing smaller merchants to use pricing tactics that steer consumers to lower-cost cards, according to Brodie's opinion.


The "cost" of the settlement is the estimated $30 billion that the merchants would end up saving over five years, the judge noted.


But Brodie further wrote in her opinion that the estimated $6 billion in annual savings to merchants is "paltry compared to the $100 billion that merchants paid" in interchange fees on Visa and Mastercard transactions last year, according to Bloomberg. The two firms could "withstand a substantially greater judgment," she said.


The judge's opinion for a revised settlement is "a net-negative for the stocks," but it does not seem as bad as other recent bear views, Huang said.


Price Action: Visa dipped 0.06% to $262.32 by Monday's mid-afternoon trading, while Mastercard declined 0.65% to $438.30.


Two exchange-traded funds that give investors exposure to Visa and Mastercard stocks saw modest gains, however, by mid-afternoon. Shares U.S. Financial Services ETF (NYSE:IYG) rose by 0.33%, while SPDR Select Sector Fund – Financial (NYSE:XLF) gained 0.21%.


Read Now:


  • Visa And Mastercard Face Potential Setback As New York Judge Indicates Disapproval Of Proposed $30B Antitrust Settlement
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