
Comcast Announces 2024 Impact Report

Comcast Announces 2024 Impact Report

Accesswire ·  06/27 20:45

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 27, 2024 / Comcast Corporation:

康卡斯特公司 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年6月27日 / 馬薩諸塞州諾瑟姆普頓:

Comcast released its 2024 Impact Report highlighting impact stories, along with diversity and environmental data, to illustrate how the company is helping to create a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable world.


As we mark Comcast's 60th anniversary, our commitment to making change has never been stronger. We've accelerated our efforts to close the digital divide through Project UP, our $1 billion commitment to increasing digital equity, by continuing to support local and national nonprofits that provide digital-skills training and career development opportunities. We've also continued our focus on creating a more sustainable world through energy efficient initiatives aimed at reducing our carbon footprint.

在標誌着康卡斯特60週年的時刻,我們致力於推動變革的承諾從未如此強烈。我們通過Project UP加速了我們關閉數字鴻溝的努力,這是我們10億美元的承諾,旨在通過繼續支持提供數字技能培訓和職業發展機會的本地和國家非營利組織來實現。我們還繼續專注於通過旨在減少我們的碳足跡的節能計劃來創建一個更加可持續的世界。

The report highlights the progress we've made companywide in 2023 and early 2024, including:


  • Awarding more than $25 million across hundreds of community organizations nationwide to support digital skills programs and partnerships.
  • Expanding our network of Digital Navigators, trusted community members who help people gain digital skills, with $13.6 million in grants for connectivity and adoption for 250+ organizations.
  • Helping thousands of young people gain essential skills in media literacy and storytelling through Sky Up Academy and NBCU Academy.
  • Supporting the growth of 13,500 underrepresented small businesses through $125 million in monetary grants, technology, and marketing resources through Comcast RISE.
  • Piloting American Sign Language (ASL) in our Greater Philadelphia Xfinity retail stores to create a more inclusive retail experience.
  • Making progress on our goal to double the energy efficiency of our network by 2030 - reducing the electricity it takes to deliver each byte of data by 40% since 2019.
  • Launching the GreenerLight Program, which incorporates sustainability throughout the filmmaking process from script to screen.
  • Promoting volunteerism through Team UP, our employee-engagement program, with over 25,000 employee volunteers and over 220,000 hours volunteered.
  • Continuing toward our carbon neutral goal, reducing emissions by over 30% since 2019.
  • 向全國數百個社區組織提供超過2500萬美元的獎勵,以支持數字技能項目和合作夥伴關係。
  • 通過爲250多個組織提供13.6萬美元的連通性和採納度的津貼,擴大我們的數字導航員網絡,這些網絡是值得信任的社區成員,他們幫助人們獲得數字技能。
  • 通過Sky Up Academy和NBCU Academy幫助數千名年輕人獲得媒體素養和講故事的重要技能。
  • 通過康卡斯特RISE向13500家代表地位較低的小型企業提供1.25億美元的貨幣獎勵、技術和市場營銷資源,促進其增長。
  • 在我們大費城Xfinity零售店試行美式手語(ASL),以創造更具包容性的零售體驗。
  • 向2030年翻倍增加網絡的能源效率的目標取得了進展,自2019年以來降低了40%,以傳送每個字節的電量。
  • 推出GreenerLight計劃,從劇本到屏幕整個電影製作過程中均融入可持續性。
  • 通過我們的員工參與計劃Team UP,推廣志願服務,超過25000名員工策劃並超過220000小時的志願服務。
  • 繼續朝着碳中和的目標邁進,自2019年以來減少了30%的排放量。

Comcast is grateful for its passionate employees and partners and looks forward to continued collaboration to help build a future of unlimited possibilities


Check out Comcast's 2024 Impact Report.


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Spokesperson: Comcast Corporation


SOURCE: Comcast Corporation


