
Hut 8 Set to Join to Russell 3000 Index

Hut 8 Set to Join to Russell 3000 Index

Hut 8將加入Russell 3000指數
Hut 8 Mining ·  06/27 12:00

MIAMI, FL, June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Hut 8 Corp. (Nasdaq | TSX: HUT) ("Hut 8" or the "Company"), a leading, vertically integrated operator of large-scale energy infrastructure and one of North America's largest Bitcoin miners, is set to join the broad-market Russell 3000 Index at the conclusion of the 2024 Russell U.S. Indexes annual reconstitution, effective at the open of U.S. equity markets on Monday, July 1st, 2024, according to a preliminary list of additions posted June 21st, 2024.

Hut 8 Corp.(Nasdaq | TSX: HUT)("Hut 8"或"公司"),作爲領先的、垂直整合了規模龐大的能源基礎設施和北美最大的比特幣礦工之一的運營商,將加入Russell 3000 broad-market指數和Russell指數重組。根據5月24日星期五發布的新增預測列表,在2024年Russell美國指數年度重組結束時生效,於7月1日星期一美國股票市場開盤時生效。21世紀醫療改革法案2024年6月27日根據6月21日發佈的初步新增名單顯示。21世紀醫療改革法案

The annual Russell U.S. Indexes reconstitution captures the 4,000 largest U.S. stocks as of Tuesday, April 30th, 2024, ranking them by total market capitalization. Membership in the U.S. all-cap Russell 3000 Index, which remains in place for one year, means automatic inclusion in the large-cap Russell 1000 Index or small-cap Russell 2000 Index, as well as the appropriate growth and value style indexes. FTSE Russell determines membership for its Russell indexes primarily by objective, market-capitalization rankings, and style attributes.

Russell美國指數的年度重組捕捉截止到4月30日星期二的最大的4000家美國公司的股票,並按總市值對它們進行排名。 thU.S.全市場Russell 3000成員資格根據市值排名。U.S.全市場Russell 3000指數的成員資格將持續一年,這意味着自動包含在大型Russell 1000指數或小型Russell 2000指數以及適當的成長和價值風格指數中。 FTSE Russell主要根據客觀的市值排名和風格屬性來確定其Russell指數的成員資格。年度Russell US指數重組捕獲了截至4月30日星期二的美國最大的4,000只股票,並按總市值排名。成爲美國全市場Russell 3000指數或小型市值Russell 2000指數以及適當的成長和價值風格指數的成員。“成爲Russell 2000指數的一員證明了我和LifeMD同事的努力以及我們在向全國越來越多的患者提供負擔得起的初級護理、減肥和其他醫療服務方面取得的成功,” LifeMD的首席執行官Justin Schreiber說。

"Our inclusion in the Russell Indexes is another important milestone for Hut 8, as it will help enhance the Company's liquidity and visibility," said Asher Genoot, Chief Executive Officer of Hut 8. "We believe the impact of the inclusion, together with our recently announced and ongoing growth initiatives, will continue to drive us toward our north star of maximizing shareholder value."

“我們在Russell指數中的納入是Hut 8的又一個重要里程碑,將有助於增強公司的流動性和知名度,”Hut 8首席執行官阿謝爾·吉諾特說。“我們相信,這一決定的影響,再加上我們最近宣佈的和正在進行的業務增長計劃,將繼續推動我們朝着最大化股東價值的目標邁進。”

Russell indexes are widely used by investment managers and institutional investors for index funds and as benchmarks for active investment strategies. According to the data as of the end of December 2023, about $10.5 trillion in assets are benchmarked against the Russell U.S. indexes, which belong to FTSE Russell, a prominent global index provider.

FTSE Russell指數專業知識和產品在全球範圍內廣泛應用於機構和零售投資者。 超過30年來,領先的資產所有者、資產管理者、ETF提供商和投資銀行選擇使用FTSE Russell指數來基準其投資績效並創建ETF、結構性產品和基於指數的衍生品。

For more information on the Russell 3000 Index and the Russell indexes reconstitution, go to the 'Russell Reconstitution' section on the FTSE Russell website.

有關Russell 3000指數和Russell指數重組的更多信息,請訪問FTSE Russell網站上的“Russell Reconstitution”部分。有關Russell重組的更多信息,請訪問'Russell Reconstitution'欄目。FTSE Russell 網站.

About Hut 8

關於Hut 8

Hut 8 Corp. is an energy infrastructure operator and Bitcoin miner with self-mining, hosting, managed services, and traditional data center operations across North America. Headquartered in Miami, Florida, Hut 8 Corp. has a portfolio comprising nineteen sites: ten Bitcoin mining, hosting, and Managed Services sites in Alberta, New York, and Texas, five high performance computing data centers in British Columbia and Ontario, and four power generation assets in Ontario. For more information, visit and follow us on X (formerly known as Twitter) at @Hut8Corp.

Hut 8 Corp.是一家擁有北美自採、託管、管理服務和傳統數據中心運營的能源基礎設施運營商和比特幣礦工。總部位於佛羅里達州邁阿密市,Hut 8 Corp.擁有19個站點:位於阿爾伯塔、紐約和德克薩斯州的10個比特幣採礦、託管和管理服務站點、位於不列顛哥倫比亞和安大略省的5個高性能計算數據中心和位於安大略省的4個發電資產。更多信息請訪問,並在X(之前稱爲Twitter)上關注我們的@Hut8Corp。

About FTSE Russell

關於FTSE Russell

FTSE Russell is a leading global provider of benchmarking, analytics, and data solutions for investors, giving them a precise view of the market relevant to their investment process. A comprehensive range of reliable and accurate indexes provides investors worldwide with the tools they require to measure and benchmark markets across asset classes, styles, or strategies.

FTSE Russell是爲投資者提供基準、分析和數據解決方案的領先全球提供商,爲投資者提供與其投資過程相關聯的精確市場視圖。可靠且準確的指數全面涵蓋不同的資產類別、風格或策略,爲全球投資者提供測量和基準市場的工具。

FTSE Russell index expertise and products are used extensively by institutional and retail investors globally. For over 30 years, leading asset owners, asset managers, ETF providers and investment banks have chosen FTSE Russell indexes to benchmark their investment performance and create ETFs, structured products, and index-based derivatives.

FTSE Russell指數專業知識和產品在全球的機構投資者和零售投資者廣泛運用。30多年來,領先的資產所有者、資產管理人、ETF提供商和投資銀行選擇FTSE Russell指數作爲其投資表現的基準,並創造ETF、結構性產品和基於指數的衍生品。

FTSE Russell is focused on applying the highest industry standards in index design and governance, employing transparent rules-based methodology informed by independent committees of leading market participants. FTSE Russell fully embraces the IOSCO Principles, and its Statement of Compliance has received independent assurance. Index innovation is driven by client needs and customer partnerships, allowing FTSE Russell to continually enhance the breadth, depth and reach of its offering.

FTSE Russell專注於應用指數設計和治理領域的最高行業標準,採用透明的基於規則的方法,並由領先市場參與者的獨立委員會提供諮詢意見。FTSE Russell完全接受IOSCO原則,其遵從性聲明已經獲得獨立保證。指數創新是由客戶的需求和客戶的夥伴關係推動的,這使得FTSE Russell能夠不斷加強其提供的廣度、深度和覆蓋範圍。

FTSE Russell is wholly owned by London Stock Exchange Group.

FTSE Russell完全歸倫敦證券交易所集團所有。

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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward–Looking Information


This press release includes "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Canadian securities laws and United States securities laws, respectively (collectively, "forward-looking information"). All information, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that Hut 8 expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future, including such things as future business strategy, competitive strengths, goals, expansion and growth of the business, operations, plans and other such matters is forward-looking information. Forward-looking information is often identified by the words "may", "would", "could", "should", "will", "intend", "plan", "anticipate", "allow", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "predict", "can", "might", "potential", "predict", "is designed to", "likely" or similar expressions. Specifically, such forward-looking information included in this press release includes statements relating to the Company's enhanced liquidity and visibility, growth initiatives and focus on maximizing shareholder value.

本新聞稿包含“前瞻性信息”和“前瞻性陳述”,分別基於加拿大證券法和美國證券法(合稱“前瞻性信息”)。本新聞稿所包含的除歷史事實陳述外的所有內容均爲前瞻性信息,涉及到Hut 8預計或預測的未來活動、事件或發展,包括未來的業務策略、競爭優勢、目標、業務的擴展和增長、經營計劃和其他類似事宜。具體而言,本新聞稿中所包含的此類前瞻性信息包括公司增強流動性和知名度、增長計劃、以及集中力量最大化股東價值的策略。

Statements containing forward-looking information are not historical facts, but instead represent management's expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events based on certain material factors and assumptions at the time the statement was made. While considered reasonable by Hut 8 as of the date of this press release, such statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information, including but not limited to, security and cybersecurity threats and hacks; malicious actors or botnet obtaining control of processing power on the Bitcoin network; further development and acceptance of the Bitcoin network; changes to Bitcoin mining difficulty; loss or destruction of private keys; increases in fees for recording transactions in the Blockchain; erroneous transactions; reliance on a limited number of key employees; reliance on third party mining pool service providers; regulatory changes; classification and tax changes; momentum pricing risk; fraud and failure related to digital asset exchanges; difficulty in obtaining banking services and financing; difficulty in obtaining insurance, permits and licenses; internet and power disruptions; geopolitical events; uncertainty in the development of cryptographic and algorithmic protocols; uncertainty about the acceptance or widespread use of digital assets; failure to anticipate technology innovations; the COVID19 pandemic, climate change; currency risk; lending risk and recovery of potential losses; litigation risk; business integration risk; changes in market demand; changes in network and infrastructure; system interruption; changes in leasing arrangements; failure to achieve intended benefits of power purchase agreements; potential for interrupted delivery, or suspension of the delivery, of energy to mining sites and other risks related to the digital asset mining and data center business. For a complete list of the factors that could affect Hut 8, please see the "Risk Factors" section of Hut 8's Transition Report on Form 10-K, available under the Company's EDGAR profile at, and Hut 8's other continuous disclosure documents which are available under the Company's SEDAR+ profile at and EDGAR profile at

包含前瞻性信息的陳述並非歷史事實,而是代表管理層基於在陳述作出時某些實質因素和假設的基礎上對未來事件的期望、估計和投射。雖然Hut 8在本新聞稿發佈日認爲這些陳述是合理的,但其受到已知和未知的風險、不確定性、假設和其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致實際結果、活動水平、表現或成就與此類前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的實際結果、活動水平、表現或成就有實質不同,包括但不限於安全和網絡安全威脅和入侵;惡意行爲者或殭屍網絡佔用了比特幣網絡上的處理能力;比特幣網絡的進一步發展和接受程度;比特幣挖掘難度的變化;私鑰的丟失或破壞;在Blockchain上記錄交易的費用增加;錯誤交易;對少數關鍵員工的依賴;對第三方挖掘池服務提供商的依賴;監管變化;分類和稅收變化;動量定價風險;數字資產交易所的欺詐和故障;獲取銀行服務和融資的困難;獲取保險、許可證和許可證的困難;互聯網和電力中斷;地緣政治事件;加密和算法協議發展方面的不確定性;數字資產的接受或廣泛使用的不確定性;未能預見技術創新;COVID19大流行病、氣候變化;貨幣風險;貸款風險和潛在損失的回收;訴訟風險;業務整合風險;市場需求變化;網絡和基礎設施變化;系統中斷;租賃安排變化;未能實現購電協議的預期收益;潛在的能源供應中斷或暫停以及與數字資產挖掘和數據中心業務相關的其他風險。有關可能影響Hut 8的因素的完整列表,請參閱Hut 8的Transition Report on Form 10-K的"Risk Factors"欄,該報告可在公司的EDGAR資料庫WWW.SEC.GOV與公司的SEDAR+資料庫WWW.SEDARPLUS.CA以及WWW.SEC.GOV下獲取。

Hut 8 Corp. Investor Relations

Hut 8 Corp.投資者關係

Sue Ennis


Hut 8 Corp. Media Relations

Hut 8 Corp.媒體關係

Eóin Fay

Eóin Fay

