
Dawn Health and Merck Are Collaborating to Support Growth Disorders Care

Dawn Health and Merck Are Collaborating to Support Growth Disorders Care

默沙東與Dawn Health合作,支持創業板障礙護理
PR Newswire ·  07/01 14:00

COPENHAGEN, Denmark, July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dawn Health, the digital health company pioneering patient-first innovation, has announced they are working with leading global pharmaceutical company, Merck, on a digital solution for Growth Hormone Disorders (GHD).

數字健康公司Dawn Health開創患者爲本的創新,其宣佈他們正在與全球領先的藥品企業Merck合作,提供“Growth Hormone Disorders”(GHD)數字化解決方案。默沙東在未來兩年內,雙方將聯手推出一款尖端的以用戶爲中心的數字平台,旨在幫助超過40個國家的數萬患者改善生活。“Growth Hormone Disorders”(GHD)

Over the next two years, they will join forces to deliver a cutting-edge, user-centric digital platform, designed to help improve the lives of tens of thousands of patients across more than 40 countries.


By harnessing the latest AI technologies, the collaboration will also involve exploring the integration of features such as growth predictions and advanced personalization into the digital product, with excitement about AI and its potential for impact on user experience, adoption, adherence, and treatment outcomes. The digital solution will provide support to children and young adults living with GHD, as well as providing tools and support to their caregivers, both at home and in a clinical setting.


With a shared commitment to improving patient lives, the collaboration will focus on patient-centricity to deliver an intuitive, engaging product that supports users and caregivers throughout their treatment journey. This means speaking with patients to truly understand their unmet needs and how the solution can best address these, as well as hearing from caregivers and healthcare professionals about how to best empower and support those living with GHD.


The collaboration is already off to a strong start, with workshops and inspiring discussions happening between the teams at Dawn Health and Merck, as they work together to deliver a cutting-edge platform on a global scale to improve the lives of people living with Growth Hormone Disorders.

該合作已經取得了良好的開端,Dawn Health和Merck的團隊之間已經舉行了研討會和啓發性討論,共同推出一款全球尖端平台,改善患有“Growth Hormone Disorders”(GHD)的人們的生活。

About Merck

關於Merck 在美國和加拿大以外被稱爲MSD的Merck,我們的使命是利用領先的科學力量,挽救和改善全球各地生命。超過130年來,我們通過開發重要的藥物和疫苗爲人類帶來希望。我們渴望成爲全球首屈一指的研究型生物製藥公司,並且今天我們處於通過研究交付創新的健康解決方案的研究前沿,以推進預防和治療人和動物的疾病。我們促進多元包容的全球勞動人口,每天以負責任的方式運作,爲所有人和社區創造一個安全、可持續和健康的未來。了解更多信息,請訪問網站並通過X (前Twitter)、Facebook、Instagram、YouTube和LinkedIn與我們聯繫。

Merck, a leading science and technology company, operates across life science, healthcare and electronics. Around 63,000 employees work to make a positive difference to millions of people's lives every day by creating more joyful and sustainable ways to live. From providing products and services that accelerate drug development and manufacturing as well as discovering unique ways to treat the most challenging diseases to enabling the intelligence of devices – the company is everywhere. In 2023, Merck generated sales of € 21 billion in 65 countries. Scientific exploration and responsible entrepreneurship have been key to Merck's technological and scientific advances. This is how Merck has thrived since its founding in 1668. The founding family remains the majority owner of the publicly listed company. Merck holds the global rights to the Merck name and brand. The only exceptions are the United States and Canada, where the business sectors of Merck operate as MilliporeSigma in life science, EMD Serono in healthcare, and EMD Electronics in electronics.

Merck是一家領先的科學技術公司,在生命科學,醫療保健和電子領域開展業務。約63,000名員工通過創造更加愉悅和可持續的生活方式來爲數百萬人的生活創造積極的差異和機會。該公司提供能夠加速藥物開發和生產以及發現治療最具挑戰性疾病的獨特方法,以及實現設備的智能化。在2023年中,Merck在65個國家實現了210億歐元的銷售額。科學探究和負責任的企業家精神一直是Merck技術和科學進步的關鍵。從1668年創立以來,Merck一直保持着穩健發展。創始家族仍然是該上市公司的大股東。Merck擁有Merck名稱和品牌的全球權利。唯一的例外是美國和加拿大,在那裏,Merck的業務部門作爲MilliporeSigma在生命科學中運營, 作爲EMD Serono在醫療保健領域中運營和作爲EMD Electronics在電子行業中運營。

All Merck press releases are distributed by e-mail at the same time they become available on the Merck website. Please go to to register online, change your selection or discontinue this service.


About Dawn Health

關於Dawn Health

Dawn Health is a global leader in digital health, specializing in the development of software as a medical device (SaMD) and digital therapeutics (DTx). Partnering with pharmaceutical companies, Dawn Health accelerates the launch of digital solutions to change the lives of people with chronic conditions.

Dawn Health是數字健康領域的全球領導者,專注於開發醫療設備軟件(SaMD)和數字治療(DTx)。與藥品公司合作,Dawn Health加速推出數字解決方案,改變患有慢性疾病的人們的生活。

Media Contacts


For questions about Merck
[email protected]

[email protected]

For questions about Dawn Health
Christopher Kold, +4541586088
[email protected]

關於Dawn Health的問題
Christopher Kold,電話號碼:+4541586088
[email protected]

