
Oncolytics Biotech Chair Wayne Pisano To Serve As Interim CEO As Dr. Matt Coffey Looks To Take Medical Leave Of Absence

Oncolytics Biotech Chair Wayne Pisano To Serve As Interim CEO As Dr. Matt Coffey Looks To Take Medical Leave Of Absence

oncolytics biotech的主席Wayne Pisano將擔任臨時CEO,因爲Dr. Matt Coffey醫療休假。
Benzinga ·  06/24 19:08

Oncolytics Biotech Inc. (NASDAQ:ONCY) (TSX:ONC), a leading clinical-stage company specializing in immunotherapeutics for oncology, today announced that Matt Coffey, PhD, President and Chief Executive Officer of Oncolytics will take a medical leave of absence, effective immediately. Wayne Pisano, Chair of Oncolytics' Board of Directors, will serve as the interim CEO during Dr. Coffey's absence.

領先的臨床階段公司聚焦於腫瘤免疫治療的Oncolytics Biotech Inc. (NASDAQ:ONCY) (TSX:ONC) 今日宣佈,總裁兼首席執行官Matt Coffey, PhD,即刻起將休醫假。Oncolytics董事會主席Wayne Pisano將在Coffey博士缺席期間擔任代理CEO一職。


"On behalf of the Board, I would like to wish Matt a swift recovery. In the interim, the Board and I are highly confident in our tenured executive team's ability to continue executing our mission, achieve our strategic priorities, and drive forward our registration-enabling clinical plans for pelareorep, a differentiated and potentially leading immunotherapeutic agent in breast and pancreatic cancers," said Wayne Pisano, Chair of Oncolytics' Board of Directors. "Together, we will continue to deliver on our long-term goals to ultimately bring pelareorep to patients with cancer."

"我代表董事會祝願Matt迅速康復。在此期間,我們高度信任管理層團隊繼續執行我們的任務,實現我們的戰略重點,並推動我們的登記使能臨床計劃,爲乳腺癌和胰腺癌等潛在免疫治療產品pelareorep走向全球領袖地位。"Oncolytics董事會主席Wayne Pisano表示。"我們將繼續共同實現我們的長期目標,最終將pelareorep帶給癌症患者。"

Wayne Pisano, Chair of the Board since 2013, has more than 30 years of experience as a pharmaceutical industry executive and over 12 years of experience in the biotech industry. Mr. Pisano served as the president of VaxInnate, a privately held biotech company, and has served as a Board Director of several biotech companies, including Provention Bio and Altimmune Inc. He served as Chairman of Provention Bio for four years, overseeing the company's acquisition by Sanofi in April 2023.

擔任Oncolytics董事會主席自2013年以來,Wayne Pisano是一位擁有30多年製藥行業管理經驗,並在生物技術行業超過12年的資深管理人士。Pisano先生曾擔任一傢俬營生物技術公司VaxInnate總裁,也曾擔任幾家生物技術公司的董事,包括Provention Bio和Altimmune Inc。他還擔任Provention Bio主席長達四年,監督該公司於2023年4月被賽諾菲安萬特收購。

Mr. Pisano is the former President and CEO of Sanofi Pasteur, one of the largest vaccine companies in the world. He is credited with driving Sanofi Pasteur's leadership within the worldwide influenza market, capturing 50% of global sales. He also laid the foundation for the company's global pediatric vaccines strategy and bolstered the Sanofi Pasteur pipeline with the acquisition of Acambis PLC, a biotech based in Boston, in 2008 and Shantha Biotechnics, a highly regarded Indian vaccine company in 2010. Prior to joining Sanofi Pasteur, he spent 11 years with Novartis (formerly Sandoz). He has a bachelor's degree in biology from St. John Fisher University in New York and an MBA from the University of Dayton in Ohio.

Pisano先生曾是世界上最大的疫苗公司之一Sanofi Pasteur的前總裁兼首席執行官。他曾在全球流感市場中推動Sanofi Pasteur的領導地位並佔據50%的全球銷售份額。他還爲公司的全球兒童疫苗策略奠定了基礎,並在2008年以及2010年使Sanofi Pasteur的管道增強了通過Boston生物技術公司Acambis PLC和印度頂尖疫苗公司Shantha Biotechnics的收購。他加入Sanofi Pasteur之前在諾華(前桑多士)工作了11年。他擁有紐約聖約翰費舍爾大學的生物學學士學位和俄亥俄州大學戴頓分校的MBA學位。

