
Delta Community Opens Application Period for 2025 Philanthropic Fund Program

Delta Community Opens Application Period for 2025 Philanthropic Fund Program

PR Newswire ·  07/01 22:01

Credit Union to Award $150,000 to 20 Local Nonprofit Organizations


ATLANTA, July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Delta Community Credit Union is now accepting grant applications for its 2025 Philanthropic Fund program. For the 12th year, the annual grant program will provide financial support to organizations that share Delta Community's commitment to helping families manage their finances more effectively; improving the physical and financial well-being of young people; or enhancing educational and career opportunities for teens and adults. As Georgia's largest credit union with more than $8.5 billion in assets, Delta Community looks forward to distributing a total of $150,000 to 20 nonprofit organizations throughout 2025.

2024年7月1日,亞特蘭大 /新華社/-- Delta Community Credit Union現正接受2025年慈善基金計劃的申請。作爲年度經濟援助計劃的第12個年頭,該基金計劃將爲致力於幫助家庭更有效地管理財務,改善年輕人的身體和財務福祉,或增強青少年和成年人的教育和職業機會的組織提供財務支援。作爲佐治亞州最大的信用聯盟之一,擁有超過85億美元的資產,Delta Community期待在2025年向20個非營利組織共發放15萬美元。

"It is our privilege to support and invest in programs that positively impact the lives of metro Atlanta families," said Hank Halter, Delta Community's CEO. "As a not-for-profit financial cooperative, we operate under the ideal of good corporate citizenship and strive to strengthen the communities where our members live and work through our own direct efforts and by partnering with organizations that share our values and sense of responsibility."

Delta Community的首席執行官漢克·哈爾特說:"我們有幸支持和投資那些對亞特蘭大地區家庭產生積極影響的項目。"作爲一家非營利性金融合作社,Delta Community運營的理念是良好的企業公民,努力通過自身的直接努力和與分享價值觀和責任感的組織合作,加強會員所在和工作的社區。

The application window closes on Aug. 30, 2024, at 5 p.m. ET. Applications must be submitted via the online portal at .


Since launching its Philanthropic Fund program in 2013, Delta Community has invested nearly $1.2 million in more than 220 organizations that offer educational opportunities, job and career training, and medical and human services support to families and individuals in need. In addition, Delta Community invests in local communities through scholarships, school partnerships and support for chambers of commerce and civic organizations.

自2013年推出慈善基金項目以來,Delta Community已在220多個組織中投資近120萬美元,這些組織提供教育機會、工作和職業培訓以及醫療和人類服務支持,幫助需要協助的家庭和個人。此外,Delta Community還通過獎學金、學校合作以及支持商會和社區組織等投資到當地社區。

About Delta Community
Delta Community is a not-for-profit financial cooperative with a mission of providing better service and value on the products consumers use to manage household expenses and save for the future. Founded in 1940, Delta Community is Georgia's largest credit union with more than 500,000 members, 29 metro Atlanta branches and three out-of-state branch locations. It welcomes anyone living or working in metro Atlanta as well as employees of more than 140 businesses including Delta Air Lines, Chick-fil-A, RaceTrac and UPS. Visit to open an account or follow the Credit Union on Facebook at and X, formerly known as Twitter, at @DeltaCommunity.

關於Delta Community Delta Community是一家非營利性金融合作社,其使命是爲人們管理家庭開支併爲未來存款提供更好的服務和產品價值。Delta Community成立於1940年,是佐治亞州最大的信用合作社,擁有超過500,000名會員,29個亞特蘭大地區分行和三個州外分行。它歡迎住在或工作在亞特蘭大地區以及超過140家企業的員工成爲會員,包括Delta Air Lines, Chick-fil-A,RaceTrac和UPS。請訪問以開立帳户或關注信用聯盟的Facebook頁面,前Twitter頁面爲@DeltaCommunity。
Delta Community是一家非營利性金融合作社,其使命是提供更好的服務和價值,以管理家庭支出和爲未來儲蓄。Delta Community成立於1940年,是喬治亞州最大的信用合作社,擁有超過500,000名成員,在29個美羅亞特蘭大分行和三個外州分行設有機構。它歡迎在美羅亞特蘭大居住或工作的任何人,以及超過140家企業的員工,包括達美航空、Chick-fil-A、RaceTrac和UPS。訪問 ,開設帳户或在Facebook上關注Credit Union ,在Twitter上關注X,之前被稱爲Twitter,@DeltaCommunity。


資料來源:Delta Community Credit Union

