
Industry Giant MARBLEX Chooses Immutable to Create Home of Web3 Gaming in South Korea

Industry Giant MARBLEX Chooses Immutable to Create Home of Web3 Gaming in South Korea

PR Newswire ·  06/26 04:00

MARBLEX finds new home on Immutable zkEVM bringing Netmarble IP, Exclusive development of Future Titles, and the Ecosystem Boost Program

MARBLEX將攜Netmarble IP,未來遊戲獨家開發權以及生態系統促進計劃,登陸Immutable zkEVM。

SYDNEY, June 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Immutable, the leading web3 gaming platform, and ecosystem, today announced a groundbreaking partnership with MARBLEX, Netmarble's dedicated blockchain gaming platform. This collaboration will see the migration of MARBLEX along with several other Mega IP titles, to the innovative Immutable zkEVM chain, powered by Polygon, and the first chain built specifically for gamers.

2024年6月25日,悉尼—— Immutable,領先的Web3遊戲平台和生態系統,宣佈與MARBLEX達成具有開創性的合作伙伴關係,這是Netmarble專門的區塊鏈遊戲平台。此次合作將包括將MARBLEX與其他多個大IP標題遷移到由Polygon提供支持的創新的Immutable zkEVM鏈,這是專爲遊戲玩家打造的第一條鏈。

The partnership includes the migration of the full MARBLEX gaming platform and three live Netmarble titles:


  • Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, an MMORPG based on the original universe of Ni no Kuni where the real world and the fantasy world coexist, presenting a world filled with fairytale-like animations with colorful 3D graphics and high-quality cutscenes.
  • A3: Still Alive: a dark fantasy open world mobile RPG set in an apocalyptic fantasy world of swords and sorcery, pairing the enormous and living worlds of Open-World RPGs with the extreme combat of Battle Royale.
  • Meta World: My City, the sequel to the highly popular game Let's Get Rich, which attracted over 200 million players around the world; it features board game mechanics and the opportunity to have virtual land and buildings in the metaverse.
  • 《二之國:交叉世界》是一款基於《二之國》原創宇宙的MMORPG。現實世界和幻想世界共存,呈現出一個色彩繽紛的3D圖形和高品質過場動畫的童話般的動畫世界。
  • 《A3: Still Alive》是一款黑暗的奇幻開放世界手機RPG,背景設定爲充滿劍與魔法的世界末日,將大量和廣闊的開放世界RPG和戰鬥玩法相結合。
  • 《元世界:我的城市》是備受歡迎的遊戲《讓我們變富有》的續集,吸引了全球超過2億玩家。 玩家可以使用板遊戲玩法在元宇宙中擁有虛擬土地和建築。

Following the migration from the Klaytn Layer 1 chain, all MARBLEX gaming apps, games, and game tokens will operate exclusively on Immutable zkEVM alongside more than 330 titles already building on Immutable. With more than 1.8 million monthly average users, Immutable zkEVM remains the go-to choice for developers and gamers through its robust offerings - from Immutable Passport - a non-custodial wallet built for players to the Immutable Global Orderbook which distributes assets across leading marketplaces boosting exposure and liquidity for devs.

自從移出Klaytn第1層鏈後,所有MARBLEX遊戲應用程序、遊戲和遊戲代幣都將在Immutable zkEVM上獨家運行,並加入超過330個已經在Immutable上運行的遊戲。Immutable zkEVM作爲一個提供完整解決方案的區塊鏈,擁有超過180萬月活躍用戶,不斷提供給開發人員和遊戲玩家最好的選擇。從Immutable Passport——爲玩家建造的無託管錢包,到Immutable全球訂單簿,將資產分佈到領先的市場,提高了開發者的曝光率和流動性。

"This is one of the most significant partnerships we've made to date. South Korea is an exciting hub of developer activity in Web3 Gaming, and MARBLEX and NetMarble are pioneers here -- we're thrilled to be helping their goal to scale to tens of millions of players around the world as they migrate to Immutable, the one-stop shop platform for Web3 Games," said Robbie Ferguson, Co-founder and President of Immutable. "This deal follows our landmark partnerships with Polygon Labs, and 350+ signed games to cement Immutable's leadership of Web3 Gaming, and commitment to help bring digital property rights to billions of players around the world."

Immutable的聯合創始人和總裁Robbie Ferguson表示:"這是我們迄今所做的最重要的夥伴關係之一。 南韓是Web3遊戲開發者活動的一個充滿活力的樞紐,MARBLEX和NetMarble是開拓者——我們很高興幫助他們實現在全球規模達數千萬玩家的目標,以遷移到Immutable,這是Web3遊戲的一站式平台。此次交易緊隨我們與Polygon Labs的里程碑式合作之後,以及與350多個已經簽署的遊戲建立的合作伙伴關係,鞏固了Immutable在Web3遊戲領域的領先地位,並致力於幫助將數字產權權歸還給全球數十億玩家。"

In addition, Immutable and MARBLEX have launched the "Ecosystem Boost Program" which provides technical and financial support for developers. With the equivalent of up to $20 million USD earmarked, the program is designed to supercharge game development and attract new titles to the Immutable and MARBLEX ecosystems.


"At MARBLEX we are committed to building exciting web3 gaming experiences for players," says Hong Jin Pyo, CEO." To maximise the reach of these experiences and ensure scalability for both existing and upcoming titles, partnering with a proven leader in web3 gaming was crucial. That's why Immutable and their industry-leading zkEVM chain was the right choice. Their technology provides the infrastructure we need to deliver the best possible gaming experiences to our players."

MARBLEX首席執行官Hong Jin Pyo表示:"在MARBLEX,我們致力於爲玩家構建令人興奮的Web3遊戲體驗。" 爲了最大程度地擴大這些體驗的範圍,並確保現有和未來的標題可擴展性,與Web3遊戲行業的領先者合作至關重要。那就是爲什麼Immutable及其行業領先的zkEVM適合我們的選擇。他們的技術提供了我們需要提供給玩家最佳遊戲體驗的基礎設施。"

MARBLEX marks the second major AAA partnership with Immutable, with a slate of future releases planned to come to Immutable, the web3 gaming platform stands to lead the industry with an impressive roadmap of upcoming games.


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About Immutable


Immutable is a global leader in gaming on a mission to bring digital ownership to every player by making it safe and easy to build great web3 games.


The Immutable gaming platform makes it easy for game studios and independent developers to safely and confidently build and launch successful games on Ethereum. The product suite includes pre-built solutions, optimised for usability, that help developers get to market faster without sacrificing security or player experience. Builders get personalised web3 guidance, live support for their communities, and access to the largest ecosystem in gaming.


Immutable was the first gaming platform to deliver a zero-knowledge (zk) scaling solution to the Ethereum community and provides developers with multiple zk-based scaling options, including Immutable X, a rollup based on StarkWare technology, and Immutable zkEVM, powered by Polygon.

Immutable是首個向以太社區提供零知識(zk)擴展解決方案的遊戲平台,爲開發人員提供了多個基於zk的擴展選項,包括基於StarkWare技術的Rollup的Immutable X,以及由Polygon提供支持的Immutable zkEVM。

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加入Immutable社區Discord, Reddit, 推特, Instagram, Telegram和頁面。油管



MARBLEX is a blockchain-powered subsidiary of Netmarble Corp. Netmarble Corp. is a well-established developer and publisher of mobile games comprised of more than 6,000 game industry veterans and blockchain technology experts from across the globe. MARBLEX aims to bring the highest quality blockchain games to market by providing key services such as a cryptocurrency wallet, decentralized exchange, token staking, and an NFT Marketplace. MBX, a proprietary blockchain ecosystem launched by MARBLEX, allows gamers to advance their experiences through organic engagement and rewards for participation. The MBX ecosystem can be enjoyed as part of popular Netmarble titles, such as Meta World: My City, A3: Still Alive, Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, and The King of Fighters Arena.

MARBLEX是Netmarble Corp的區塊鏈供電子公司,而Netmarble Corp是由來自全球各地擁有6000多名遊戲行業資深人士和區塊鏈技術專家的開發商和發行商組成的。 MARBLEX旨在通過提供加密貨幣錢包、去中心化交易所、代幣押注和NFT市場等關鍵服務,將最高質量的區塊鏈遊戲推向市場。由MARBLEX推出的內部區塊鏈生態系統MBX,使玩家通過有機參與和活動獎勵來提升遊戲體驗。MBX加入了包括《元世界:我的城市》、《A3: Still Alive》、《二之國:交叉世界》和《格鬥之王競技場》在內的流行Netmarble遊戲。

SOURCE Immutable

SOURCE Immutable

