
Bitcoin Mining Stock Hut 8 Is Moving Higher Monday: What's Going On?

Bitcoin Mining Stock Hut 8 Is Moving Higher Monday: What's Going On?

比特幣礦業股票Hut 8週一上漲,發生了什麼?
Benzinga ·  07/01 20:54

Hut 8 Corp (NASDAQ:HUT) shares are trading higher Monday after the company announced the closing of a $150 million investment.

Hut 8 Corp(納斯達克:HUT)的股票週一因公司宣佈完成1.5億美元投資而上漲。

What Happened: Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) mining company Hut 8 said it closed its previously announced $150 million convertible note investment from a fund managed by Coatue Management.

發生了什麼:比特幣(加密貨幣:BTC)挖掘公司Hut 8表示,它從Coatue Management管理的一隻基金獲得了之前宣佈的1.5億美元可轉債投資。

Hut 8 shares may also be getting a lift on Monday from a rise in the price of bitcoin. Bitcoin was up 1.83% at $62,680 at the time of publication, according to Benzinga Pro.

基於Benzinga Pro的數據,隨着比特幣價格上漲1.83%至每枚62,680美元,Hut 8的股票價格也可能在週一上漲。

Hut 8 was recently selected to join the broad-market Russell 3000 Index at the conclusion of the 2024 Russell U.S. Indexes annual reconstitution. The reconstitution goes into effect on Monday.

在2024年羅素美國指數年度重製的結論上,Hut 8最近被選爲加入廣泛市場羅素3000指數。這項重組將於星期一生效。

Hut 8 is an energy infrastructure operator and bitcoin miner with self-mining, hosting, managed services and traditional data center operations across North America.

Hut 8是一家擁有自礦、託管、託管服務和傳統數據中心運營的能源基礎設施運營商和比特幣礦工。在北美擁有這些業務。

How To Buy HUT Stock


By now you're likely curious about how to participate in the market for Hut 8 – be it to purchase shares, or even attempt to bet against the company.

現在您可能對如何參與Hut 8市場感到好奇,無論是購買股票,還是甚至企圖反對該公司。

Buying shares is typically done through a brokerage account. You can find a list of possible trading platforms here. Many will allow you to buy 'fractional shares,' which allows you to own portions of stock without buying an entire share. In the case of Hut 8, which is trading at $14.99 as of publishing time, $100 would buy you 6.67 shares of stock.

購買股票通常是通過券商帳户完成的。您可以在此處找到可能的交易平台列表。許多平台都允許您購買“碎股”,這樣您就可以擁有部分股票而無需購買整個股票。在Hut 8的情況下,其股票價格爲每股14.99美元(發佈時),購買100美元將爲您購買6.67股股票。

If you're looking to bet against a company, the process is more complex. You'll need access to an options trading platform, or a broker who will allow you to 'go short' a share of stock by lending you the shares to sell. The process of shorting a stock can be found at this resource. Otherwise, if your broker allows you to trade options, you can either buy a put option, or sell a call option at a strike price above where shares are currently trading – either way it allows you to profit off of the share price decline.

如果您想押注股票下跌,流程就更爲複雜了。您需要訪問期權交易平台,或者找一家券商讓您通過借出股票進行“開空”操作(借股出售)。您可以在該資源中了解到賣空股票的過程。否則,如果您的券商允許您交易期權,您可以在當前股票交易價以上的執行價上購買看跌期權或者賣出看漲期權 - 無論哪種情況都可以讓您從股票價格下跌中獲利。

HUT Price Action: Hut 8 shares were up 3.14% at $15.46 at the time of publication, according to Benzinga Pro.

基於Benzinga Pro的數據,截至發佈時間,Hut 8股票價格上漲3.14%至15.46美元。

Photo: Miloslav Hamřík from Pixabay.

圖片來源:來自Pixabay的Miloslav Hamřík。

