
ZoomerMedia Announces Expansion of Zoomer Digital Network With Acquisition of From Blue Ant Media

ZoomerMedia Announces Expansion of Zoomer Digital Network With Acquisition of From Blue Ant Media

ZoomerMedia宣佈通過收購Blue Ant Media旗下的MobileSyrup.com擴展了Zoomer數字網絡。
GlobeNewswire ·  06/26 06:32

TORONTO, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Moses Znaimer, Founder and CEO of ZoomerMedia Limited (TSXV: ZUM) ("ZoomerMedia"), a multi-platform media company devoted to creating legacy and digital content for and from Boomer Zoomers to GenZ Zoomers, announces that, pursuant to an asset purchase agreement between ZoomerMedia and Blue Ant Media, which was signed on June 25, 2024, it has completed the acquisition of Mobile Syrup (, Canada's News Source for all things Tech, from Blue Ant Media, an international production studio, rights business and channel operator.

ZoomerMedia有限公司的創始人兼首席執行官Moses Znaimer宣佈,根據ZoomerMedia和國際製作工作室、版權業務和頻道運營商Blue Ant Media之間於2024年6月25日簽署的資產購買協議,官方完成了對加拿大科技新聞資源)的收購。

Mobile Syrup publishes tech news and reviews, the latest on streaming, gaming, and AI, plus consumer guides and deals.'s 2 million monthly average users further cements the Zoomer Digital Network as Canada's largest digital network with over 1 billion annual pageviews and social media engagements.

Mobile Syrup發佈關於科技新聞和評論、流媒體、遊戲和人工智能方面的最新信息,以及消費指南和促銷。MobileSyrup.com的200萬月活躍用戶進一步鞏固了Zoomer Digital Network作爲加拿大最大數碼網絡的地位,其年度頁面瀏覽量和社交媒體參與度達到10億次。

The aggregate purchase price is $950,000, payable in cash.


This acquisition comes on the heels of ZoomerMedia's recent announcements that the company purchased Alberta-based digipub Curiocity, and Owen Sound's CJOS 92.3FM.

在ZoomerMedia宣佈購買總部位於阿爾伯塔省的數字出版物Curiocity和Owen Sound的CJOS 92.3FM之後,這一收購行動也緊隨其後。

In fact, Mobile Syrup marks ZoomerMedia's eighth acquisition in two years as it carries out its plan to expand the company's reach beyond its original core demographic, the 45plus. With a suite of 18 media properties including blogTO, Daily Hive, Curiocity, The Peak, LudwigVan, and, plus ZoomerMedia's legacy television, radio, and print brands* and their websites (see below), the company now appeals to all generations regardless of the platform or genre of their choice.

實際上,Mobile Syrup是ZoomerMedia兩年內第八次收購行動,ZoomerMedia計劃將公司的影響力擴展到45歲以上的基礎用戶之外。ZoomerMedia具有18個媒體屬性,包括blogTO,Daily Hive,Curiocity,The Peak,LudwigVan和,以及ZoomerMedia的傳統電視、廣播和印刷品牌及其網站(見下文),公司現在吸引所有年齡段的用戶,無論平台或類型如何選擇。

Said Omri Tintpulver, Chief Operating Officer, ZoomerMedia: "Mobile Syrup complements our business-focused digital publication called The Peak, and its newly launched Peak Tech newsletter. Together, they'll amplify our technology content and create new opportunities for like-minded companies to reach new audiences, particularly those in the telecommunications, computing, gaming, and AI industries."

Omri Tintpulver,ZoomerMedia的首席運營官說:“Mobile Syrup的收購使我們業務端重點的數碼出版物The Peak得到了補充,以及其新推出的Peak Tech電子通訊。它們將一起擴大我們的技術內容,併爲志同道合的公司創造新機會,特別是那些在電信、計算機、遊戲和人工智能行業的公司。”

Said Jamie Schouela, President, Global Channels and Media, Blue Ant Media: "ZoomerMedia is a proven leader in Canadian digital publishing and we know that, as part of their portfolio, Mobile Syrup is well positioned to grow to new heights. We are incredibly proud of the editorial team's work to date and look forward to seeing how they evolve the brand next."

Blue Ant Media的全球頻道和媒體總裁Jamie Schouela說:“ZoomerMedia是加拿大數字出版領域的領導者,我們知道Mobile Syrup作爲其組合的一部分,將有望發展到新的高度。我們非常自豪編輯團隊迄今爲止所做的工作,並期待看到他們如何推動品牌的發展。”


關於ZoomerMedia Limited

Founded by television and media icon Moses Znaimer in 2008, ZoomerMedia Limited is a multimedia company devoted to creating content, services and experiences for Canada's most powerful audiences: the 17.2 million people aged 45-plus aka "Zoomers", and the 13.7 million Millennials and Gen Zs, coincidentally also called "Zoomers", who follow in their footsteps.

由電視和媒體偶像Moses Znaimer於2008年創立,ZoomerMedia有限公司是一家多媒體公司,致力於爲加拿大最強大的受衆(1720萬人,年齡在45歲以上)以及追隨他們腳步的1370萬千禧一代和Gen Zs創造內容、服務和體驗。

ZoomerMedia operates 5 TV, 3 Radio, 3 Print, and 21 Digital properties. ZoomerMedia produces original TV, Radio, Podcast and Print content, offers clients creative audio and video production services, and bespoke events on site at its 2.6-acre complex in Toronto's Liberty Village.

ZoomerMedia運營5個電視臺,3個廣播電臺,3個印刷媒體和21個數字媒體。ZoomerMedia製作原創電視、廣播、播客和印刷品牌內容,提供客戶創意音頻和視頻製作服務,並在位於多倫多自由城(Liberty Village)的2.6英畝綜合園區內組織個性化活動。

The specific ZoomerMedia property names and focus, are as follows.


Television: VisionTV, available in 7.5 million households is Canada's home for British comedy and drama series, plus uplifting movies, music, news, and multicultural and multilingual faith programming; ONETV: The Exercise & Entertainment Channel, combines original yoga, pilates, tai chi, and cardio dance and kettlebell fitness series with British serial soaps, dramas and American movies; JoyTV in Vancouver, Victoria, Surrey and the Fraser Valley, and FAITH TV in Winnipeg are devoted to broadcasting Christian, multi-faith, and local content.

電視:可在750萬戶家庭觀看的VisionTV是加拿大的英國喜劇和戲劇系列、令人振奮的電影、音樂、新聞、多元文化和多語種信仰節目之家;ONETV:運動和娛樂頻道,結合瑜伽、普拉提、太極和有氧舞蹈以及鑄鐵健身系列與英國肥皂劇、戲劇和美國電影;Joy TV和FAITH TV分別在溫哥華、維多利亞、薩里和弗雷澤谷地區以及溫尼伯播放以基督教、多元信仰和當地內容爲主題的節目。

Zoomer Digital Network ("ZDN"): Reaching 18.5 million monthly active users with over a billion annual pageviews and social media engagements, ZDN comprises the following:

Zoomer Digital Network(ZDN):覆蓋1850萬月活躍用戶,擁有超過10億的年度頁面瀏覽量和社交媒體參與度,ZDN包括以下內容:

DailyHive, in Western Canada, Ontario, Quebec, and The Maritimes, is one of Canada's most followed news brands with over 10 million monthly active users, over 270 million annual page views, and 3.1 million followers across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (X), TikTok, and LinkedIn; blogTO,, Toronto's unrivalled local publisher across digital and social media platforms, bringing in 8 million monthly active users, and over 213 million page views annually; Zoomer Magazine's, Canada's leading provider of online content targeting the 45-plus; The Peak,, serving 150,000 Canadian professionals and business leaders with the top global business, finance, and tech stories of the day packaged in smart, fast, and easily digestible formats; Ludwig Van,, Canada's leading and fastest growing digital voice for the latest classical, opera, chamber and choral music headlines, reviews, comments and personality driven features and interviews; TitusOne, a digital marketing agency that specializes in growing audiences through search, social media and creative content strategies; and Curiocity,, one of Alberta's leading digital media publishers, with a presence in other key markets in Canada.

DailyHive是Canada最受關注的新聞品牌之一,其版面覆蓋在西部加拿大、安大略省、魁北克省和聚集海洋地區,月活躍用戶超過1000萬人次,並擁有2.7億年度頁面瀏覽量,在Instagram、Facebook、Twitter、TikTok和LinkedIn上擁有310萬粉絲;位於多倫多的blogTO是全球領先的本地數碼媒體和社交媒體發佈方之一,每月活躍用戶超過800萬,在全年產生超過2.13億次頁面瀏覽量;Zoomer雜誌的EverythingZoomer.com以及The Peak,閱讀量達到15萬,面向加拿大專業人士和商業領袖,呈現內容包括當日的全球商業、財經和科技新聞郵件服務;Ludwig Van是加拿大最主流的、增長最快的古典、歌劇、室內和合唱音樂發佈平台,最新新聞、評論、評論和人物驅動功能和採訪;TitusOne是一家數字市場營銷機構,專門通過搜索、社交媒體和創意內容策略增加受衆的數量;Curiocity是阿爾伯塔省首屈一指的數字媒體發佈商之一,在加拿大其他重要市場也有存在。

Radio: The New Classical FM, Canada's only commercial all classical music radio station broadcasting over three frequencies in a unique regional Ontario network: 96.3FM CFMZ-FM Toronto (GTA), 103.1FM CFMX-FM Cobourg (Eastern Ontario), and 102.9FM CFMO-FM Collingwood (Southern Georgian Bay); Zoomer Radio, The Original Greatest Hits, the biggest broadcast footprint in Canada also reaching 28 American States, and broadcasting simultaneously both in AM and FM in Toronto (740AM CFZM-AM and 96.7FM CFZM-FM); and the newly acquired CJOS Bounce 92.3 FM in Owen Sound playing Adult Hits. (The sale is subject to CRTC approval and other closing conditions).

廣播:The New Classical FM是加拿大唯一一家商業所有的古典音樂電臺,通過獨特的區域網絡廣播,覆蓋安大略省三個頻段:96.3FM CFMZ-FM多倫多(大多倫多地區)、103.1FM CFMX-FM Cobourg(東部安大略省)和102.9FM CFMO-FM Collingwood(南喬治亞灣);Zoomer Radio是最大的廣播佔地面積在加拿大,同時在28個美國州播出,同時在多倫多以AM和FM的方式廣播(740AM CFZM-AM和96.7FM CFZM-FM);新近獲得的CJOS Bounce 92.3 FM在歐文桑德(Owen Sound)播放成人流行音樂。(銷售需獲得CRTC(加拿大電信電視委員會)批准和其他交割條件)。

Print: ZOOMER Magazine, the Company's flagship magazine and Canada's largest paid circulation magazine for the 45-plus market; On The Bay Magazine, the dominant regional lifestyle magazine published quarterly for the 20 towns and villages of Ontario's Southern Georgian Bay; and Tonic Magazine, a regional health and wellness magazine distributed across the City of Toronto.

印刷媒體:ZOOMER Magazine是該公司的旗艦雜誌,也是加拿大最大的付費45歲及以上受衆雜誌;On The Bay Magazine是南喬治亞灣20座城鎮和村莊季度出版的主導地區生活方式雜誌;Tonic Magazine是在多倫多市範圍內分發的區域健康和健身雜誌。



Blue Ant Media is a privately held, international production studio and rights business and channel operator. The company's studio creates and distributes a premium slate of programming, in all content genres, for streaming and broadcasting platforms around the world. Blue Ant Media also operates free streaming and pay TV channels under several media brands internationally, including Love Nature, Cottage Life, Smithsonian Channel Canada, BBC Earth Canada, HauntTV, Homeful, Drag Race Universe, Total Crime, Declassified, Love Pets and Love Drama. Blue Ant Media is headquartered in Toronto, with six international offices in Los Angeles, New York, Singapore, London, Washington and Sydney. TwitterInstagramLinkedIn

藍螞蟻傳媒是一傢俬人持有的國際製作工作室、版權業務和頻道運營商。該公司的製片廠在世界各地的流媒體和廣播平台上,創建並分發了一系列高品質的節目,涵蓋所有內容類型。藍螞蟻傳媒還在多個國際媒體品牌名下運營免費流媒體和付費電視頻道,其中包括Love Nature、Cottage Life、Smithsonian Channel Canada、BBC Earth Canada、HauntTV、Homeful、Drag Race Universe、Total Crime、Declassified、Love Pets和Love Drama。藍螞蟻傳媒總部位於多倫多,擁有在洛杉磯、紐約、新加坡、倫敦、華盛頓和悉尼的六個國際辦事處。 推特InstagramLinkedIn

Leanne Wright
SVP Communications
ZoomerMedia Limited


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