
Hertz Energy Plans "Spin Out" of Uranium Assets to Independent Stand-Alone Company

Hertz Energy Plans "Spin Out" of Uranium Assets to Independent Stand-Alone Company

newsfile ·  06/27 13:47

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 27, 2024) - Hertz Energy Inc. (CSE: HZ) ("Hertz Energy" or the "Company"). Further to the Company news release of June 4, 2024, Hertz Energy is pleased to announce that after a review by the Company along with its board and advisors, it has made the decision to pursue a reorganization of its Cominco Uranium Project in Nunavut, Canada and its Namibian Uranium Exclusive Prospecting License Applications (the "Uranium Assets") into a stand-alone entity to be named Hertz Uranium (the "Spin-Out").

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省——(新聞發佈公司-2024年6月27日)-Hertz Energy Inc.(CSE:HZ)("Hertz Energy"或"公司根據2024年6月4日公佈的公司消息,赫茲能源很高興宣佈,在公司及其董事會和顧問的審查下,決定重組其加拿大努納武特Cominco鈾項目和納米比亞鈾獨家探礦許可申請。鈾資產將鈾資產和納米比亞鈾獨佔勘探許可證申請單合併成一個獨立的實體,名爲Hertz Uranium。Spin-Out").

The Company views the Spin-Out into a stand-alone vehicle as the preferred route to generate value for Hertz Energy and its shareholders from the continued development of the Uranium Assets.

公司認爲將鈾資產分立成獨立的實體是創造價值的最佳途徑,以持續開發鈾資產爲Hertz Energy及其股東創造利益。

The re-structuring of the Uranium Assets ownership is well advanced, and the Company anticipates being in a position to finalize the terms of the Transaction in the coming months.


Hertz Energy believes that its current share price does not fully recognize the value of the Uranium Assets and that by structuring an appropriate "spin-out" into an independent, uranium focused vehicle, the Company and its shareholders will benefit from unlocking the value of this project. Additionally, this will allow Hertz Energy to concentrate its efforts on advancing its premier lithium projects, AC/DC and Snake Lithium, located in the emerging "lithium district" in James Bay, Quebec, Canada.

Hertz Energy認爲公司現價未能充分認可鈾資產價值,透過在一家獨立的鈾項目集中的公司中恰當地構建“分立出去”的公司,公司和股東將分享解鎖項目價值的利益。此外,這將使Hertz Energy將精力集中在發展位於加拿大魁北克省詹姆斯灣新興“鋰區”的首要鋰項目之上,包括AC/DC和Snake Lithium。

Nuclear energy is experiencing a renaissance and uranium prices have had a big year, up over 52% year to date. Uranium is considered the cleanest, most cost-effective and reliable form of 24/7 dispatchable energy. Accordingly, the world's premier uranium deposits are attracting more and more global interest.




Cominco Uranium Project, Nunavut, Canada


The Cominco Uranium Property ("Cominco Property") is focused on two main historically documented uranium showings of interest, the Pomie and the Yon showings. The Pomie and Yon showings were both explored in the mid 1970s by Cominco and Noranda and no work using modern exploration technologies has taken place since this time.

Cominco鈾礦產權項目(“Cominco Property”)主要集中在兩個歷史記錄的感興趣鈾礦處,即Pomie和Yon礦處。Pomie和Yon礦處在20世紀70年代中期被Cominco和Noranda共同探索,自此以後,沒有使用現代勘探技術進行過工作。Cominco Property")"致力於兩個主要歷史記錄了的鈾礦展示,即蓬米和永鈾礦展示。這兩個礦展示在上世紀70年代中期由Cominco和Noranda進行了勘探,自那時以來沒有使用現代勘探技術進行過任何工作。

The Cominco Property claim blocks now cover approximately 5,192 hectares.

地質調查局(GSC)在該地區的先前區域工作確定了在該地區存在鈾礦物的潛力(Roscoe 1984年),並基於上述礦牀的存在和有利於構成不整合相關鈾(URU)礦牀的地層,類似於Athabasca和Thelon盆地中發現的地層。

Previous regional work in the area by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) identified mineral potential for uranium in the area (Roscoe, 1984), based on the presence of the above showings and favourable stratigraphy for the formation of Unconformity Related Uranium (URU) deposits, similar to the stratigraphy found in the Athabasca and Thelon basins.


Figure 1: Map of historical drill hole results on Cominco Property, Nunavut


The Cominco Uranium Property contains the Pomie showing trenched and drilled by Cominco between 1976 and 1977. Cominco's exploration succeeded in outlining the major structural and petrological aspects of the Pomie showing. The most significant discovery was the large carbonate breccia body, which trends parallel to a probable fault structure. Two out of seven historical drill holes (PM-3 and PM-7) produced encouraging intersections of fracture-controlled and disseminated mineralization in the basalt flows which graded 2.59 lbs U3O8/ton over 38 ft, and 4.79 lbs U3O8/ton over 43 ft, respectively (see Figure 1 above). Individual historical assays within these intersections ranged from less than 0.1 lbs U3O8/ton up to 42.75 lbs U3O8/ton over 40 inches. All other basalt intersections were less than 0.1 lbs U3O8 per ton over similar widths. See inset map of drill historical drill holes at Mineral Claim 102722.

,歷史上井號PM-3和PM-7所鑽的玄武岩層中產生了令人鼓舞的斷裂控制和廣泛礦化。圖1。麥金太爾布魯克項目區域,紅線爲邊界(111公里上述交叉口中的個別歷史測定值範圍從小於每噸0.1磅的U3O8到40英寸達到42.75磅的U3O8。所有其他玄武岩交叉口在類似寬度上的U3O8每噸都少於0.1磅。請參見 Mineral Claim 102722 的鑽孔歷史地圖。

Based on the results of historical trenching and drilling, it appears that mineralization occurs along fractures in the lower basalt flow, and along the lower faulted contact with the underlying arkoses. Radioactive material is extremely fine-grained and disseminated in a matrix of quartz grains, clay minerals, and minor sulphides (pyrite and chalcopyrite). A sample of finely disseminated mineralization in basalt from Trench #9 assaying 130 lbs U3O8 per ton over 13.0 feet (Wright, 1976) gave essentially the same result. A linear concentration or fracture filling was noted. A scanning electron microscope examination of this radioactive material indicated mainly U with minor Si, Fe and Ca, suggesting that uraninite is the uranium mineral, with minor impurities of quartz, iron oxides, and calcite (Wright, 1976).


Namibian Uranium Exclusive Prospecting License Applications


Hertz Energy has submitted applications for uranium Exclusive Prospecting Licenses ("EPLs") in Namibia (Figure 2). Namibia is a country of diverse geology and has one of the richest uranium mineral reserves in the world. There are currently two large operating mines, the Husab and Rossing mines, in the Erongo Region and five major exploration projects planned to advance to production in the next few years as the country embraces the green energy transition. Uranium mining in Namibia is of considerable importance to the national economy. In 2023, Namibia produced the 3rd largest quantity of uranium worldwide at 6,382 tonnes, ranked only behind Kazakhstan and Australia.

Hertz Energy已向納米比亞提交鈾礦石探勘獨家專營許可申請("EPLs")(EPLs)位於納米比亞(圖2涉礦概念)。納米比亞是地質多樣性國家,擁有全球最富集鈾礦儲量之一。目前在Erongo地區有兩個大型運營礦,即Husab和Rossing礦,在未來幾年中計劃有五個主要勘探項目投入生產,因爲該國正在擁抱綠色能源轉型。納米比亞的鈾礦業對國家經濟非常重要。2023年,納米比亞鈾產量全球排名第三,爲6,382噸,僅次於哈薩克斯坦和澳洲。rd

The license application areas cover an area of 9,627.84 hectares located in Central Namibia in the Erongo Region, which hosts numerous primary and secondary uranium deposits. Primary uranium is hosted mainly in sheeted D-type alaskites which occur both as cross-cutting dykes and as bedding and/or foliation-parallel sills. The sheets can amalgamate to form larger granite plutons or granite stockworks made up of closely spaced dykes and sills. The mineralized alaskites tend to occur at marked stratigraphic levels, often associated with the Khan-Rössing Formation boundary, or, where the Rössing Formation is missing, the Khan-Chuos/Arandis Formation boundary. Secondary uranium deposits occur in calcretes in the coastal plain of the Namib Desert. The deposits are associated with ancient river systems that flowed westward from the Great Escarpment during the upper Cretaceous and lower Cenozoic periods. Uranium mineralization is typically located in calcretised fluvial channels which tend to be buried with little or no obvious surface expression to identify them.


Figure 2: License applications in the Erongo Uranium Province of Namibia


Exclusive Prospecting License Application EPL-10185


EPL-10185 is located 22 km east of the coastal town of Swakopmund. The geology is comprised of units from the Kuiseb, Karibib, Arandis, Chuos and Khan Formations intruded by granodiorites and uranium prospective granites (Figure 3). Most of the western and central parts of the licence is under recent surficial cover made up of sand, gravel, scree, and calcrete. Preliminary interpretation of regional airborne radiometric data from the Namibian Ministry of Mines and Energy indicates radiometric anomalies coinciding with favourable geology for primary alaskite-hosted uranium mineralization. This is the similar style of mineralization found at Bannerman Energy's Etango deposit located 15 km southeast of EPL-10185 as well as that at the Rössing Mine located 30 km to the northeast. The Rössing Mine is one of the largest and longest operating uranium open cast mines in the world producing for the last 46 years. In 2022, Rössing produced 2,659t U3O8 and currently has a feasibility study underway to extend the mine life beyond 2026 (source: Rössing Uranium website - ).

EPL-10185位於沿海城鎮Swakopmund以東22公里處。地質由來自Kuiseb、Karibib、Arandis、Chuos和Khan地層單元,由花崗岩和有鈾潛力的花崗岩漿體組成(涉礦概念)。許可證的西部和中部大部分地區被最近的面層覆蓋物所覆蓋,包括沙子,礫石,山崩和石灰結殼。從納米比亞礦業和能源部的區域航空放射計數據的初步解釋中,發現輻射異常與主要高嶺石型鈾成礦地質部位重合。這是與EPL-10185以及Rössing鈾礦相似的礦化樣式,Rössing鈾礦是全球最大,最長時間運營的鈾露天礦之一,已生產了46年。在2022年,Rössing鈾礦產生了2,659噸U3O8,目前正在進行可行性研究,以延長礦山壽命至2026年以後(資料來源:Rössing Uranium網站-)。圖3

Figure 3: The geology and the airborne radiometric anomaly targets (red) of EPL-10185


Exclusive Prospecting License Application EPL-10186


EPL-10186 is located 40 km northeast of the coastal town of Swakopmund. Most of the licence application area is covered by recent sand, gravel, scree and calcrete, with a few outcrops of mica schist, calc-silicate rock, marble and red granite (Figure 4). There are two prominent sub-surface water conduits/streams which in general, are believed to be geographically similar to where paleo-channels carrying uranium-rich waters would have flowed. Preliminary interpretation of regional airborne radiometric data from the Namibian Ministry of Mines and Energy indicates a strong and consistent radiometric anomaly trending northeast-southwest and coincident with the subsurface streams. The Company is targeting secondary uranium mineralization with potential for primary mineralization to the east of the application area. This is the similar style of mineralization found at ORANO's Trekkopje Mine 6 kilometres north of EPL-10186 and Elevate Uranium's Marenica deposit 40 km to the north with an existing mineral resource.

EPL-10186位於沿海城鎮Swakopmund以東40公里處。許可證申請區大部分被最近的沙子,礫石,山崩和石灰結殼所覆蓋,還有一些雲母片巖,鈣硅質岩,大理石和紅色花崗岩露頭(涉礦概念)。這裏有兩條突出的亞地表水渠/溪流,通常認爲其地理位置與運載富含鈾水的古河系統的古渠道相似。從納米比亞礦業和能源部的區域航空放射遊計數據的初步解釋中,發現強烈而一致的輻射異常趨勢東北-西南,並與地表下溪流重合。公司針對次生鈾礦牀進行鑽探,東側應該還有原生鈾礦牀的潛力。這與ORANO的Trekkopje鈾礦和Elevate Uranium的Marenica牀類似,後者有現有的礦產資源。圖4涉礦概念)。

Figure 4: The geology and the airborne radiometric anomaly targets (red) of EPL-10186


The Company expects the EPL applications will be granted by the Namibian Ministry of Mines and Energy in the coming months, and exploration can begin on these uranium properties immediately after the EPLs are granted.


Kal Malhi, CEO of Hertz Energy stated, "We are pleased to be able to begin the process of spinning-out these uranium projects in Canada and Namibia in such a way as to benefit the Company and all of our shareholders.

Hertz Energy的CEO Kal Malhi表示:“我們很高興能夠以使公司和我們所有股東受益的方式開始拆分加拿大和納米比亞的這些鈾項目的過程。

The Uranium Assets comprise historically documented potential at the Cominco Uranium Property and early-stage exploration potential at our Namibian EPL applications. With the increasing shift to clean energy and concerns around energy security and climate change, we believe uranium can play a large role in the transition to zero-emission base-load electricity generation that the world requires.


We believe our Uranium Assets need to be in a stand-alone public company to be able to fully realize their potential and to provide appropriate value to our shareholders."




The Company anticipates that the Transaction will include the transfer of the Cominco Property and the Namibian EPL's into a stand-alone subsidiary holding the Uranium Assets to be called Hertz Uranium. The consideration for such transfer is expected to be the common shares in the capital of Hertz Uranium.

該公司預計交易將包括將Cominco Property和納米比亞EPL轉讓給名爲Hertz Uranium的獨立子公司持有鈾能源資產。預計轉讓的代價將是Hertz Uranium股本中的普通股。

Hertz Energy then intends to distribute all, or the majority, of such common shares to its existing shareholders on a pro rata basis. The ratio of shares will be determined in the context of the market.


There is no guarantee that a spin out transaction will be consummated, or that the Spin Out will be completed on the terms outlined herein. The Spin-Out represents the current thinking of management and management reserves the rights to alter, amend terms or change the proposed Spin-Out in its sole discretion. It is also anticipated that the Spin-Out will be undertaken by way of a plan of arrangement and there can be no assurances that the arrangement will be completed on the terms outlined herein or at all. The arrangement and the Spin-Out are subject to shareholder, regulatory, and court approval.


Qualified Person Statement


All scientific and technical information contained in this news release was prepared and approved by Paul Ténière, P.Geo., Technical Advisor of Hertz Energy Inc. who is a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

本新聞稿中包含的所有科學技術信息由Hertz能源公司的技術顧問Paul Tenière P.Geo準備並批准,他是根據NI 43-101定義的合格人士。

This news release contains scientific and technical information with respect to adjacent properties to the Company's properties in Nunavut and Namibia, which the Company has no interest in or rights to explore. Readers are cautioned that information regarding the geology and mineralization potential on adjacent properties is not necessarily indicative of the mineralization potential on the Company's properties.


About the Company


The Company is a British Columbia based junior exploration company primarily engaged in the acquisition and exploration of energy metals mineral properties. The Company's lithium exploration projects include the Lucky Mica Lithium Project, the AC/DC Lithium Project, and the Snake Lithium project. The AC/DC Project is 26,500 hectares located in the renowned James Bay Lithium District in Quebec, Canada, just 26 km southeast of the Corvette Lithium Project owned by Patriot Battery Metals and is contiguous to Rio Tinto's Kaanaayaa project claims. The Snake Lithium project consists of 424 contiguous claims totaling approximately 21,700 hectares located east of Patriot Battery Metals Corvette project. The Snake Lithium project is within a similar geological setting to Alkem's James Bay Lithium Project and Nemaska's Whabouchi Lithium project both containing significant lithium mineral resource estimates.

該公司是一家總部位於卑詩省的初創勘探公司,主要從事能源金屬礦產物業的收購和勘探。該公司的鋰勘探項目包括幸運雲母鋰項目、交流/直流鋰項目以及蛇鋰項目。交流/直流項目位於加拿大魁北克著名的詹姆斯灣鋰區,佔地26,500公頃,距離愛國者電池金屬旗下的Corvette鋰項目僅26公里,並與力拓的卡納婭(Kaanaayaa)項目權利相鄰。蛇鋰項目由424個相鄰權利組成,總計約21,700公頃,位於愛國者電池金屬Corvette項目東部。蛇鋰項目處於與Alkem的James Bay鋰項目和Nemaska的Whabouchi鋰項目相似的地質背景下,兩個項目均包含重要的鋰礦資源估算。

The Company's uranium projects include the Cominco Uranium Project located in Bathurst Inlet, Nunavut, Canada and its recent applications for Exclusive Prospecting Licenses in Namibia.

該公司的鈾項目包括位於加拿大努納武特(Bathurst Inlet)的Cominco鈾項目,以及在納米比亞申請的獨家勘探許可證。

For further information, please contact Mr. Kal Malhi or view the Company's filings at .

有關詳情,請聯繫Kal Malhi先生或查看公司的文件。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors

Carl Esprey

Kal Malhi
Chief Executive Officer and Director
Phone: 604-805-4602

Kal Malhi

