
SpaceX Employs Falcon Heavy For First Time In 2024 To Send NOAA's GOES-U Weather Satellite To Space

SpaceX Employs Falcon Heavy For First Time In 2024 To Send NOAA's GOES-U Weather Satellite To Space

Benzinga ·  06/26 21:22

Elon Musk's SpaceX had its first Falcon Heavy launch this year on Tuesday, following over 50 launches of its workhorse Falcon 9 vehicle and multiple flight tests for its ambitious Starship launch vehicle.

SpaceX今年週二進行了首次Falcon Heavy運載火箭發射,此前該公司已成功進行了50餘次運載工作馬車飛行器Falcon 9的發射,並對其雄心勃勃的Starship運載火箭進行了多次飛行測試。

What Happened: SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket launched the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) GOES-U mission to a geostationary orbit from Florida on Tuesday at 5:26 p.m. ET.

事件經過:SpaceX的Falcon Heavy火箭於週二下午5:26 ET從佛羅里達發射美國國家海洋和大氣管理局(NOAA)的GOES-U任務進入地球同步軌道

GOES-U is among the agency's most sophisticated Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) series. It will help weather forecasters with high-resolution imagery while also aiding early detection of severe weather and tropical cyclones. The environmental monitoring satellite constellation is planned to operate into the 2030s, NASA said.

GOES-U是該機構最先進的地球同步環境操作衛星(GOES)系列之一。 它將協助氣象預報員獲得高分辨率圖像,同時也有助於早期檢測嚴重天氣和熱帶氣旋。 NASA表示,環保監測衛星系統計劃運行到2030年代。

Why It Matters: "As communities across the U.S. and the world feel the effects of extreme weather, satellites like GOES-U keep a close watch to monitor weather in real time," NASA administrator Bill Nelson said. "This fleet of advanced satellites is strengthening resilience to our changing climate, and protecting humanity from weather hazards on Earth, and in space."

爲什麼重要:"隨着全美各地和全球社區感受到極端天氣的影響,像GOES-U這樣的衛星在實時監測天氣方面保持密切關注," NASA行政長官比爾·納爾遜說。 "這一批先進的衛星正在增強應對不斷變化的氣候的韌性,並保護地球和太空中的人類免受天氣災害的侵害。

The mission marked the Falcon Heavy's 10th launch overall and its first in 2024. In comparison, SpaceX's Falcon 9 has already completed over 50 launches this year. The company also conducted two test flights of its Starship launch vehicle, aimed at returning humans to the surface of the Moon, since the start of the year.

這次任務標誌着Falcon Heavy總體的第10次發射,也是2024年的首次發射。 相比之下,SpaceX的Falcon 9今年已完成了超過50次發射。 該公司還進行了兩次旨在將人類送回月球表面的Starship運載火車的試飛,自今年年初以來。

"Off to new heights! Thanks for the lift, SpaceX," aerospace company Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT), who designed the weather satellite, wrote on X. "You're most welcome," SpaceX CEO Elon Musk responded.

“一路向新的高度!感謝SpaceX的幫忙,”設計氣象衛星的航空航天公司洛克希德·馬丁(NYSE:LMT)在X上寫道。 "不客氣," SpaceX首席執行官埃隆·馬斯克回答道。

You're most welcome

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 26, 2024



Musk has previously named the Falcon Heavy 'scary' during a review. "I love that rocket, but it's scary. So many state changes post liftoff," Musk said about the vehicle last year.

馬斯克曾在一次評論中稱Falcon Heavy爲“可怕的”。 馬斯克去年就這輛車說:“我喜歡那架火箭,但他太可怕了。 起飛後狀態變化太多了。

Falcon Heavy draws upon the design of SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket. It has three Falcon 9 nine-engine cores and can lift about 64 metric tons.

Falcon Heavy借鑑了SpaceX的Falcon 9火箭的設計。 它有三個Falcon 9九引擎核心,可舉起約64噸。

The 27 Merlin engines together generate more than 5 million pounds of thrust at liftoff — equivalent to eighteen 747 aircraft — according to the SpaceX website.


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更多閱讀: 特斯拉的汽車業務今年營業收入將下降,但分析師稱,特斯拉在美國電網的演變中可能會持有一些重要牌。

Image: SpaceX


