


PR Newswire ·  07/02 02:00

Bookings Now Live Online and Via Travel Advisors for Departures Starting in February 2025


New Intimately Scaled, Purpose-Built Ships to Sail Year-Round in the Galápagos Islands, Offering More Departures, More Expedition Staff, and More Opportunities to Experience the Wonders of the Iconic Archipelago


Lindblad Expeditions is the Longest-Standing International Operator in the Galápagos, Since Pioneering Expedition Cruising in the Region Together with Legendary Ecuadorian Eduardo Proaño in 1967


NEW YORK, July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic has unveiled the two newest additions to the pioneering expedition cruise brand's fleet, the 16-guest National Geographic Delfina and the 48-guest National Geographic Gemini. Following separate revitalizations in early 2025, the two purpose-built expedition vessels will embark on their inaugural voyages on February 14, 2025, and March 14, 2025, respectively.

2024年7月1日,紐約 /美通社/--Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic宣佈推出該先驅性探險船品牌的艦隊的兩個最新成員,16個客位的National Geographic Delfina和48個客位的National Geographic Gemini。這兩艘專門設計的探險船隻將在2025年2月14日和2025年3月14日分別進行首航之前在2025年初分別進行翻新。林德布拉德探險-國家地理。探險遊輪品牌的最新成員16個客位的National Geographic Delfina。國家地理德爾菲娜號的以及48位賓客國家地理號Gemini這兩艘專門設計的探險船隻將在2025年2月14日和2025年3月14日分別進行首航之前在2025年初分別進行翻新。

The ship National Geographic Delfina catamaran.
這艘船的名稱爲National Geographic Delfina雙體船。
The ship National Geographic Gemini, Vicente Roca Point, Isabela Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.
這艘船名爲National Geographic Gemini,位於厄瓜多爾加拉帕戈斯群島以薇森特洛卡角爲主。

"The launch of National Geographic Delfina and National Geographic Gemini represent a significant milestone for Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic, doubling the size of our fleet in the Galápagos and further strengthening our deep ties to the islands and their people," said Sven-Olof Lindblad, Founder and CEO, Lindblad Expeditions. "These two ships will diversify our range of offerings, capitalizing on our nearly 60 years of providing expeditions to these enchanted islands."

“National Geographic Delfina”和“National Geographic Gemini”的推出是林德布拉德探險-國家地理的重要里程碑,使我們在加拉帕戈斯群島的船隊規模擴大了一倍,進一步加強了我們與這些島嶼及其居民的緊密聯繫,”林德布拉德探險公司創始人兼首席執行官斯文-奧洛夫·林德布拉德(Sven-Olof Lindblad)表示。“這兩艘船將使我們的服務範圍更加多樣化,利用我們近60年來爲這些魔幻般的島嶼提供探險的經驗。國家地理德爾菲娜號的和頁面。國家地理號Gemini“我們很高興爲我們的旅客提供更多的加拉帕戈斯群島體驗機會,這是一個典型的國家地理目的地,”國家地理探險公司高級副總裁兼總經理南希-舒馬赫(Nancy Schumacher)表示,“這些航程充滿了學習和行動激情,由熱愛保護這個群島的豐富野生動植物的專業自然學家帶領進行旅行。在這兩艘新船上的探險將充滿着令人驚歎的體驗,將深化我們旅客對這個重要的群島鏈以及其令人難以置信的生物多樣性的了解。”

"We are excited to offer even more opportunities for our travelers to experience the Galapagos Islands, which is a quintessential National Geographic destination," said Nancy Schumacher, senior vice president and general manager, National Geographic Expeditions. "These voyages are steeped in learning and action-packed excursions led by expert naturalists with a passion for preserving and protecting the vast wildlife found throughout this one-of-a-kind archipelago. And an expedition aboard these new vessels will be filled with awe-inspiring experiences that will deepen our travelers' understanding of this important chain of islands and its incredible biodiversity."

National Geographic Delfina旨在使客人在探索野生的加拉帕戈斯群島時更加親密無間,是Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic船隊中最親密的船隻。

Designed to bring guests closer together while they explore the wild Galápagos archipelago, National Geographic Delfina is the most intimate ship in the Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic fleet.

National Geographic Delfina旨在使客人在探索野生的加拉帕戈斯群島時更加親密無間,是Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic船隊中最親密的船隻。國家地理德爾菲娜號的National Geographic Delfina旨在使客人在探索野生的加拉帕戈斯群島時更加親密無間,是Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic船隊中最親密的船隻。

Setting sail February 14, 2025, this sleek, contemporary vessel is a luxury catamaran designed for cruising the Galápagos Islands in style and comfort. The elegant, well-appointed National Geographic Delfina accommodates just 16 guests in eight spacious, air-conditioned staterooms adorned with polished wood décor and featuring either a private balcony (Category 5) or direct access to an expansive outer deck (Category 4). The ship, the smallest in Lindblad Expeditions' growing fleet, is named in honor of the Company's Founder Sven-Olof Lindblad's youngest daughter, Delfina.

2025年2月14日出發,這艘典雅時尚的豪華雙體船是專爲在舒適風格中巡遊加拉帕戈斯群島而設計的。這艘名爲“國家地理德爾菲娜號”的船隻提供8間寬敞的、帶空調的客房,裝飾着拋光木質裝飾,包括一個私人陽臺(5類房間)或直接通往一個大型外部甲板的門道(4類房間)。作爲 Lindblad Expeditions 船隊中最小的船隻,該船以公司創始人 Sven-Olof Lindblad 最小的女兒 Delfina 命名。國家地理德爾菲娜號的“國家地理德爾菲娜號”全年在群島中航行,提供兩個新路線:爲期10天的“貓amaran加拉帕戈斯:親密航程”,讓客人在僅有16位同行客人的時尚穩定貓船上體驗加拉帕戈斯,以及爲期16天的“貓amaran加拉帕戈斯+馬丘比丘和秘魯的因卡土博”,將加拉帕戈斯的荒野和秘魯的奇蹟結合在一起,進行一次宏偉的探險。

On board, the open-air Observation Deck offers guests sweeping 360-degree views of the islands, with a cozy shaded area for relaxation, a Whirlpool Hot Tub, and lounge chairs to kick-up their feet and take in their surroundings or stargaze. On the wrap-around Upper Deck, guests can dine al fresco at the Outdoor Café and enjoy spectacular island views from the bow as they watch for dolphins, whales, and other dazzling endemic marine life. The Dining Room, Bar, and Lounge with library are also found on the Main Deck.

客人在“國家地理德爾菲娜號”上,可以與兩位資深的 Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic 探險工作人員一起探索加拉帕戈斯,探險領隊和國家地理認證攝影教練,都是持有許可證的自然學家。工作人員還獲得了領域教育家的認證,可以爲孩子和青少年提供國家地理全球探險者項目。這個私密的船上還配備了最先進的探險工具,包括衝鋒舟、皮艇、站立式槳板和完整的浮潛裝備。

National Geographic Delfina will sail year-round in the archipelago, offering two new itineraries: the 10-day Galápagos by Catamaran: An Intimate Voyage—which allows guests to experience the Galápagos aboard the stylish and stable catamaran with just 16 fellow guests—and the 16-day Galápagos by Catamaran + Machu Picchu and Peru's Land of the Inca—which combines the wilds of the Galápagos and the wonders of Peru in one grand expedition.


On National Geographic Delfina, guests will explore Galápagos in good company, with two veteran Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic expedition staff, an Expedition Leader and National Geographic certified photo instructor, both licensed naturalists. Staff are certified as Field Educators to offer the National Geographic Global Explorers program for kids and teens as well. The intimate vessel will still be equipped with state-of-the-art tools for exploration for guests, including Zodiacs, kayaks, stand-up paddleboards, and complete snorkeling gear.

2024年6月4日,Realty Income公司(以下簡稱“公司”)發佈了一份新聞稿,公佈了截至2024年12月31日更新的收益和投資成交量預測。新聞稿的副本作爲Exhibit 99.1附在此,作爲本報告的一部分。此報告的Exhibit 99.1作爲第7.01項目,根據8-K表格的規定提供,不視爲1934年證券交易法第18條的“報告文件”,無論此後公司做出的任何註冊文件,也不管任何這類文件的一般包含語言,都不作爲參考依據。國家地理德爾菲娜號的讓客人在工作人員的陪同下,在好公司中探索加拉帕戈斯,與一位探險領隊和一位國家地理認證的攝影教練以及持有許可證的自然學家風光無限。工作人員還持有領域教育家的認證,可以爲孩子和青少年提供國家地理全球探險者項目。這艘私密船還配備了最先進的探險工具,包括衝鋒舟、皮艇、站立式槳板和完整的浮潛裝備。

At just 16 guests, the intimately scaled National Geographic Delfina is perfect for family vacations, affinity groups, private charters, and couples looking for a more personal escape. Bookings for National Geographic Delfina's inaugural season are now available online at and via travel advisor.

在僅有16位客人的情況下,縮小規模的國家地理德爾菲娜號非常適合尋找更加私密的航行經歷的旅行者、情侶等。國家地理德爾菲娜號的非常適合旅行者、情侶等,尋求更加私密的航行經驗。家庭度假, 親密小團隊, 私人租賃國家地理德爾菲娜號的開航季節預訂現已在網上和旅行顧問處開始。國家地理德爾菲娜號的預訂季節現已在網上和旅行顧問處開始。

The highly maneuverable, shallow-draft National Geographic Gemini was purpose built to explore remote areas with ease and in extreme comfort. The 48-guest National Geographic Gemini features 27 well-appointed, outward-facing accommodations, offering guests the choice of larger suites, cabins with private balconies, and a mix of solo, double, and triple-occupancy options.

船隻國家地理號Gemini被專門打造成具有極高舒適度和輕鬆探索偏遠地區能力的船舶。配備48個客房,包括27個外向型豪華客房、帶私人陽臺的客房以及多種單人、雙人及三人入住期權可供選擇。國家地理號Gemini Upper Deck設有惠而浦熱水浴池,窗戶俯瞰健身中心和水療中心,是事件充實、充滿冒險的一天放鬆的理想場所。休息區上的戶外咖啡廳邀請客人在陽光下曬曬太陽、戶外用餐,另外,在Marina Deck上還提供一個包覆式餐廳供早餐、午餐和晚餐用餐。陽光普照的休息室適合演講和非正式聚會,配備有一個大型酒吧和一個儲備充足的圖書館,毗鄰船上的接待區。

The Upper Deck on National Geographic Gemini features a Whirlpool Hot Tub, and windowed Fitness Center and Spa, ideal for unwinding after an eventful, adventure-filled day. An Outdoor Café on the Lounge Deck beckons guests to bask in the sun and dine al fresco, with another glass-wrapped restaurant on the Marina Deck available for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The sun-soaked Lounge is ideal for presentations and informal gatherings, with a large bar and well-stocked library adjacent to the ship's reception area.

擁有快速部署的Mark VI Zodiacs、玻璃底船、皮艇、站立划槳板以及完整的浮潛裝備,可爲探索加拉帕戈斯群島和海洋保護區提供充足的配備。國家地理號Gemini可供悠閒舒適地度過一個充實、充滿冒險的一天的各種設施。

Carrying a fleet of quick-to-deploy Mark VI Zodiacs, a glass-bottom boat, kayaks, stand-up paddleboards, and complete snorkeling gear, National Geographic Gemini is well-equipped for exploring the Galápagos Islands and marine reserve.

承載了一支迅速部署的Mark VI Zodiacs、玻璃底船、皮艇、站立划槳板以及完整的浮潛裝備。國家地理號Gemini配備完整、充足的設備,爲探索加拉帕戈斯群島和海洋保護區提供充分的配備。

Guests on board National Geographic Gemini can choose between two iconic year-round itineraries: the 10-day Exploring Galápagos: One Week Sailing the Islands—where they will travel by zodiac to beautiful beaches, kayak or stand-up paddleboard along volcanic shores, explore wildlife on land or under the sea—and the 16-day Exploring Galápagos + Machu Picchu and Peru's Land of the Inca—which also includes a several-day extension exploring the culture and history of Peru and the legendary ruins of Machu Picchu. Bookings for both itineraries on board National Geographic Gemini are now available both online at and via travel advisor. To commemorate the ship's inaugural season, Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic will be offering guests who book select departures on board National Geographic Gemini an unprecedented 25% Wild Adventures Savings, plus an additional $1,000 off per child.

乘坐於 lindblad expeditions 上的客人,可在兩個標誌性的全年行程之間進行選擇:10天的探索加拉帕戈斯:環遊列島,乘坐Zodiac快艇前往美麗的海灘,在火山岸邊皮划艇或站立划槳,在陸地或海底探索野生動植物;以及16天的探索加拉帕戈斯+馬丘比丘和秘魯印加之地行程,這也包括了數個日子的延長行程,探索秘魯文化和歷史以及傳奇的馬丘比丘遺址。在船上 lindblad expeditions-National Geographic 的兩個行程上都可以現在在線預訂或聯繫旅行顧問。國家地理號Gemini乘坐於 lindblad expeditions 上的客人,可在兩個標誌性的全年行程之間進行選擇探索加拉帕戈斯:環遊列島探索加拉帕戈斯+馬丘比丘和秘魯印加之地行程探索加拉帕戈斯+馬丘比丘和秘魯印加之地行程在 lindblad expeditions 上預訂這兩個行程現在都可在網上或通過旅行顧問進行預訂。國家地理號Gemini爲慶祝該輪船的開行季,lindblad expeditions-National Geographic 將爲乘坐於該船指定航班的客人提供前所未有的25%的野生探險優惠,另外每個兒童還可享受額外1000美元的優惠。國家地理號Gemini爲慶祝該輪船的開行季,lindblad expeditions-National Geographic 將爲乘坐於該船指定航班的客人提供前所未有的25%的野生探險優惠,另外每個兒童還可享受額外1000美元的優惠。爲慶祝該輪船的開行季,lindblad expeditions-National Geographic 將爲乘坐於該船指定航班的客人提供前所未有的25%的野生探險優惠,另外每個兒童還可享受額外1000美元的優惠。

From the food and beverage program meticulously crafted in partnership with Ecuadorian chefs to highlight the four regions of Ecuador with locally sourced and regionally farmed high-quality ingredients, to artwork and decor created by local artists and artisans, future National Geographic Delfina and National Geographic Gemini guests will be immersed in the beauty and wonder of Ecuador both on and off the ships.


To learn more about Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic's offerings in the Galápagos, visit . Information about Lindblad Expeditions' growing fleet of 19 owned, leased and chartered expedition vessels can be found at .

要了解更多有關 Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic 在加拉帕戈斯的內容,請訪問 Lindblad Expeditions擁有19艘自有、租賃和包租的探險船隊,詳細信息請參閱.

About Lindblad Expeditions:
Lindblad Expeditions reveals the beauty and wonder of the world by leading high quality, authentic and immersive travel to the world's most remarkable and wild places. In collaboration with National Geographic Expeditions, Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic is a co-brand that offers expeditions in 120+ destinations across all seven continents for curious and discerning travelers seeking to experience the world from a new perspective.

關於 Lindblad Expeditions:
Lindblad Expeditions 發掘出世界上最爲傑出和野生的地方,通過領先的高品質、真實和身臨其境的旅遊爲好奇而挑剔的旅行者提供服務。與國家地理探險合作的 Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic 是一個共同品牌,爲富有好奇心和有眼光的旅行者提供涵蓋七大洲120多個目的地的探險旅程。

For reservations or additional information on voyages to some of the most beautiful, remote, and fascinating places on Earth, visit , call (855) 734-3271 to speak to an Expedition Specialist, or contact a travel advisor. Connect with Lindblad Expeditions on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.

欲預訂或獲取更多信息關於探險世界上最美麗、偏遠、迷人的地方,請訪問網站,撥打(855) 734-3271與探險專家交流或聯繫旅行顧問。在Facebook、Instagram、YouTube和Pinterest上關注lindblad expeditions。

About National Geographic Expeditions:
For more than 135 years, National Geographic Explorers have ventured across continents and into remote cultures, down to the oceans' depths and up the highest mountains to further their understanding of the world. National Geographic Expeditions builds upon this legacy, inviting travelers to embrace their inner explorer and encounter the wonders of the world firsthand — up close and in depth — and be inspired by the experience. With many ways to explore the world via Signature Land, Expedition Cruise, River Cruise, or Private Jet, National Geographic Expeditions gives travelers unparalleled access to the world through the eyes of knowledgeable Experts. Additionally, traveling with National Geographic Expeditions helps further the work of the global community of National Geographic Explorers around the world. Through every trip booked, travelers support the National Geographic Society's researchers and Explorers who work to preserve, protect, and advance our understanding of the planet.


Media Contact:
Bradley Norman, Lindblad Expeditions: [email protected]

Bradley Norman,lindblad expeditions:[email protected]

SOURCE Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc.

資料來源: Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc。

