
Cosa Resources Announces Completion of Geophysical Surveys at Multiple Eastern Athabasca Uranium Projects

Cosa Resources Announces Completion of Geophysical Surveys at Multiple Eastern Athabasca Uranium Projects

newsfile ·  06/26 19:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 26, 2024) - Cosa Resources Corp. (TSXV: COSA) (OTCQB: COSAF) (FSE: SSKU) ("Cosa" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the completion of ground and airborne geophysical surveys at its Ursa, Orion, Astro and Orbit Projects.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省 - (新聞稿 - 2024年6月26日) - Cosa Resources Corp.(tsxv: COSA) (OTCQB: COSAF, FSE: SSKU COSAF) (FSE: SSKU) ("Cosa"或"公司“重力社”很高興地宣佈其烏爾薩、獵戶座、天文和軌道項目的地勘和空勘測量完成。

Keith Bodnarchuk, President & CEO, commented: "The completion of these geophysical programs at our 100% owned Ursa, Orion, Aurora, and Orbit projects marks another important step in Cosa's path to developing a pipeline of drill targets across much of our prospective and highly underexplored portfolio of uranium projects. We consider the recent winter drilling results and identification of sandstone hosted structure and alteration to be a major success for the Company and are eager to use the results of the ANT work at Ursa to guide follow up drilling later this summer. With the completion of our $6.5m bought deal financing earlier this year, we are fully funded to pursue exciting drill targets at Ursa while also bringing the Orion, Aurora, and Orbit projects up to drill-ready status for 2025."

Keith Bodnarchuk,總裁兼首席執行官,評論說:“重力社100%擁有的烏爾薩、獵戶座、天光和軌道項目的這些地球物理計劃的完成標誌着重力社開發其充滿前景和高度未開發的鈾礦業務管道的重要一步。我們認爲,冬季勘探的最新結果和砂岩沉積結構和蝕變的鑑定成功爲公司帶來了重大成果,並熱切盼望使用烏爾薩的ANT工作結果指導今年夏天晚些時候的跟進鑽探。今年早些時候完成6.5百萬加元的收購融資後,我們將充分資助烏爾薩的激動人心的鑽探目標,同時將獵戶座、天光和軌道項目引向2025年的鑽探準備狀態。”勘探副總裁Andy Carmichael表示:“我們很高興完成了地球物理測量計劃的數據收集階段,包括三種測量用於推進我們四個關鍵鈾礦業務管道項目。重力社預計,通過季節早期開始,從烏爾薩的廣泛周圍噪聲層析(ANT)工作的結果將及時掌握,以引導2024年冬季鑽探的鼓舞人心的結果,以及對這個6萬公頃項目的目標區域優先級進行支持。我們很高興看到奧里昂的ANT結果,2023年的工作突出了與奧里昂西部鄰近Parker Lake項目的Orano存在醒目的砂岩和地下室導電異常和熱液蝕變,以及天光和軌道的空勘重力和電磁結果將塑造這些接近Key Lake鈾礦的淺層項目的2025年勘探方向。”

Andy Carmichael, VP of Exploration, commented: "We are pleased to have completed the data acquisition phase of our geophysical program which includes three types of surveys to advance four of our key uranium projects. Cosa expects that by starting early in the season, results from the extensive Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) work at Ursa will be in hand in time to guide drilling to follow-up encouraging results from winter 2024 drilling and bolster target area prioritization on this 60,000-hectare project. We are excited to see the ANT results from Orion where work in 2023 highlighted compelling coincident sandstone and basement conductive anomalies, and airborne gravity and electromagnetic results at Aurora and Orbit will shape 2025 exploration at these shallow projects proximal to the Key Lake uranium mill."


Ambient Noise Tomography Survey


Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) surveying was completed at Ursa and Orion in two phases, with node deployment in May and node pickup in June. Harvesting of data from the 930 nodes is underway and processing to develop a three-dimensional (3D) seismic velocity model is expected to begin immediately after data harvesting is complete.

在Ursa,ANT勘測由746個節點覆蓋了27公里的導電走向長度,其中包括Kodiak(請參見Cosa有關2024年4月24日的新聞發佈會)的蝕變和構造區域,Kodiak North,Smokey和Panda West目標區域(請參見Cosa新聞發佈會日期爲2024年1月11日),以及該項目內所有三個弱礦化的歷史鑽孔(圖1)。Cosa希望利用ANT勘測結果指導計劃在2024年8月和9月鑽探的金剛石鑽孔計劃。

As the Athabasca sandstone is relatively homogenous and seismic wave velocity varies with changes in the host rock, variations in seismic velocity can be attributed to post-Athabasca faulting and/or alteration zones characteristic of the region's high-grade uranium deposits. Recent exploration drilling in the region targeting ANT anomalies has successfully intersected zones of hydrothermal alteration at depth.

在Orion,ANT勘測包括184個節點,覆蓋了與Cosa的2023年空勘MobileMT勘測相吻合的千米級砂岩導電異常(圖2)。導電異常沿弱礦化、鼓舞人心的構造線,以及與Orion西側鄰近的Orano的Parker Lake項目和ANT目標區域的熱液蝕變交錯。Orion的ANT結果將用於指導跟進2025年第一階段鑽探的目標區域的生成。

At Ursa, ANT surveying comprised 746 nodes covering 27 kilometers of conductive strike length which hosts the zone of alteration and structure intersected by UR24-03 at Kodiak (see Cosa news release dated April 24, 2024), the Kodiak North, Smokey, and Panda West target areas (see Cosa news release dated January 11, 2024), and all three weakly mineralized historical drill holes within the Project (Figure 1). Cosa expects to utilize ANT survey results to guide a diamond drilling program planned for August and September 2024.

空勘電磁(EM)和重力勘測於5月初至6月中旬在Aurora和Orbit完成(圖3)。Geotech Ltd.使用VTEM Plus系統完成了EM勘測,旨在映射基底元素導電特徵,與有前景的石墨化結構和/或大型的熱液蝕變區域一致。由Xcalibur Multiphysics的Falcon Airborne Gravity Gradiometer(AGG)系統完成的重力測量則旨在映射與熱液蝕變區域和改善基底地質理解一致的重力異常。重點跟進目標將與基底元素導電特徵重疊的重力低異常一致。

At Orion, ANT surveying comprised 184 nodes covering the kilometre-scale sandstone hosted conductivity anomaly coincident with conductive basement geology identified by Cosa's 2023 airborne MobileMT survey (Figure 2). The conductive anomalies lie along strike of weak mineralization, encouraging structure, and hydrothermal alteration intersected at Orano's neighbouring Parker Lake project immediately west of Orion and the ANT target area. ANT results from Orion will be used to guide follow-up to generate targets for first-pass drilling planned in 2025.

空中數據集正在最終化中。Condor Consulting Inc.是地球物理數據處理和解釋領域的認可專家,他們已被保留以在收到最終數據集後執行結果的詳細解釋。

Aurora and Orbit Airborne Surveys

圖1 - Ursa ANT Survey Areas over 2023 MobileMT Results

Airborne electromagnetic (EM) and gravity surveys were completed at Aurora and Orbit from early May until mid-June (Figure 3). EM surveying was completed by Geotech Ltd. using the VTEM Plus system with the objective of mapping basement-hosted conductive features consistent with prospective graphitic structures and/or large zones of hydrothermal alteration. Gravity surveys were completed by Xcalibur Multiphysics' Falcon Airborne Gravity Gradiometer (AGG) system with the objective of mapping gravity anomalies consistent with zones of hydrothermal alteration and to improve the understanding of basement geology. Top priority follow-up targets would be gravity low anomalies coincident with basement-hosted conductivity features.

圖2 - Orion ANT Survey Area over 2023 MobileMT Results

Finalization of the airborne datasets is underway. Condor Consulting Inc., recognized experts in the field of geophysical data processing and interpretation, have been retained to perform a detailed interpretation of the results following receipt of the final datasets.

圖3 - Aurora and Orbit Airborne Surveys

Figure 1 - Ursa ANT Survey Areas over 2023 MobileMT Results


Figure 2 - Orion ANT Survey Area over 2023 MobileMT Results


Figure 3 - Aurora and Orion Airborne Survey Areas


Stock Option Grant


The Company has granted 1,179,000 incentive stock options to directors, officers, employees and advisors of the Company. The incentive stock options will vest over a period of three years, have an exercise price of $0.305 per share, and are valid for a 5-year period from the date of grant. The options were granted pursuant to the Company's incentive stock option plan which was approved by Shareholders at the Company's Annual General and Special Meeting on June 12th, 2024.


About Cosa Resources Corp.


Cosa Resources is a Canadian uranium exploration company operating in northern Saskatchewan. The portfolio comprises roughly 209,000 ha across multiple projects in the Athabasca Basin region, all of which are underexplored, and the majority reside within or adjacent to established uranium corridors.

Cosa Resources是一家加拿大鈾勘探公司,位於薩斯喀徹溫北部運營。該公司在Athabasca流域地區擁有大約209,000公頃的多個項目,所有這些項目都是未開發的,大部分位於或毗鄰已建立的鈾走廊內。

Cosa's award-winning management team has a long track record of success in Saskatchewan. In 2022, members of the Cosa team were awarded the AME Colin Spence Award for their previous involvement in discovering IsoEnergy's Hurricane deposit. Prior to Hurricane, Cosa personnel led teams or had integral roles in the discovery of Denison Mines' Gryphon deposit and 92 Energy's Gemini Zone and held key roles in the founding of both NexGen and IsoEnergy.

Cosa的屢獲殊榮的管理團隊在薩斯喀徹溫有着悠久的成功記錄。 2022年,Cosa團隊的成員因他們先前參與發現IsoEnergy的Hurricane礦牀而獲得AME Colin Spence獎。在Hurricane之前,Cosa人員領導團隊或擔任在Denison Mines的Gryphon礦牀和92 Energy的Gemini Zone上的關鍵角色,並在創立NexGen和IsoEnergy時擔任關鍵角色。

Cosa's primary focus through 2024 is initial drilling at our Ursa Project, which captures over 60-kilometres of strike length of the Cable Bay Shear Zone, a regional structural corridor with known mineralization and limited historical drilling. It potentially represents the last remaining eastern Athabasca corridor to not yet yield a major discovery. Modern geophysics completed by Cosa in 2023 identified multiple high-priority target areas characterized by conductive basement stratigraphy beneath or adjacent to broad zones of inferred sandstone alteration - a setting that is typical of most eastern Athabasca uranium deposits. Initial drilling results from Ursa in winter 2024 are positive and include the intersection of a broad zone of alteration with associated structure in the Athabasca sandstone located 250 to 460 metres above the sub-Athabasca unconformity. Follow-up is planned in the second half of 2024.

Cosa Resources的主要重點在2024年在我們的Ursa項目進行初始鑽探,該項目覆蓋了長達60公里的Cable Bay Shear Zone,這是一個地區性構造走廊,已有礦化體發現,但其歷史鑽探有限。Cosa在2023年完成的現代地球物理勘查確定了多個高優先級目標區域,其特點是位於或毗鄰推斷的砂岩蝕變帶下方或側下的導電基底地層 - 這是大多數東部Athabasca鈾礦牀的典型設置。2024年冬季Ursa的初始鑽探結果積極,包括與Athabasca砂岩內250至460米超砂岩不整合處相關的結構和蝕變廣泛區域的交匯。計劃於2024年下半年進行後續跟進。

Qualified Person


The Company's disclosure of technical or scientific information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Andy Carmichael, P.Geo., Vice President, Exploration for Cosa. Mr. Carmichael is a Qualified Person as defined under the terms of National Instrument 43-101. This news release refers to properties in which the Company has no interest.

公司在本新聞稿中披露的技術或科學信息已由Cosa公司副總裁、勘探資深工程師Andy Carmichael審核並批准。Carmichael先生是根據第43-101號全國法規的規定定義的合格人士。本新聞稿涉及公司並無利益的地產。



Keith Bodnarchuk, President and CEO
+1 888-899-2672 (COSA)

Keith Bodnarchuk,總裁兼首席執行官
+1 888-899-2672(COSA)

Cautionary Statements


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策中所定義的那樣)均不對本發佈的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities laws (collectively "forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, plans, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. All statements that are not statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release include but are not limited to statements regarding, the Company's exploration and development plans. Although the Company believes any forward-looking statements in this press release are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations and assumptions in such statements will prove to be correct. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, changes in the state of equity and debt markets, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in obtaining required regulatory or governmental approvals, and other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, including those risks set out in the Company's management's discussion and analysis as filed under the Company's profile at . Forward-looking information in this news release is based on the opinions and assumptions of management considered reasonable as of the date hereof, including the price of uranium and other commodities; costs of exploration and development; the estimated costs of development of exploration projects; the Company's ability to operate in a safe and effective manner and its ability to obtain financing on reasonable terms. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, other than as required by applicable securities laws.


