
Kootenay Adds Drill at Columba High-Grade Silver Project.

Kootenay Adds Drill at Columba High-Grade Silver Project.

PR Newswire ·  06/27 19:30

VANCOUVER, BC, June 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Kootenay Silver Inc. (TSXV: KTN) (the "Company" or "Kootenay") is pleased to announce coring is underway with a second drill working at the Columba Project, Chihuahua state, Mexico.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024 年 6 月 27 日 /PRNewswire/- 庫特尼銀業公司 (TSXV: KTN) (“公司” 或 “Kootenay”) 很高興地宣佈,正在進行取芯工作,第二臺鑽機正在墨西哥奇瓦瓦州的Columba項目中進行。

Current work is focused on extending known limits of "D-Vein" and the second drill is positioned to complement this goal by testing the southeastern extensions of "B-Vein" and "B2-Vein". The second drill will work southeastward along the B-Vein trend toward a priority target zone where surface mapping indicates "D -Vein" and the "B-Vein" trends intersect.

目前的工作重點是擴大 “D-Vein” 的已知極限,第二次鑽探旨在通過測試 “B-Vein” 和 “B2-Vein” 的東南延伸部分來補充這一目標。第二次鑽探將沿着B-Vein趨勢向東南方向進行,朝着優先目標區域進行,在該區域的地表測繪顯示 “D-Vein” 和 “B-Vein” 趨勢相交。

The B-Vein trend lies along southeastern extension of the "F-Vein" and contains well mineralized veins as evidenced by previous intercepts. Drillhole CDH-20-0821 intercepted 4.6 meters averaging 1,186 gpt Ag from 184.5 meters downhole and a follow up hole, CDH-21-1122 encountered 2.0 meters core length averaging 1,050 gpt Ag from 212 meters downhole. True widths for both intercepts are estimated at 60-75% of core length. No drilling has been undertaken on B-Vein since 2022

B-Vein走向位於 “F-Vein” 的東南延伸處,並且含有礦化良好的礦脈,以前的截距就證明了這一點。鑽孔 CDH-20-0821 從井下 184.5 米處截獲平均爲 1,186 gpt Ag 的 4.6 米,還有一個後續鑽孔,CDH-21-1122 在井下 212 米處遇到 2.0 米的岩心長度平均爲 1,050 gpt Ag。兩個截距的真實寬度估計爲核心長度的60-75%。自2022年以來,沒有在B-Vein上進行過任何鑽探

The current drilling program is designed to find the strike extent of D-Vein mineralization in preparation of infill drilling and a now fully funded follow up program of 20,000 meters, aimed to delineate a maiden resource expected in late 2024. The second drill will assist this goal initially before moving on to perform test extensions of other known vein intercepts and also initial tests of promising but as yet undrilled targets.


Kootenay's President & CEO, James McDonald states, "We have completed over 30,000 meters of drilling at Columba and are extremely excited to see the project growing in size. We continue to step along D-Vein as a priority, this structure with its high grade and broad mineralized stockwork halo has the potential to contain a significant resource. We are also eager to test our many undrilled targets. The erosion profile at many of these veins has not exposed the top of the mineralized horizon, we need to drill down to the optimal elevation to really see what these structures hold."

庫特尼總裁兼首席執行官詹姆斯·麥克唐納表示, “我們已經在Columba完成了超過30,000米的鑽探,看到該項目的規模不斷擴大,我們感到非常興奮。我們將繼續將D-Vein作爲優先事項,這種具有高品位和寬礦化儲量光環的結構有可能包含大量資源。我們也渴望測試我們許多未鑽探的目標。其中許多礦脈的侵蝕剖面尚未暴露出礦化地平線的頂部,我們需要向下鑽探至最佳海拔,才能真正了解這些結構的含量。”

Drill results are compiled and released as batches, drill highlights, maps and sections from the project are tabulated on the Company's website at the links below


Click to view the drill plan, long section, and cross sections.


The company has completed over 30,000+ meters of diamond drilling in 153 holes at Columba since 2019 and intercepted numerous veins with high silver grades and widths indicating excellent resource potential. Prospective veins on the project are hosted within a volcanic caldera setting, the surface extent of mapped veins measuring roughly 4 kilometres by 3 kilometres. Management believes that Columba may be a newly recognized vein district that is nearly entirely preserved from erosion.

自 2019 年以來,該公司已在 Columba 的 153 個孔中完成了超過 30,000 米的鑽石鑽探,並截獲了許多銀品位高、寬度高的礦脈,顯示出極好的資源潛力。該項目的潛在礦脈位於火山口環境中,測繪岩脈的表面範圍約爲4千米乘3千米。管理層認爲,哥倫巴可能是一個新認可的礦脈區域,幾乎完全不受侵蝕。

A comprehensive list of drill results completed on the Columba Property since 2019 may be viewed here: Columba Drill Results.


Sampling and QA/QC at Columba

Columba 的採樣和質量保證/質量控制

All technical information for the Columba exploration program is obtained and reported under a formal quality assurance and quality control ("QA/QC") program. Samples are taken from core cut in half with a diamond saw under the direction of qualified geologists and engineers. Samples are then labeled, placed in plastic bags, sealed and with interval and sample numbers recorded. Samples are delivered by the Company to ALS Minerals ("ALS") in Chihuahua. The Company inserts blanks, standards and duplicates at regular intervals as follows. On average a blank is inserted every 100 samples beginning at the start of sampling and again when leaving the mineral zone. Standards are inserted when entering the potential mineralized zone and in the middle of them, on average one in every 25 samples is a standard. Duplicates are taken in the mineralized intervals at an average 2 duplicates for each hole.

Columba勘探計劃的所有技術信息都是在正式的質量保證和質量控制(“QA/QC”)計劃下獲得和報告的。樣品是在合格的地質學家和工程師的指導下,用金剛石鋸將巖芯切成兩半。然後將樣品貼上標籤,放入塑料袋中,密封,並記錄間隔和樣本數量。樣品由公司運送到位於奇瓦瓦州的ALS Minerals(“ALS”)。公司定期插入空白、標準和副本,如下所示。平均而言,從採樣開始開始,每100個樣本就會插入一個空白,離開礦區時再次插入空白。進入潛在礦化區時會插入標準,在礦化區中間,平均每25個樣本中就有一個是標準。在礦化間隔中採集副本,每個孔平均重複2次。

The samples are dried, crushed and pulverized with the pulps being sent airfreight for analysis by ALS in Vancouver, B.C. Systematic assaying of standards, blanks and duplicates is performed for precision and accuracy. Analysis for silver, zinc, lead and copper and related trace elements was done by ICP four acid digestion, with gold analysis by 30-gram fire assay with an AA finish. All drilling reported is HQ core and was completed by Globextools, S.A. de C.V. of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Qualified Persons


The Kootenay technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 (Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects) and reviewed and approved on behalf of Kootenay by Mr. Dale Brittliffe, BSc. P. Geol., Vice President, Exploration of Kootenay Silver, is the Company's nominated Qualified Person pursuant to National Instrument 43-101, Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed the scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release. Mr. Brittliffe is not independent of Kootenay Silver.

本新聞稿中的庫特尼技術信息是根據國家儀器43-101(礦業項目披露標準)中規定的加拿大監管要求編制的,並由理學士學位戴爾·布里特利夫先生代表庫特尼審查和批准。庫特尼白銀勘探副總裁P. Geol. 是公司根據National Instrument 43-101《礦業項目披露標準》提名的合格人士,他審查了本新聞稿中披露的科學和技術信息。Brittliffe 先生並不獨立於 Kootenay Silver。

About Kootenay Silver Inc.

關於 Kootenay Silver Inc.

Kootenay Silver Inc. is an exploration company actively engaged in the discovery and development of mineral projects in the Sierra Madre Region of Mexico. Supported by one of the largest junior portfolios of silver assets in Mexico, Kootenay continues to provide its shareholders with significant leverage to silver prices. The Company remains focused on the expansion of its current silver resources, new discoveries and the near-term economic development of its priority silver projects located in prolific mining districts in Sonora, State and Chihuahua, State, Mexico, respectively.

Kootenay Silver Inc. 是一家勘探公司,積極參與墨西哥馬德雷山脈地區礦產項目的發現和開發。在墨西哥最大的初級白銀資產投資組合之一的支持下,庫特尼繼續爲其股東提供顯著的白銀價格槓桿作用。該公司仍然專注於擴大其當前的白銀資源、新發現以及分別位於墨西哥州索諾拉州和奇瓦瓦州奇瓦瓦州多產礦區的優先白銀項目的近期經濟發展。



The information in this news release has been prepared as at June 26, 2024. Certain statements in this news release, referred to herein as "forward-looking statements", constitute "forward-looking statements" under the provisions of Canadian provincial securities laws. These statements can be identified by the use of words such as "expected", "may", "will" or similar terms.

本新聞稿中的信息是截至2024年6月26日準備的。根據加拿大省級證券法的規定,本新聞稿中的某些陳述(以下稱爲 “前瞻性陳述”)構成 “前瞻性陳述”。這些陳述可以通過使用 “預期”、“可能”、“將” 或類似術語等詞語來識別。

Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of factors and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Kootenay as of the date of such statements, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. Many factors, known and unknown, could cause actual results to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. Except as otherwise required by law, Kootenay expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any such statements to reflect any change in Kootenay's expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based.


Cautionary Note to US Investors: This news release includes Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources classification terms that comply with reporting standards in Canada and the Mineral Reserves and the Mineral Resources estimates are made in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"). NI 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators that establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects. These standards differ significantly from the requirements adopted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). The SEC sets rules that are applicable to domestic United States reporting companies. Consequently, Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources information included in this news release is not comparable to similar information that would generally be disclosed by domestic U.S. reporting companies subject to the reporting and disclosure requirements of the SEC. Accordingly, information concerning mineral deposits set forth herein may not be comparable with information made public by companies that report in accordance with U.S. standards.

致美國投資者的警告: 本新聞稿包括符合加拿大報告標準的礦產儲量和礦產資源分類術語,礦產儲量和礦產資源估算是根據國家儀器43-101——礦產項目披露標準進行的(”在 43-101“)。NI 43-101是由加拿大證券管理局制定的一項規則,爲發行人公開披露與礦業項目有關的科學和技術信息制定了標準。這些標準與美國證券交易委員會採用的要求有很大不同(”“)。美國證券交易委員會制定了適用於美國國內申報公司的規則。因此,本新聞稿中包含的礦產儲量和礦產資源信息無法與受美國證券交易委員會報告和披露要求約束的美國國內申報公司通常披露的類似信息相提並論。因此,此處列出的有關礦牀的信息可能無法與根據美國標準進行報告的公司公開的信息進行比較。

1 Previously released January 20, 2021. Drilled width with estimated true width previously estimated at 70% of drilled.
2 Previously released December 16, 2021. Drilled width with estimated true width previously estimated at 55% to 70% of drilled.

1 此前已於 2021 年 1 月 20 日發佈。鑽孔寬度,先前估計的真實寬度爲鑽孔寬度的 70%。
2 此前已於 2021 年 12 月 16 日發佈。鑽孔寬度,先前估計的真實寬度爲鑽孔寬度的55%至70%。

SOURCE Kootenay Silver Inc.

來源 Kootenay Silver Inc.

