
Function Emerges as the Fastest-Growing Health Platform in the US With Unique Approach That Starts With 100+ Lab Tests

Function Emerges as the Fastest-Growing Health Platform in the US With Unique Approach That Starts With 100+ Lab Tests

PR Newswire ·  06/25 21:00

The company's latest $53M raise will help further its mission of empowering everyone to live 100 healthy years


AUSTIN, Texas, June 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Function's first-of-its-kind platform revolutionizes how people manage their lifelong health, starting with providing the deepest possible understanding of their body and what they should do to improve their health. With a mission to empower everyone to live 100 healthy years, Function is the first company to provide access to 100+ lab tests at a single cost of $499 per year – equivalent to $42 per month or $1.37 per day. The extensive assessment includes five times more lab testing than a typical physical exam, including heart, hormones, thyroid, nutrients, cancer signals, immunity, aging factors, autoimmunity, and more. Results are displayed in a digestible dashboard, complete with a detailed summary from a clinician.


Today, Function has announced the close of its Series A round led by Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) Bio + Health with support from the a16z Cultural Leadership Fund, bringing its total funds to $53 million. Additional investors include, Draft Ventures, K5, G9 Ventures, 53 Stations, Matt Damon (Actor), Ari Emanuel (CEO of Endeavor), Kevin Hart (Comedian & actor), Joel Embiid's (NBA's 2023 MVP) Embiid Ventures, Jay Shetty (award-winning podcast host), Blake Griffin (former NBA), Zac Efron (Actor), Jimmy Rollins (former MLB), Colin Kaepernick (former NFL), Dr. Casey Means, Pedro Pascal (Actor), Ara Katz (Co-founder of Seed), Harvey Spevak (Equinox Chairman), Harpreet Singh Rai (Former CEO of Oura), Jeff Dean, and others.

今日,Function宣佈由Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) Bio + Health領銜,獲得了A輪融資的完成,其總計籌集資金達5300萬美元。其他投資者包括、Draft Ventures、K5、G9 Ventures、53 Stations、Matt Damon(演員)、Ari Emanuel(Endeavor CEO)、Kevin Hart(喜劇演員和演員)、Joel Embiid's(NBA的2023 MVP)Embiid Ventures、Jay Shetty(獲獎播客主持人)、Blake Griffin(前NBA)、Zac Efron(演員)、Jimmy Rollins(前MLB)、Colin Kaepernick(前NFL)、Dr. Casey Means、Pedro Pascal(演員)、Ara Katz(Seed的聯合創始人)、Harvey Spevak(Equinox主席)、Harpreet Singh Rai(前Our的CEO)、Jeff Dean等。

"We're proud to partner with Function Health, a company that has already transformed many thousands of lives," said Vijay Pande, PhD., Founding General Partner, a16z Bio + Health. "Function is reinventing healthcare with speed and scale. Their clear and novel approach to preventing suffering and avoidable deaths is setting a new standard for global health."

"我們很自豪與Function Health合作, Function Health 已經改變了成千上萬人的生活。" a16z Bio + Health的聯合創始人Vijay Pande博士表示。 "Function Health以速度和規模重塑了醫療保健。他們明確而新穎的預防和減輕病痛的方法正在爲全球健康設立一個新的標準。"

"As an athlete who has spent most of my life and career focused on optimizing my health and performance, I connected deeply with Function's vision for healthcare. Making personal health data widely accessible, affordable, and easy to understand is a game-changer for everyone to take a proactive approach to improving their health and preventing disease. I am thrilled to be part of the team's journey and support their mission," said Blake Griffin, former NBA player.

"作爲一個一直以來關注健康與表現的運動員,我深深地認同Function Health對醫療保健的願景。使個人健康數據廣泛可得、價格實惠並容易了解,這對每個人採取積極的方法提高健康水平和預防疾病是一個改變者。我非常高興能夠參與團隊的旅程並支持他們的使命。" 前NBA球員Blake Griffin說。

The new capital validates Function's paradigm-shifting approach and will be used to rapidly scale its technology, increasing access to whole-body testing and empowering more people to take control of their health. Since its beta release in April 2023, Function has become the fastest-growing health platform in America, with nearly 50,000 paying members and a waitlist of over 200,000 people. It also recently established a strategic partnership with leading fitness company Equinox, integrating its platform with a robust network of trainers to enhance the wellness experience.


"Function is the first with a mission of empowering you to live 100 healthy years. We're introducing a revolutionary approach to lifelong health, starting with the most comprehensive lab testing to help you understand what's actually happening inside your body and what to do to stay ahead of disease and feel your best," said Function co-founder and CEO Jonathan Swerdlin. "Function isn't just a company; it's a movement of people of all ages taking control of their health. We're at a historical juncture where technology and culture are converging to redefine our relationship with our own biology. This moment sets the stage for a future where the latest research and innovation seamlessly integrate into our lives in service of less suffering and more years. The possibilities are boundless. This is about health, not healthcare, happening outside traditional systems, yet supported by the world's top doctors and experts."

"Function是第一個以讓您健康地生活100年爲使命的公司。我們正在推出一種徹底顛覆終身健康的革命性方法,從最全面的實驗室檢測開始,幫助您了解身體內部的真正情況,以便保持健康,預防疾病。Function不僅僅是一個公司,它是各年齡段人們掌控自己健康的一個運動。我們處於一個歷史性的關鍵時刻,技術和文化正在匯聚,重新定義我們與自身生物的關係。這一時刻爲未來奠定了基礎,最新研究和創新將在我們的生活中無縫融入,以減少痛苦的發生,延長生命年數。不可限量的可能性。這不是醫療保健,而是發生在傳統系統之外的健康,受到世界頂級醫生和專家的支持。" Function的聯合創始人兼CEO Jonathan Swerdlin說。

After experiencing the shortcomings of traditional healthcare, the founding team at Function, including Mark Hyman MD, Pranitha Patil, Jonathan Swerdlin, Mike Nemke, Seth Weisfeld, and Daniel Swerdlin, engineered a first-of-its-kind approach that focuses on prevention and empowerment. For decades, our health system has prioritized outdated processes and profits, with people only visiting primary care doctors for routine annual check-ups or on a reactive basis after experiencing symptoms. This, along with corrupted food systems, has led to a spike in chronic disease, devastating health disparities, escalating cancer rates, and common misdiagnoses from an overburdened health system. Function breaks away from these norms by removing barriers around extensive lab testing and providing comprehensive, actionable insights from top doctors and thousands of hours of research. This transition from reactive to proactive is historical and reflects a surging demand for health over healthcare.

由於傳統醫療保健的不足,Function的創始團隊(包括Mark Hyman MD、Pranitha Patil、Jonathan Swerdlin、Mike Nemke、Seth Weisfeld和Daniel Swerdlin)開發出了首創的方法,專注於預防和賦權。幾十年來,我們的衛生系統一直把過時的流程和利潤放在首位,人們只在常規年度檢查或出現症狀時才去看初級保健醫生。加上腐敗的食品系統,導致慢性疾病激增,健康差異擴大,癌症發病率上升,過度負擔的健康系統導致常見的誤診。Function通過消除實驗室檢測的障礙,提供頂級醫生和數千小時的研究提供全面的、可操作的見解,突破了這些規範,讓人們更加積極地面對挑戰。這種從反應性到積極性的轉變是歷史性的,反映了人們對健康超過了醫療保健的需求。

For more information on Function, visit .


Function is the first health platform to include 100+ lab tests, helping individuals understand their whole body—from heart and hormones to thyroid, nutrients, toxins, autoimmunity, immunity, and beyond. Unlike traditional testing, which is often costly, inaccessible, and done reactively, Function offers these 100+ lab tests along with detailed and actionable insights from the world's top doctors at just $499 per year, with no hidden costs, surprise bills, or insurance involved. This is five times more lab testing than most primary care providers, which typically includes a rough average of 19 lab tests, missing critical parts of your health. All results and insights are continuously tracked and securely stored in Function's platform, allowing individuals to uncover trends and watch health transformations over time. Since launching in beta in 2023, Function has amassed nearly 50,000 members, and 200,000+ people have joined the waitlist. For more information, visit .

關於Function Health
Function是首家提供100多種實驗室檢測的健康平台,幫助人們了解他們的整個身體狀況——從心臟和激素到甲狀腺、營養、毒素、自身免疫性、免疫力及更多領域。與經常昂貴、難以接近和被動的傳統檢測不同的是,Function只需支付499美元/年即可獲得這100多項實驗室檢測,以及世界頂尖醫生的詳細和實踐意義顯著的見解,無隱含成本、意外費用或涉及保險。 Function提供的實驗室檢測數量通常比大多數初級保健醫生多五倍,通常僅提供約19項實驗室檢測,無法捕捉您健康情況的關鍵部分。所有結果和見解都可以持續跟蹤並安全地存儲在Function的平台上,這使個人可以發現趨勢並隨着時間觀察健康轉型。自2023年Beta版發佈以來,Function已累積將近50,000名成員,200,000多人加入了等候名單。有關更多信息,請訪問.

SOURCE Function Health

Function Health來源

