
MapleStory Universe Pre-Launch Campaign -- 'MapleStory Universe: The Genesis' Begins on June 24

MapleStory Universe Pre-Launch Campaign -- 'MapleStory Universe: The Genesis' Begins on June 24

PR Newswire ·  06/24 14:24
  • Official website renewed as 'MapleStory Universe: The Genesis Web,' providing tangible contents including Quest, Dressroom and more
  • Various events prepared to strengthen the core value of Contribution-Reward Experience
  • Pre-test rewards to be provided for the winners of Dressroom event
  • 官網現已重磅升級,更名爲“MapleStory Universe: The Genesis Web”,提供實際功能,包括任務和換裝等
  • 多種活動準備加強獎勵體驗的核心價值
  • 穿衣間活動的獲獎者將獲得先期測試的獎勵

SEOUL, South Korea, June 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MapleStory Universe: The Genesis campaign is now live, aiming to build a community-based ecosystem during its pre-launch phase.

韓國首爾,2024年6月24日 /美通社/ -- MapleStory Universe: The Genesis活動現已上線,旨在在預發行階段建立基於社區的生態系統。

NEXPACE has announced the launch of MapleStory Universe: The Genesis (MSU: The Genesis) and the renewal of its official website, now known as MapleStory Universe: The Genesis Web (MSU: The Genesis Web).

NEXPACE宣佈推出MapleStory Universe: The Genesis (MSU: The Genesis)並升級其官方網站,現正式更名爲MapleStory Universe: The Genesis Web(MSU: The Genesis Web).

The core value of MSU: The Genesis is a contribution-reward experience, fostering a community that will serve as the foundation of the MapleStory Universe ecosystem. Alongside the website, an official Discord channel opened on June 17 to support this community-building effort.

MSU: The Genesis的核心價值是貢獻獎勵體驗,培養社區作爲MapleStory Universe生態系統的基礎。隨着網站的上線,官方Discord頻道於6月17日開放,以支持社區建設。

Key Campaign Features:


  1. MapleStory Universe Quest (MSU Quest, June 24 Onwards):
  1. MapleStory Universe任務(MSU Quest,6月24日開始):
  • Users can earn points by completing quests available on the MSU: The Genesis Web.
  • Activities include visiting the official website, joining Discord, following on Twitter, solving Quizzes and more.
  • High points can be earned by actively participating in onetime and repetitive quests such as:
    • Log into MSU: The Genesis Web for 14 days
    • Save character in the MSU Dressroom
    • Repost @MaplestoryU X post
    • Read @MaplestoryU Medium article
  • Details on how to use accumulated points will be revealed in Q3.
  • 用戶可以通過在MSU: The Genesis Web上完成任務來獲得積分。
  • 活動包括訪問官方網站、加入Discord、關注Twitter、解決問答等。
  • 通過積極參與一次性和重複性任務,如:
    • 在MSU: The Genesis Web中登錄14天
    • 將角色存儲在MSU Dressroom中,可獲得較高積分
    • 轉發@MaplestoryU的帖子
    • 閱讀@MaplestoryU的Medium文章
  • 如何使用積累積分的詳細信息將在第三季度公佈。
Dressroom Event:
  • As a part of the MSU Quest, Dressroom event will take place on the MapleStory Universe Official X.
  • It offers rewards for the pre-test, scheduled in the second half of the year.
  • 作爲MSU任務的一部分,試衣間活動將在MapleStory Universe官網上舉行。
  • 爲了預測試驗,計劃在下半年進行,活動提供獎勵。

For more information about the MSU Quest and Dressroom events, visit the official website, join the official Discord, or follow the official X.


MapleStory Universe Official Links

MapleStory Universe官方鏈接


網站:博客Medium: Discord:Facebook:



NEXPACE is an IP-expanding project based on blockchain technology that utilizes NFTs. The goal of NEXPACE is to bring creators and users together, fostering an innovative games community where members can experience various games and content developed by other members. With its blockchain technology, NEXPACE provides transparent and secure services, encouraging creators to freely express their ideas while users enjoy these fresh inventions. This represents the philosophy and ambition of NEXPACE.


[About MapleStory Universe]

[關於MapleStory Universe]

MapleStory Universe is the first project to be serviced on NEXPACE. As a Virtual Worlds ecosystem established based on Nexon's world's famous IP, MapleStory Universe utilizes NFTs to create various tangible and intangible enhancements to the games experience. MapleStory Universe is committed to lowering the barriers to entry for blockchain technology, making it easily accessible for everyone to participate in and experience the world of blockchain.

MapleStory Universe是基於NEXPACE的第一個項目。作爲一個建立在Nexon世界著名IP上的虛擬世界生態系統,MapleStory Universe利用NFTs創建各種有形和無形的遊戲體驗增強。MapleStory Universe致力於降低區塊鏈技術的准入門檻,使每個人都能輕鬆參與和體驗區塊鏈的世界。

SOURCE MapleStory Universe

資料來源:MapleStory Universe

