
CGX Energy and Frontera Energy File Notice of Potential Commercial Interest for Wei-1 Well, Offshore Guyana

CGX Energy and Frontera Energy File Notice of Potential Commercial Interest for Wei-1 Well, Offshore Guyana

CGX Energy和Frontera Energy針對危地馬拉海域Wei-1井提交潛在商業利益公告。
newsfile ·  06/26 20:15

Toronto, Ontario and Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - June 26, 2024) - CGX Energy Inc. (TSXV: OYL) ("CGX") and Frontera Energy Corporation (TSX: FEC) ("Frontera"), joint venture partners (the "Joint Venture") in the Petroleum Prospecting License for the Corentyne block offshore Guyana (the "License"), today announced that the Joint Venture has submitted a Notice of Potential Commercial Interest (the "Notice") for the Wei-1 discovery to the Government of Guyana, which preserves the Joint Venture's interests in the License.

安大略省多倫多和阿爾伯塔省卡爾加里——(新聞通訊社公司-2024年6月26日)——CGX能源公司(TSXV:OYL)("CGX")和Frontera Energy Corporation(TSX:FEC)("Frontera")是位於圭亞那近海Corentyne區塊("Block")的石油勘探許可證的合作伙伴("Joint Venture"),今天宣佈已向圭亞那政府提交了Wei-1石油發現的潛在商業利益通知書("Notice of Potential Commercial Interest"),該通知書保護了Joint Venture在許可證上的權益。Joint Venture合資企業,是CGX和Frontera在Guyana離岸Corentyne區塊的石油勘探許可證中的合作伙伴。Frontera是位於加拿大的公共公司,與南美洲的石油和天然氣勘探、開發、生產、運輸、儲存和銷售相關,包括上游和中游設施的相關投資。Frontera擁有多樣化的資產組合,在哥倫比亞、厄瓜多爾和圭亞那持有24個勘探和生產區塊以及哥倫比亞的管道和港口設施。Frontera致力於以安全、社會、環境和道德負責任的方式開展業務。FronteraJoint Venture合資企業合資企業爲Guyana近海Corentyne區塊的石油勘探許可證許可證Notice of Potential Commercial Interest潛在商業利益通知書提供姓名全稱、身份證號或公司註冊號、地址、白天的電話號碼以及代表、代理人和助手的信息。 助手的數量不得超過兩個。爲便於進入年度股東大會,通知應在適當的情況下附有授權書、註冊證書和其他授權文件。提請圭亞那政府注意此次發現

In 2023, the Joint Venture successfully drilled the Wei-1 well, its second well on the Corentyne block. The well fulfilled the obligation under Phase Two of the Second Renewal Period of the original 10-year License and served as an appraisal well for the Kawa-1 Appraisal Programme with the Government of Guyana.

Joint Venture在Corentyne區塊成功地鑽探了Wei-1井,這是該公司第二口在Corentyne區塊的井。該井滿足了原10年許可證的第二次續期週期下的第二階段義務,併爲與Guyana政府聯合開展的Kawa-1評估項目(Appraisal Programme)提供了評估井。

The Joint Venture and the Government of Guyana have engaged in regular, constructive and collaborative conversations throughout the Joint Venture's tenure on the Corentyne block, including discussions regarding conditions under which further activities could be performed by the Joint Venture in the Corentyne block. The Joint Venture looks forward to completing these discussions in an expeditious manner and will provide an update as soon as practicable.

Joint Venture和Guyana政府在Joint Venture任期內就Corentyne區塊內的進一步活動條件進行了定期、建設性和合作式的對話,包括討論Joint Venture在Corentyne區塊內可執行進一步活動的條件。Joint Venture期待以迅速的方式完成這些討論,並將儘快提供更新。

The Joint Venture, with support from investment bank and capital markets experts Houlihan Lokey, continues to actively pursue strategic options to unlock the potential of the Corentyne block.

在投資銀行和資本市場專家Houlihan Lokey的支持下,Joint Venture繼續積極尋求解鎖Corentyne區塊潛力的戰略選擇。

About CGX


CGX is a Canadian-based oil and gas exploration company focused on the exploration of oil in the Guyana-Suriname Basin and the development of a deep-water port in Berbice, Guyana.


About Frontera


Frontera Energy Corporation is a Canadian public company involved in the exploration, development, production, transportation, storage, and sale of oil and natural gas in South America, including related investments in both upstream and midstream facilities. The Company has a diversified portfolio of assets with interests in 24 exploration and production blocks in Colombia, Ecuador, and Guyana, and pipeline and port facilities in Colombia. Frontera is committed to conducting business safely and in a socially, environmentally, and ethically responsible manner.

Frontera Energy Corporation是一家加拿大的公共公司,涉及南美洲的石油和天然氣勘探、開發、生產、運輸、儲存和銷售,包括上游和中游設施的相關投資。該公司擁有多樣化的資產組合,在哥倫比亞、厄瓜多爾和Guyana持有24個勘探和生產區塊以及哥倫比亞的管道和港口設施。Frontera致力於以安全、社會、環境和道德負責任的方式開展業務。

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Cautionary Note Concerning Forward-Looking Statements:


This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking information relates to activities, events or developments that CGX and Frontera believe, expect or anticipate will or may occur in the future. Forward-looking information in this press release includes, without limitation, statements relating to CGX's and Frontera's expectations regarding extension of the License and the right to continue to explore and develop the Corentyne block or property in and around the Wei-1 well. All information other than historical fact is forward-looking information. Forward-looking information reflects the current expectations, assumptions and beliefs of CGX and Frontera based on information currently available to them and considers the experience of the Joint Venture and its perception of historical trends. Although CGX and Frontera believe that the assumptions inherent in the forward-looking information are reasonable, forward-looking information is not a guarantee of future performance and accordingly undue reliance should not be placed on such information. Forward-looking information is subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, some that are similar to other oil and gas companies and some that are unique to CGX and Frontera, including the ability of the Joint Venture to reach an agreement with the Government of Guyana. No assurance can be given that such an agreement will be reached or the extent of the property covered by the Notice of Potential Commercial Interest outside of the area around the Wei-1 well. The actual results of the Joint Venture may differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking information, and even if such actual results are realized or substantially realized, there can be no assurance that they will have the expected consequences to, or effects on, either CGX or Frontera. The annual information form of Frontera for the year ended December 31, 2023, and CGX's and Frontera's management's discussion and analysis for the year ended December 31, 2023, and quarter ended March 31, 2024, and other documents each of CGX and Frontera files from time to time with securities regulatory authorities describe the risks, uncertainties, material assumptions and other factors that could influence actual results and such factors are incorporated herein by reference. Copies of these documents are available without charge by referring to each company's profile on SEDAR+ at . All forward-looking information speaks only as of the date on which it is made and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, each of CGX and Frontera disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise.

本新聞稿包含根據加拿大證券法的前瞻性信息。前瞻性信息涉及CGX和Frontera預計或預計將來可能發生的活動、事件或發展。本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息包括但不限於與CGX和Frontera對許可證續期和繼續在Corentyne區塊或Wei-1井周圍開展勘探和開發的期望。除歷史事實之外的所有信息均屬於前瞻性信息。從Joint Venture的角度來看,前瞻性信息反映了CGX和Frontera基於現有信息的當下期望、假設和信念,並考慮Joint Venture的經驗和對歷史趨勢的看法。儘管CGX和Frontera認爲前瞻性信息所含假設是合理的,但前瞻性信息不是未來績效的保證,因此不應對此類信息有過多依賴。前瞻性信息受許多風險和不確定因素的影響,一些風險因素與其他石油和天然氣公司相似,一些風險因素是由CGX和Frontera獨特的情況所造成的,包括Joint Venture能否與Guyana政府達成協議。不能保證將達成此類協議或Notice of Potential Commercial Interest通知書覆蓋的範圍僅限於Wei-1井周圍的區域。Joint Venture的實際結果可能與前瞻性信息所表達的結果有所不同,即使實際結果得以實現或實現了一定程度的成果,也不能確保其會對CGX或Frontera產生預期的後果或影響。 Frontera在截至2023年12月31日的年度信息表中,CGX和Frontera在2023年12月31日的及2024年3月31日的管理討論與分析報告以及其他CGX和Frontera不時向證券監管當局提交的文件都描述了可能影響實際結果的風險、不確定因素和其他因素,並在此通過引用將這些因素納入本聲明。這些文件的副本可通過參考每家公司在SEDAR+上的簡介來免費獲取。所有前瞻性信息僅以其公佈日期爲準,除非適用的證券法要求,否則CGX和Frontera均不承擔任何意向或義務更新任何前瞻性信息,不論是由於新信息、未來事件或結果還是其他原因。

For further information: Todd Durkee, Vice President, Development, CGX Energy Inc., (281) 747-9980, 2400, 333 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M5H 2T6, ; Frontera Investor Relations, (403) 705-8827, 2000, 222 - 3rd Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 0B4,,

有關詳細信息:Todd Durkee,CGX Energy Inc.開發副總裁,電話(281)747-9980,地址333 Bay Street,安大略省多倫多M5H 2T6;,Frontera Investor Relations,電話(403)705-8827,地址Alberta T2P 0B4,Calgary,222-3rd Avenue SW,電子郵件,如果您想收到新聞發佈的電子郵件通知,請在此處訂閱:

