
ALUULA Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

ALUULA Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

newsfile ·  06/25 06:15

YTD Q2 2024 Sales Increased 47% Compared to YTD Q2 2023


Achieved Strong Wind Sport Penetration with Sixteen Brands on Board by Q2 2024


YTD Q2 2024 Gross Margin Increased to 43% from 31% in YTD Q2 2023


CEO Sage Berryman Provides Update on ALUULA's Future Strategy and Business Plans

ALUULA的首席執行官Sage Berryman介紹了公司未來的戰略和商業計劃。

Victoria, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 24, 2024) - ALUULA Composites Inc. (TSXV: AUUA) ("ALUULA" or the "Company") today reported its financial results for the three and six-month periods ended April 30, 2024 ("Q2 2024" and "YTD Q2 2024" respectively). All currency amounts are listed in Canadian dollars.

ALUULA Composites Inc.(tsxv:auua)於2024年6月24日發佈了截至2024年4月30日的三個和六個月財務業績報告。ALUULA"或"公司2024年第二季度“和”2024年上半年度第二季度(分別)項下的所有幣種金額均以加元列示。

"This quarter, we've focused on establishing a solid foundation to support our current and future business growth. To achieve this, we've made significant strides in stabilizing our business while we work on updating our strategic direction and future business plans. We have started to see the impact of these changes, and we are continually expanding our sales pipeline and product ranges to support our ambitious plans," said Sage Berryman, CEO and President of ALUULA.

“本季度,我們專注於建立堅實的基礎,以支持我們當前和未來的業務增長。爲此,我們在穩定業務方面取得了重大進展,同時致力於更新我們的戰略方向和未來的業務計劃。我們已經開始看到這些變化的影響,而不斷擴大我們的銷售渠道和產品範圍則可以支持我們雄心勃勃的計劃,”ALUULA首席執行官和總裁Sage Berryman說到。“2024年第二季度,ALUULA做出了專注於擁有最高增長潛力領域的資產和資源的戰略決策。作爲此舉的結果,公司停止了Ocean Rodeo的業務運營,並重新制定了組織結構,更新了其產品和專利路線圖。更新的路線圖突出了產品開發的關鍵領域,以及支持ALUULA競爭地位所需的相關專利和商業祕密,而摒棄不再與戰略計劃相符的產品和專利。”

During Q2 2024, ALUULA made the strategic decision to focus its assets and resources on areas with the highest growth potential. This focus has resulted in the Company discontinuing Ocean Rodeo's business operations, as previously announced in a news release dated May 6, 2024, pursuing the sale of non-core assets, restructuring the organizational chart and updating its product and patent roadmaps. The updated roadmaps highlight key areas of product development and the associated patents and trade secrets required to support ALUULA's competitive position, while divesting the products and patents that no longer align with the strategic plan.

“回顧我們2019年開始的旅程,我們取得了顯著的進展。我們的產品範圍已從單一的材料擴展到五十種,商業化的風能品牌中展示ALUULA的數量已從一家增加到16家,而我們在其他領域也在持續增長,” Berryman表示。

"Reflecting on our journey from when we started in 2019, we have experienced remarkable progress. Our product range has expanded from a single material to fifty, the number of commercialized windsport brands featuring ALUULA has increased from one to sixteen, and we are experiencing ongoing growth in other verticals," said Berryman. "The decision to divest non-core assets and focus exclusively on our core composite material business formed a large part of this strategic repositioning. By discontinuing Ocean Rodeo's business operations, we can leverage ALUULA's leadership position as a preferred input material supplier for a growing number of high-performance wind sport brands, ensuring there are no perceived conflicts of interest. This move also allows us to streamline our operations as we continue to observe a steady increase for our recycle-ready and high-performing materials quarter-over-quarter."

“放棄非核心資產並專門專注於我們的核心複合材料業務的決定是此次戰略重新定位的重要部分。通過停止Ocean Rodeo的業務運營,我們可以利用ALUULA作爲不斷增加的高性能風能品牌首選輸入材料供應商的領導地位,確保沒有利益衝突。這一舉措也讓我們能夠簡化運營,同時因爲我們的可回收和高性能材料的季度覆蓋面穩步增加而進一步提高盈利能力。”Berryman說到。“2024年上半年,ALUULA的銷售額同比增長47%。此外,公司報告的毛利率爲43%,與預期範圍40%-45%相一致。截至2024年4月底,ALUULA在性能戶外渠道有12個商業化風能品牌,而在2023年4月底,則僅有三家。除性能戶外應用外,公司於2024年3月18日宣佈與Michelin Inflatable Solutions達成新的研發合作,在美國科羅拉多州的39號太空研討會上Max Space展示了其材料,並參加了德國法蘭克福的半年度Tech Textil貿易展覽會。”

In the first half of 2024, ALUULA achieved a 47% increase in sales compared to the same period last year. Additionally, the Company reported gross margins of 43%, consistent with the expected range of 40%-45%. At the end of April 2024, ALUULA had twelve commercialized wind sport brands within the performance outdoor channel compared to only three at the end of April 2023. Outside of performance outdoor applications, the Company announced a new research and development collaboration with Michelin Inflatable Solutions on March 18, 2024, had its materials featured by Max Space at 39th Space Symposium in Colorado, USA, and attended the bi-annual Tech Textil tradeshow in Frankfurt, Germany.

“展望2024年第三季度及以後,我們致力於以可持續性爲先導,並在產品生命週期內採用循環經濟原則。 ALUULA的材料在其有用壽命結束時可回收,從而最小化環境影響。此外,我們正在加強供應鏈以增強韌性和靈活性。戰略合作伙伴關係在我們的增長戰略中仍然至關重要,特別是隨着我們在性能戶外和商業工業領域繼續擴大影響。與此同時,我們正在簡化生產流程,以進一步通過規模經濟提高盈利能力。此外,保持高質量和運營效率始終是我們所做的核心,推動客戶滿意度和業績。隨着我們的戰略重心計劃現在已經穩定地就位,我們已準備好在未來幾年中爲股東提供可持續價值,”Berryman說到。

"Looking ahead to Q3 2024 and beyond, we're committed to leading with sustainability and embracing circular economy principles across our product lifecycle. ALUULA's materials are recycle-ready at the end of their useful life, minimizing the environmental impact. We're also strengthening our supply chain to enhance resilience and flexibility. Strategic partnerships continue to be key to our growth strategy, especially as we continue to expand our reach in the Performance Outdoor and Commercial Industrial sectors. At the same time, we're streamlining production processes to further improve profitability through economies of scale. Moreover, maintaining high standards of quality and operational efficiency remains at the core of what we do, driving customer satisfaction and our bottom line. With our strategic refocus plan now firmly in place, we're poised to deliver sustainable value to our shareholders in the years ahead," said Berryman.


Key YTD Q2 2024 Highlights


  • Sales were $3,400,430 in YTD Q2 2024 compared to $2,313,925 in YTD Q2 2023, which represents a 47% increase. The $1,086,505 increase was primarily due to an increase in sales to the windsport vertical market as manufacturing customers increased purchase orders to support the growing list of windsport brands launching products featuring ALUULA materials.
  • Cost of sales increased to $1,937,252 in YTD Q2 2024 compared to $1,604,265 for YTD Q2 2023.
  • Gross margin increased to 43% in YTD Q2 2024 from 31% in YTD Q2 2023.
  • Net loss and comprehensive loss was $993,332 in YTD Q2 2024 compared to $3,777,296 in YTD Q2 2023, which includes the net and comprehensive loss from both continued and discontinued operations.
  • Onboarded eight new wind sport brands in YTD Q2 2024.
  • Commercialized customers increased to twelve in YTD Q2 2024 compared to three in YTD 2023.
  • 銷售
  • 銷售成本與2023 YTD Q2的1604265美元相比,2024 YTD Q2達到了1937252美元。
  • 毛利率2024 YTD Q2佔比達到43%,2023 YTD Q2爲31%。
  • 淨損失和綜合損失。2024 YTD Q2的淨損失和綜合損失爲993332美元,而2023 YTD Q2的淨損失和綜合損失爲3777296美元,其中包括持續和已停止運營的淨損失和綜合損失。
  • 在2024 YTD Q2,新增了八個新的風動體育品牌。2024 YTD Q2,商業化客戶數量增加到十二個。
  • 2024 YTD Q2,商業化客戶數量從2023 YTD Q2的三個增加到十二個。2024 Q2的關鍵亮點是,營業收入爲1403151美元,而2023 Q2的營業收入爲1598392美元。這是因爲公司在2023年Q1經歷了工作資金短缺,導致推遲了Q1 2023的銷售訂單完成,產品發貨和營業收入確認被推遲到Q2 2023。

Key Q2 2024 Highlights

2024 Q2的關鍵亮點包括:

  • Sales were $1,403,151 in Q2 2024 compared to $1,598,392 in Q2 2023. The decrease was primarily due to a spike in sales that occurred during Q2 2023 after the Company experienced a working capital shortage in Q1 2023. The working capital shortage caused delays fulfilling sales orders during Q1 2023, pushing product shipment and revenue recognition into Q2 2023.
  • Cost of sales decreased to $841,600 in Q2 2024 compared to $1,037,196 for Q2 2023.
  • Gross margin increased to 40% in Q2 2024 from 35% in Q2 2023.
  • Net loss and comprehensive loss was $764,360 in Q2 2024 compared to $2,612,145 in Q2 2023, which includes the net and comprehensive loss from both continued and discontinued operations.
  • Onboarded three new wind sport brands bringing the total to the end of Q2 2024 to sixteen. Ten of these brands are now offering products with ALUULA Gold ("Gold") material, while six have purchased materials but have not yet launched their products.
  • Sold materials to twenty-eight customers who are in various stages of testing materials.
    • Twelve of these customers being bag and pack brands that are all expected to commercialize products by early 2025.
  • Commercialized customers increased to eight in Q2 2024 compared to four in Q2 2023. ALUULA considers companies purchasing more than 1000 square meters of material as commercialized.
  • 銷售 2024 Q2的關鍵亮點之一是淨收入爲1403151美元,2023 Q2爲1598392美元。這主要是由於2023年Q1經歷了工作資金短缺引起的銷售高峰。
  • 銷售成本2024 Q2的營業收入爲841600美元,2023 Q2的營業收入爲1037196美元。
  • 毛利率 2024 Q2的佔比爲40%,2023 Q2的佔比爲35%。
  • 淨損失和綜合損失。2024 Q2的淨損失和綜合損失爲764360美元,而2023 Q2的淨損失和綜合損失爲2612145美元,其中包括持續和已停止運營的淨損失和綜合損失。
  • 新增了三個新的風動體育品牌,使截至2024年Q2的新增品牌總數達到16個。其中十個品牌之一使用ALUULA黃金(“”)材料生產產品,而另外六個品牌已購買材料但尚未推出產品。銷售材料給28個客戶,這些客戶處於材料測試的不同階段,其中12位客戶是袋和包裝品牌。黃金已有10個品牌的產品使用ALUULA黃金(“”)材料,而另外6個品牌已購買材料但尚未推出產品。
  • 向28個客戶銷售材料,這些客戶處於材料測試的不同階段。其中12位客戶是袋和包裝品牌。
    • 其中12位客戶是袋和包裝品牌。所有這些預計都將在2025年初銷售產品。
  • 商業客戶增加到了八個。相比於2023年第二季度的4個,ALUULA認爲購買1000平方米以上材料的公司都是商業客戶。

Extension of the Related Party Loan


On December 29, 2023, the Company entered into a $1,000,000 short-term loan agreement (the "Loan") with 0876991 B.C. Ltd., a related party. The Loan bears interest at a rate of 12% per annum and is due on July 1, 2024. On June 21, 2024, the Company, with the support of the related parties, extended the maturity date of the Loan by another 6 months from July 1, 2024, to January 1, 2025. All other terms remain unchanged. The Loan will continue to primarily be used to fulfill the Company's requirement for working capital.

2023年12月29日,公司與相關方0876991 B.C. Ltd.簽訂了一份100萬美元的短期貸款協議(“貸款協議”)。該貸款按年利率12%計息,到期日爲2024年7月1日。2024年6月21日,公司在相關方的支持下將貸款到期日再次延長6個月,即從2024年7月1日延長至2025年1月1日。其他所有條款保持不變。該貸款將繼續主要用於滿足公司的營運資金需求。貸款公司貸款承借人爲與其相關聯方0876991 B.C. Ltd.。該貸款的利率爲年化12%,應於2024年7月1日到期。2024年6月21日,公司在相關方的支持下,將貸款的到期日從2024年7月1日延長6個月至2025年1月1日。所有其他條款保持不變。貸款將繼續主要用於履行公司的營運資金要求。

Financial Statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis


This earnings press release should be read in conjunction with ALUULA's interim financial statements for the three and six months ended April 30, 2024 and the related management's discussion & analysis, which can be found on ALUULA's website and its issuer profile on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval Plus at .


About ALUULA Composites


ALUULA is a materials brand that improves the performance of outdoor gear with environmentally sustainable solutions. Proudly owned and manufactured on the Canadian west coast, ALUULA's innovation is driven by a deep understanding that equipment does not need to sacrifice performance for sustainability. ALUULA's materials are known for their unique construction capabilities and their ability to make products lighter, stronger, and more sustainable.

ALUULA是一種材料品牌,通過環境可持續解決方案改善戶外裝備的性能。作爲加拿大西海岸自豪地擁有和製造的品牌,ALUULA的創新受到了深刻理解,即設備不需要爲可持續性而犧牲性能。ALUULA的材料以其獨特的結構能力和使產品更輕、更強和更可持續的能力而聞名。 | (TSXV: AUUA) | (tsxv: AUUA)

On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Sage Berryman
Chief Executive Officer

Sage Berryman

For ALUULA investor inquiries, please contact:


1-888-724-2470, ext. 4


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ALUULA's Brand Partners


The term "brand partners" does not refer to formal partnerships with our customers. The term refers to marketing relationships with our customers who use ALUULA's technology as a brand ingredient in their products.


TSX Venture Exchange


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策中所定義的那樣)均不對本發佈的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

Forward-Looking Statements


The information in this news release includes certain information and statements about management's view of future events, expectations, plans, and prospects that constitute forward-looking statements. These statements are based on assumptions subject to significant risks and uncertainties as described in the Company's management discussion and analysis. Because of these risks and uncertainties and as a result of a variety of factors, including the timing and receipt of all applicable regulatory, corporate third-party approvals, the actual results, expectations, achievements, or performance may differ materially from those anticipated and indicated by these forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurances that the expectations of any forward-looking statement will prove to be correct. Except as required by law, the Company disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in factors affecting such forward-looking statements or otherwise.


