
Almadex Announces Corporate Update

Almadex Announces Corporate Update

GlobeNewswire ·  06/27 19:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Almadex Minerals Ltd. ("Almadex" or the "Company") (TSX-V: "DEX") is pleased to provide an update on its involvement in the international arbitration proceedings against the United Mexican States ("Mexico") under the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership ("CPTPP") discussed in our press releases of December 14, 2023, March 14, 2024, and June 17, 2024. The Company has recently signed with Almaden Minerals Ltd. ("Almaden") agreements which will strengthen and streamline the corporate management of the arbitration process.

卑詩省溫哥華,2024年6月27日(環球新聞社) — Almadex Minerals Ltd.(“ Almadex”或“公司”)(TSX-V:“DEX”)很高興地提供有關其參與《跨太平洋夥伴關係全面進步協定》(“ CPTPP”)下對墨西哥合夥國(“墨西哥”)的國際仲裁程序的更新,該協議已在2023年12月14日,2024年3月14日和2024年6月17日發表的新聞稿中進行了討論。該公司最近與Almaden Minerals Ltd.(“ Almaden”)簽署了協議,以加強和簡化仲裁過程的公司管理。

Litigation Management Agreement


The Company and its Mexican subsidiary have agreed with Almaden and its Mexican subsidiary to streamline the management of the arbitration proceedings by entering into a Litigation Management Agreement ("LMA"). Under the LMA, Almaden will bear the up-front costs of the arbitration and provide overall direction to the arbitration process for itself and its subsidiaries, as well as Almadex and its subsidiaries, with certain limitations. Almadex will remain a party to the arbitration and continue in its cooperation and support of the process. In its press release of today, Almaden announced that it has secured litigation funding in the amount anticipated to be needed to fully prosecute the arbitration proceedings.

該公司及其墨西哥子公司已與Almaden及其墨西哥子公司達成協議,通過簽訂訴訟管理協議(“ LMA”)簡化仲裁程序的管理。根據LMA,Almaden將負擔仲裁的前期費用,併爲其自己及其子公司以及Almadex及其子公司提供整體指導,但有一定限制條件。Almadex將繼續參與仲裁併繼續支持該過程。在今天的新聞發佈中,Almaden宣佈已獲得所需的訴訟資金。

Should the arbitration proceedings result in an award of damages, the pro rata portion of those damages, if any, which may be attributable to Almadex from the 2.0% NSR royalty it held on the Ixtaca project will be determined. Almadex's award will consist of this pro rata portion, less the Company's pro rata share of the costs of pursuing the legal claims, including the financing costs (the "Almadex Award"). Almadex will compensate Almaden in the amount of 10% of the Almadex Award in exchange for Almaden managing the claim proceedings.

如果仲裁程序有賠償,那麼可以歸因於Almadex持有Ixtaca項目2.0%NSR(淨銷售款)的部分,將被確定。Almadex的獎勵將包含該部分,扣除公司追趕法律索賠的成本,包括融資成本(“ Almadex獎勵”)。 Almadex將支付Almaden Almadex獎勵的10%作爲管理索賠程序的補償。按比例這些損失中可以歸因於Almaden從其對Ixtaca項目持有的2.0% NSR權利中確定的部分。 Almadex的獎勵將由此部分減去其追究法律索賠(包括融資成本)的費用以及其他費用的份額組成。Almadex將支付Almaden與索賠程序相關的10%金額作爲補償。按比例除公司份額外,公司將不再承擔追索法律權利費用的費用,包括融資費用(“Almadex獎項”)。爲了讓Almaden管理索賠程序,Almadex將以Almadex獎項的10%向Almaden提供補償。按比例成本,不能包括公司尋求法律追索的費用,包括融資成本(“Almadex獎項”)。爲管理索賠程序,Almadex將支付Almaden Almadex獎項總額的10%。

Gold Loan Amendment


Almadex also reports that it has agreed with Almaden to extend the maturity of the gold loan (see press release of May 14, 2019) from March 31, 2026 to the earlier of March 31, 2030 or the receipt by Almaden or its subsidiary of any amount relating to its legal claims against Mexico.

Almadex還報告稱,它已同意與Almaden延長黃金貸款(請參閱2019年5月14日的新聞發佈)的到期日,從2026年3月31日延長至2026年3月31日或Almaden 或其子公司收到任何與其針對墨西哥提出的法律索賠相關的金額之前。

In return for this amendment, in addition to its obligation to repay the gold loan, Almaden has agreed to pay the Company 2.0% of the gross amount of any damages that it may be awarded from the legal claims, such repayment to be subordinate to amounts due under Almaden's litigation funding agreement, and any additional legal and management fees.


J. Duane Poliquin, Chairman of Almadex commented, "These agreements provide us with exposure to an award that may be forthcoming from the legal claims, without the requirement to contribute any money going forward, and thus are similar to the royalty that we used to hold on the Ixtaca project."

Almadex董事長J. Duane Poliquin評論道:“這些協議爲我們提供了與即將出現的賠償金相同的獎勵,而無需貢獻任何資金,並且類似於我們在Ixtaca項目上持有的特許權。

About Almadex

Almadex Minerals擁有大量位於尼亞加拉瀑布以北和南部,以及墨西哥的項目和NSR皇室金。該公司的這個組合是由Almadex的管理團隊多年的勘查和交易而得到的。

Almadex Minerals Ltd. is an exploration company that holds a large mineral portfolio consisting of projects and NSR royalties in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. This portfolio is the direct result of many years of prospecting and deal-making by Almadex's management team. The Company owns several portable diamond drill rigs, enabling it to conduct cost effective first pass exploration drilling in house.


On behalf of the Board of Directors,


"J. Duane Poliquin"

"J. Duane Poliquin"

J. Duane Poliquin, Chairman
Almadex Minerals Ltd.

J. Duane Poliquin,主席,Almadex Minerals Ltd.
Almadex Minerals Ltd.

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TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策所定義的)均不承擔本新聞發佈的充分性或準確性的責任。

This news release includes forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within it, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward looking. Forward-looking statements in this news release include, among other things, the total potential cost of the legal claims and the sufficiency of the money available under the LFA to cover these costs, the ability of the LMA to streamline corporate management of the legal claims, the ability of Almaden to repay the gold loan, the receipt by Almadex of an Almadex Award or any compensation for extending the Gold Loan, and the result and damages arising from the Company's request for arbitration. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include exploitation and exploration successes, permitting, continued availability of capital and financing, equipment availability, stability and predictability in Mexico's response to the arbitration process under the CPTPP; stability and predictability in the application of the CPTPP and arbitral decisions thereon; the ability to finance the arbitration process, and continued respect for the rule of law in Mexico and general economic, market or business conditions. The foregoing list of assumptions is not exhaustive. There can be no assurances that forward-looking statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. The Company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, other than as required pursuant to applicable securities laws.


Contact Information:
Almadex Minerals Ltd.
Tel. 604.689.7644

Almadex Minerals Ltd.

