
Data Supporting Nanox.AI Cardiac Solution to Be Presented at 19th Annual Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography

Data Supporting Nanox.AI Cardiac Solution to Be Presented at 19th Annual Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography

支持 Nanox 人工智能心臟解決方案的數據將在第19屆心血管計算機斷層攝影學會議上展示。
Nano X Imaging ·  06/25 12:00

PETACH TIKVA, Israel, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NANO-X IMAGING LTD ("Nanox" or the "Company," Nasdaq: NNOX), an innovative medical imaging technology company, today announced that data from five studies supporting the AI Cardiac Solution (HealthCCSng) of its subsidiary, Nanox AI, will be presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT), being held July 18-21 in Washington, D.C.

2024年6月25日,以色列PETACH TIKVA(全球新聞稿)——NANO-X IMAGING LTD(納諾克斯,納斯達克:NNOX)是一家創新的醫療影像技術公司,今天宣佈其子公司Nanox AI的人工智能心臟解決方案(HealthCCSng)支持的五項研究數據將於7月18日至21日在華盛頓特區舉行的第19屆心血管計算機斷層掃描(SCCT)年會上交流。

The studies are being presented by esteemed institutions Brigham & Women's Hospital, Einstein Jefferson Medical Center, Corewell Health, Massachusetts General Hospital and Beilinson Medical Center.

這些研究由著名機構Brigham和婦女醫院、愛因斯坦傑斐遜醫療中心、Corewell Health、馬薩諸塞州綜合醫院和Bei林森醫學中心展示。

Nanox AI's Cardiac Solution (HealthCCSng) utilizes medical imaging data from routine chest CT scans to automatically quantify coronary artery calcium (CAC) levels. CAC is known as a strong predictor of future cardiovascular events; patients in the highest CAC category are up to 6x more likely to suffer cardiac events.

Nanox AI的心臟解決方案(HealthCCSng)利用常規胸部CT掃描中的醫學影像數據自動量化冠狀動脈鈣化(CAC)水平。 CAC被認爲是未來心血管事件的強烈預測因子; 處於最高CAC類別的患者患心臟事件的風險高達6倍。未來心血管事件的強烈預測因子處於最高CAC類別的患者患心臟事件的風險高達6倍。患心臟病。

The abstract details are as follows:


Title: The Frequency, Prevalence, And Outcomes of Incidentally Detected Coronary Artery Calcium Using Artificial Intelligence Analysis Among Patients with Immune Mediated Inflammatory Diseases (Best Abstract Award Finalist)
Lead Author: Brittany Weber, Brigham & Women's Hospital
Abstract number: 2024-A-817-SCCT
Presentation date and time: Saturday, July 20, 10:30 AM, Liberty I-M
主要作者:布列塔尼·韋伯(Brittany Weber),布里格姆婦女醫院。
Title: Optimizing Preventive Cardiology: Harnessing AI for Early Detection of Coronary Artery Disease
Lead author: Dr. Chiduzie Madubata, Einstein Jefferson Medical Center
Abstract number: 2024-A-573-SCCT
Presentation date and time: Friday, July 19, 9:30AM - 10:15AM, Exhibit Hall
主要作者:Chiduzie Madubata博士,愛因斯坦傑斐遜醫療中心。
展示日期及時間: 7月19日(週五)上午9:30至10:15,展覽廳。
Title: AI Empowering Early Detection of CAD Patients for Improved Cardiac Care
Lead author: Dr. David Langholz, Corewell Health
Abstract number: 2024-A-641-SCCT
Presentation date and time: Friday, July 19, 9:30AM - 10:15AM, Exhibit Hall
題目: AI賦能早期發現CAD患者以提高心臟護理水平
主要作者: David Langholz博士,Corewell Health。
摘要編號: 2024-A-641-SCCT。
展示日期及時間: 7月19日(週五)上午9:30至10:15,展覽廳。
Title: Artificial-intelligence Based Detection of Coronary Artery Calcium on Chest CT to Enhance Cardiovascular Risk Assessment of Individuals with Elevated Lipoprotein (a)
Lead author: Milena Petranovic, Massachusetts General Hospital
Abstract number: 2024-A-820-SCCT
Presentation date and time: Friday, July 19, 9:30AM - 10:15AM, Exhibit Hall
題目: 基於人工智能的胸部CT檢測冠狀動脈鈣化以加強有上升脂蛋白血癥的個體心血管風險評估
主要作者: Milena Petranovic,馬薩諸塞州綜合醫院。
摘要編號: 2024-A-820-SCCT。
展示日期及時間: 7月19日(週五)上午9:30至10:15,展覽廳。
Title: Opportunistic Screening of Coronary Artery Calcification On Non-gated Conventional CT Scans Using Artificial Intelligence
Lead author: Dr. Ashraf Hamdan, Beilinson Hospital
Abstract number: 2024-A-532-SCCT
Presentation date and time: Saturday, July 20, 9:30AM - 10:15AM, Exhibit Hall
主要作者: Ashraf Hamdan博士,Beilinson醫院
摘要編號: 2024-A-532-SCCT
報告日期和時間: 7月20日星期六9:30AM - 10:15AM,展示廳

Throughout SCCT, Nanox AI's representative will also be available for meetings in the Honeysuckle Meeting Room. You can schedule a meeting here.

SCCT期間,Nanox AI的代表還將在Honeysuckle會議室可用於會議。您可以在此安排會議.

About Nanox AI
Nanox AI is the deep-learning medical imaging analytics subsidiary of Nanox. Nanox AI's solutions are developed to target highly prevalent chronic and acute diseases affecting large populations around the world. Leveraging AI technology, Nanox AI helps clinicians extract valuable and actionable clinical insights from routine medical imaging that otherwise may go unnoticed, potentially initiating further medical assessment to establish individual preventative care pathways for patients. For more information, please visit

Nanox AI是Nanox的深度學習醫學影像分析子公司。 Nanox AI的解決方案旨在針對全球範圍內影響大量人群的高患病率慢性和急性疾病。藉助人工智能技術,Nanox AI幫助臨床醫生從常規醫學影像中提取有價值的和可操作性的臨床見解,否則可能會被忽視,並可能啓動進一步的醫學評估,以爲患者建立個體化的預防護理路徑。有關更多信息,請訪問。

About Nanox
Nanox (NASDAQ: NNOX) is focused on applying its proprietary medical imaging technology and solutions to make diagnostic medicine more accessible and affordable across the globe. Nanox's vision is to increase access, reduce costs and enhance the efficiency of routine medical imaging technology and processes, in order to improve early detection and treatment, which Nanox believes is key to helping people achieve better health outcomes, and, ultimately, to save lives. The Nanox ecosystem includes Nanox.ARC— a multi-source Digital Tomosynthesis system that is cost-effective and user-friendly; an AI-based suite of algorithms that augment the readings of routine CT imaging to highlight early signs often related to chronic disease (Nanox.AI); a cloud-based infrastructure (Nanox.CLOUD); and a proprietary decentralized marketplace, through Nanox's subsidiary, USARAD Holdings Inc., that provides remote access to radiology and cardiology experts; and a comprehensive teleradiology services platform (Nanox.MARKETPLACE). Together, Nanox's products and services create a worldwide, innovative, and comprehensive solution that connects medical imaging solutions, from scan to diagnosis. For more information, please visit

納斯達克股票代碼NNOX的納諾-X(Nanox)致力於將其專有醫學成像技術和解決方案應用於全球診斷醫學的方便性和經濟性。 Nanox的願景是提高診斷醫學技術和流程的可訪問性,降低成本和提高效率,這被視爲改善早期檢測和治療的關鍵所在,而早期檢測和治療有助於使人們實現更好的健康結果,最終挽救生命。 Nanox生態系統包括Nanox.ARC - 這是一種多源數字層析成像系統,成本效益和易於使用;一套基於人工智能的算法(Nanox.AI),可增強常規CT成像的閱讀,以突出與慢性疾病相關的早期跡象;雲基礎架構(Nanox.CLOUD);通過Nanox的子公司USARAD Holdings Inc.提供遠程放射學和心臟病專家的專有分散式市場;以及綜合性遠程放射學服務平台(Nanox.MARKETPLACE)。 Nanox的產品和服務共同創造了一種全球性,創新性和綜合性解決方案,可以從掃描到診斷連接醫學成像解決方案。 要了解更多信息,請訪問。



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ICR Westwicke

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ICR Westwicke

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