
Maintenance Contract Covers PW127M Engine Overhauls and Hot Section Inspections for the Airline's ATR Turboprop Aircraft

Maintenance Contract Covers PW127M Engine Overhauls and Hot Section Inspections for the Airline's ATR Turboprop Aircraft

雷神技術 ·  06/25 12:00

LONGUEUIL, Quebec, (June 25, 2024) – Pratt & Whitney Canada has signed a seven-year engine maintenance contract with AEGEAN's subsidiary Olympic Air. The contract covers the scheduled maintenance of 28 PW127M engines powering the airline's 13 ATR passenger aircraft. Pratt & Whitney is an RTX (NYSE: RTX) business.

普惠加拿大公司(Pratt & Whitney Canada)與愛琴海旗下的奧林匹克航空簽署了一份爲期七年的發動機維修合同。該合同涵蓋了旗下13架ATR客機上搭載的28臺PW127M發動機的定期保養。普惠是RTX(紐交所:RTX)的一個業務板塊。

"We developed a specialized program that is cost-effective for Olympic Air and seeks to achieve efficient asset management and dependable dispatch availability," said Irene Makris, vice president, Customer Service, Pratt & Whitney Canada. "Olympic Air protects the value of its investment and gains peace of mind by relying on our comprehensive engine maintenance solutions and service for their fleet of PW127M engines."


The PW100 engine family celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2024. This engine family is the benchmark for low fuel consumption on routes of 350 miles or less, consuming 25% to 40% less fuel and avoiding an equal measure of CO2 emissions than similar-sized regional jets. The engines are also biofuel compatible and are certified for up to a 50% blend of sustainable aviation fuel.


"The Pratt & Whitney Canada PW127M engines on our ATR fleet deliver for us every day with solid environmental performance and high levels of reliability," said Michalis Kouveliotis CEO of Olympic Air and CFO of AEGEAN. "We wanted to further leverage that performance with a maintenance plan for hot section inspections and overhauls that helps us meet our flight schedule promises to our customers."

奧林匹克航空和愛琴海的首席財務官Michalis Kouveliotis表示:“我們的ATR機隊上配備的普惠加拿大 PW127M發動機每天都具有可靠的環保性能。我們希望通過一個保養計劃,以便進行熱區段檢查和檢修,從而實現更高的性能,同時滿足我們向客戶承諾的飛行時間表。”

Later this year, Olympic Air is scheduled to take delivery of an additional ATR 72-600 aircraft equipped with the latest generation PW127XT-M engines, now the standard on all new ATR aircraft. The PW127XT-M offers 40% extended time on wing, bringing engine overhaul to 20,000 hours for a typical regional operator. The engine also boasts a 20% reduction in maintenance costs and a 3% improvement in fuel consumption.

今年晚些時候,奧林匹克航空將接收一架裝備有最新PW127XT-M發動機的ATR 72-600型飛機,這也是所有新款ATR飛機上的標準發動機. PW127XT-M在飛行時間上提供40%的延長,使得這款發動機在典型的區域運營商處於維修週期20000小時。該發動機還具有維護成本降低20%,燃油消耗改進3%的特點。

About Pratt & Whitney


Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines and auxiliary power units. Read more about Pratt & Whitney's history of innovation here.

普惠航空是飛機發動機和輔助動力裝置設計、製造和服務的世界領導者。了解更多關於普惠航空的創新歷史>> 這裏.

About RTX


With more than 185,000 global employees, RTX pushes the limits of technology and science to redefine how we connect and protect our world. Through industry-leading businesses – Collins Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney, and Raytheon – we are advancing aviation, engineering integrated defense systems, and developing next-generation technology solutions and manufacturing to help global customers address their most critical challenges. The company, with 2023 sales of $69 billion, is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.

RTX擁有全球超過185,000名員工,不斷突破科技和科學的極限,重新定義我們如何連接和保護我們的世界。通過業界領先的Collins Aerospace、Pratt & Whitney和雷神公司,我們正在推進航空、工程集成防禦系統並開發下一代技術解決方案和製造能力,以幫助全球客戶解決最重要的挑戰。公司總部位於弗吉尼亞州阿靈頓,2023年銷售額達690億美元。

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AEGEAN是希臘領先的航空公司,是STAR ALLIANCE的成員。其子公司奧林匹克航空在2023年運載了1550萬乘客,提供了總共1850萬個座位,從其位於希臘和國外的10個基地,涵蓋49個國家的180個目的地,共有307條航線。在2024年,該公司將提供總共1950萬個座位,其中1340萬個座位只在夏季期間提供,而這一數字增長了6%。AEGEAN在Skytrax World Airline Awards上已連續12年獲得歐洲最佳區域航空公司,並在過去的14年中獲得了13次該獎項。AEGEAN擁有強大的國際影響力,成立於1999年,並在近25年的時間內成功地贏得了在航空業的地位,成爲歐洲航空市場上最成功和穩步發展的公司之一。AEGEAN自2007年以來在雅典證券交易所上市,最近一年營業額超過17億。請了解更多關於AEGEAN的信息

AEGEAN is the leading Greek airline and member of STAR ALLIANCE. With its subsidiary Olympic Air carried 15.5 million passengers in 2023, offered a total of 18.5 million seats and covered 180 destinations in 49 countries with 307 routes from its 10 bases in Greece and abroad, with a fleet of 79 aircraft. In 2024 the company will offer a total of 19.5 million seats with the 13.4 million of them, a 6% increase, to be offered only during summer season. AEGEAN was awarded, for the 12th consecutive year and 13th time in the last 14 years, as the best regional airline in Europe by the Skytrax World Airline Awards. With a strong international presence, AEGEAN was established in 1999 and within nearly 25 years managed to win its position in the aviation sector as one of the most successful and steadily growing companies in the European aviation market. AEGEAN has been listed on the ATHENS Stock Exchange since 2007 and recent turnover exceeded 1.7 billion. Read more about AEGEAN here.

AEGEAN是希臘領先的航空公司,是STAR ALLIANCE的成員。其子公司奧林匹克航空在2023年運載了1550萬乘客,提供了總共1850萬個座位,從其位於希臘和國外的10個基地,涵蓋49個國家的180個目的地,共有307條航線。在2024年,該公司將提供總共1950萬個座位,其中1340萬個座位只在夏季期間提供。AEGEAN在Skytrax World Airline Awards上已連續12年獲得歐洲最佳區域航空公司,並在過去的14年中獲得了13次該獎項。AEGEAN擁有強大的國際影響力,成立於1999年,並在近25年的時間內成功地贏得了在航空業的地位,成爲歐洲航空市場上最成功和穩步發展的公司之一。AEGEAN自2007年以來在雅典證券交易所上市,最近一年營業額超過17億。請閱讀更多關於AEGEAN的信息這裏.

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