
Roundhill Cannabis ETF (WEED) Waives Fees to 0.00%

Roundhill Cannabis ETF (WEED) Waives Fees to 0.00%

PR Newswire ·  07/01 20:30

WEED ETF will offer expense ratio of 0.00% through July 1, 2025

WEED ETF將在2025年7月1日之前提供0.00%的費用比率。

NEW YORK, July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Roundhill Investments, an ETF sponsor focused on innovative financial products, has announced a fee waiver for its Roundhill Cannabis ETF (Cboe: WEED). The WEED ETF, which offers targeted exposure to leading U.S. multi-state operators, will charge an all-in expense ratio of 0.00% until at least July 1, 2025.

2024年7月1日,紐約/ PRNewswire/——專注於創新金融產品的ETF贊助商Roundhill Investments宣佈,其Roundhill Cannabis ETF(Cboe:WEED)將豁免費用。WEED ETF提供針對領先美國多州運營商的定向曝光,至少在2025年7月1日之前將收取總費用比率。00%。

"While regulatory reform for the cannabis sector has been slower than anticipated, we believe that the upcoming reclassification to Schedule III can serve as a much needed catalyst for the space," said Dave Mazza, Chief Executive Officer at Roundhill Investments. "As part of introducing our fee waiver, we would encourage investors to consider WEED as a targeted vehicle to express a view on positive momentum in U.S. cannabis."

Roundhill Investments首席執行官戴夫·馬紮(Dave Mazza)表示:“雖然大麻行業的監管改革比預期的慢,但我們認爲,即將進行的第三級重新分類可以成爲該領域所需的催化劑。作爲推出我們的費用豁免的一部分,我們鼓勵投資者考慮將WEED作爲表達美國大麻正面勢頭看法的有針對性的工具。”

As detailed below, Roundhill will waive and limit the Fund's Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses to 0.00% until at least July 1, 2025. This change is effective as of July 1, 2024.


Fund Name


Current Net
Expense Ratio

New Net
Expense Ratio

Roundhill Cannabis


0.40 %

0.00 %









1 Net expenses reflect fees incurred by the Fund after waivers and reimbursements -- fee waivers for WEED are contractual and in
effect until at least July 1, 2025.

關於紅岸投資:成立於2018年,紅岸投資是一家註冊證券投資顧問,專注於創新交易所交易基金。 Roundhill的一攬子ETF提供了不同尋常的差異化風險暴露,包括主題股權,期權收入和交易工具。 Roundhill提供了深入的ETF知識和經驗, 團隊共計推出了100多隻ETF,包括多個首次上市產品。 欲了解更多公司信息,請訪問。

About Roundhill Investments:

投資者在投資之前應仔細考慮投資目標,風險,費用和開支。有關WEED Cannabis ETF的招股說明書或摘要招股說明書,請致電1-855-561-5728或訪問網站

Founded in 2018, Roundhill Investments is an SEC-registered investment advisor focused on innovative exchange-traded funds. Roundhill's suite of ETFs offers unique and differentiated exposures across thematic equity, options income, and trading vehicles. Roundhill offers a depth of ETF knowledge and experience, as the team has collectively launched more than 100+ ETFs including several first-to-market products. To learn more about the company, please visit

以上聲明和預測存在重大商業,經濟和競爭不確定性。因此,不能保證這些聲明,估計和預測將實現,並且對這些聲明和預測的準確性或完整性不作任何聲明。這些聲明和預測並不表明未來的投資績效。 ETF特徵和配置可能隨時更改。

Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. For a prospectus or summary prospectus with this and other information about the WEED Cannabis ETF please call 1-855-561-5728 or visit the website at . Read the prospectus or summary prospectus carefully before investing.


The statements and forecasts above are subject to significant business, economic, and competitive uncertainties. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that such statements, estimates and projections will be realized, and no representations are made as to the accuracy or completeness of such statements and forecasts. Such statements and forecasts are not indicative of future investment performance. ETF characteristics and allocations are subject to change at any time.


Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal.


Because the Fund is "non-diversified," it may invest a greater percentage of its assets in the securities of a single issuer or a lesser number of issuers than if it was a diversified fund. As a result, the Fund may be more exposed to the risks associated with and developments affecting an individual issuer or a lesser number of issuers than a fund that invests more widely. This may increase the Fund's volatility and cause the performance of a relatively small number of issuers to have a greater impact on the Fund's performance.


Companies involved in the cannabis industry face intense competition, may have limited access to the services of banks, may have substantial burdens on company resources due to litigation, complaints or enforcement actions, and are heavily dependent on receiving necessary permits and authorizations to engage in medical cannabis research or to otherwise cultivate, possess or distribute cannabis. Since the cultivation, possession, and distribution of cannabis can be illegal under United States federal law under certain circumstances, federally regulated banking institutions may be unwilling to make financial services available to growers and sellers of cannabis.


Cannabis-related companies are subject to various laws and regulations that may differ at the state/local and federal level. Laws and regulations related to the possession, use (medical or recreational), sale, transport and cultivation of marijuana vary throughout the world, and the Fund will only invest in non-U.S. Cannabis Companies if such companies are operating legally in the relevant jurisdiction. These laws and regulations may (i) significantly affect a cannabis-related company's ability to secure financing, (ii) impact the market for marijuana industry sales and services, and (iii) set limitations on marijuana use, production, transportation, and storage.


In addition, cannabis-related companies are subject to the risks associated with the greater agricultural industry, including changes to or trends that affect commodity prices, labor costs, weather conditions, and laws and regulations related to environmental protection, health and safety. Cannabis-related companies may also be subject to risks associated with the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. These risks include increased government regulation, the use and enforcement of intellectual property rights and patents, technological change and obsolescence, product liability lawsuits, and the risk that research and development may not necessarily lead to commercially successful products.


As an ETF, the fund may trade at a premium or discount to NAV. Shares of any ETF are bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and are not individually redeemed from the Fund. Due to the costs of buying or selling Shares, including brokerage commissions imposed by brokers and bid/ask spreads, frequent trading of Shares may significantly reduce investment results and an investment in Shares may not be advisable for investors who anticipate regularly making small investments.


The Fund is a recently organized investment company with no operating history. Please see the prospectus for details of these and other risks.


Fund is distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC.
Foreside Fund Services and Roundhill Investments are unaffiliated companies.

基金由Foreside Fund Services, LLC分銷。
Foreside Fund Services和Roundhill Investments是無關聯公司。

SOURCE Roundhill Investments

來源:Roundhill Investments

