
Hims & Hers Health Stock Is Sliding Thursday: What's Going On?

Hims & Hers Health Stock Is Sliding Thursday: What's Going On?

週四,Hims & Hers Health股票下跌:發生了什麼?
Benzinga ·  06/28 00:01

Hims & Hers Health, Inc (NYSE:HIMS) shares are trading lower Thursday after Hunterbrook issued a short report on the stock.

Hunterbrook發佈了一份有關Hims & Hers Health, Inc. (NYSE:HIMS)股票的看淡報告後,股票價格有所下跌。

What Happened: Hunterbrook released a bearish report on Thursday, alleging Hims & Hers sells knockoff GLP-1 weight loss drugs and relies on a single supplier with previously unreported ties to fraud and bankruptcy.

事件經過:Hunterbrook於週四發佈了一份看淡報告,聲稱Hims & Hers銷售冒牌GLP-1減肥藥,並依賴於單一供應商,該供應商曾與欺詐和破產有先前未披露的聯繫。

Benzinga reached out to Hims & Hers Health for comment on the report and received a response from a spokesperson highlighting a post on the company's commitment to customer safety and another post on how the company is delivering safe access to GLP-1 injections.

Benzinga向Hims & Hers Health發出了有關報告的評論請求,並收到一位發言人的回覆,強調了公司致力於客戶安全的帖子,以及有關公司如何提供GLP-1注射劑的安全訪問的帖子。

Hunterbrook alleged that Hims sells injections that are not FDA approved like other big pharma options out there such as Novo Nordisk's (NYSE:NVO) Ozempic and Wegovy. Hunterbrook said the company is able to sell the products through a loophole that allows facilities to sell their own versions of patented drugs during shortages.

Hunterbrook聲稱,Hims銷售的注射劑與Novo Nordisk(NYSE:NVO)的Ozempic和Wegovy等其他大型製藥公司的期權一樣,沒有FDA批准。Hunterbrook表示,公司通過允許設施在藥品短缺期間銷售其自己的專利藥的漏洞來銷售這些產品。

Hunterbrook also alleges Hims has partnered with BPI Labs LLC, which it says has a history of FDA scrutiny over potential fraud at the executive level. Hunterbrook noted that one of its media reporters qualified as being eligible for GLP-1 drugs after completing a 4-minute survey with Hims.

Hunterbrook還聲稱Hims已與BPI Labs LLC合作,後者在高管水平上存在潛在欺詐的FDA審查歷史。Hunterbrook指出,其一名媒體記者在完成與Hims的4分鐘調查後,有資格獲得GLP-1藥物。

The report suggests that Hims could face legal troubles if its "knockoffs" prove to be unsafe or ineffective. Hunterbrook claims a FDA legal expert told its media arm that Hims may have opened itself up to liability with its compounding business.


Hunterbrook operates under two different arms: Hunterbrook Media and Hunterbrook Capital. The former operates as a media outlet publishing investigative and global reporting. The latter arm is a hedge fund, betting on or against some of the stocks on which it reports. Hunterbrook has announced that it has a short position in Hims & Hers Health stock.

Hunterbrook有兩個不同的部門:Hunterbrook Media和Hunterbrook Capital。前者作爲媒體機構發佈調查和全球報道。後一個部門則是一個對其中一些報道的股票投機資本。Hunterbrook宣佈在Hims & Hers Health的股票上擁有空頭頭寸。

HIMS Price Action: Hims & Hers Health shares were down 9.9% at $19.41 at the time of publication, according to Benzinga Pro.

Hims & Hers Health的股票價格爲19.41美元,較發稿時下降了9.9%,根據Benzinga Pro的信息。

Photo: Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.

圖片:來自Pixabay的Mohamed Hassan。

