
Albertsons Media Collective Launches Collective TV - Powered by First-Party Data, Closed-Loop Measurement, Shoppable Ads and Premium Inventory

Albertsons Media Collective Launches Collective TV - Powered by First-Party Data, Closed-Loop Measurement, Shoppable Ads and Premium Inventory

艾伯森 ·  06/13 12:00

To accelerate TV transformation, Albertsons Media Collective is working across Google Display & Video 360, The Trade Desk, LiveRamp, FreeWheel, iSpot and Clinch to enable a modern currency for the future of video ad campaigns

爲了加速電視轉化,艾伯森公司的艾伯森媒體集團正在與谷歌顯示和視頻360、the trade desk、liveramp、freewheel、ispot和clinch合作,爲未來的視頻廣告活動提供現代貨幣。

BOISE, Idaho--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Albertsons Media Collective, the retail media arm for Albertsons Companies, Inc. (NYSE:ACI), today debuted Collective TV, a solution that unlocks the combined value of retail media and TV, providing advertisers with a modern currency for targeting, measuring and optimizing campaigns across streaming, digital video and soon linear TV.

愛達荷州-(美國商業資訊)-Albertsons Media CollectiveAlbertsons Companies, Inc.(紐交所:ACI)的零售媒體部門——Albertsons Media Collective今天推出了一個解決方案——Collective TV。該方案解鎖了零售媒體和電視的綜合價值,爲廣告商提供了一個現代化的貨幣,用於在流媒體、數字視頻和即將面市的線性電視上定向、測量和優化廣告活動。

According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau's 2024 Digital Video Ad Spend & Strategy Report, digital video ad revenues are expected to reach $63 billion in 2024. Despite this fast-paced growth, the pathways for running connected TV (CTV) campaigns alone are varied and complex. Agencies, networks, streaming publishers, identity solutions and ad tech platforms have built silos for planning, executing and measuring CTV campaigns.

根據互動廣告局的《2024年數字視頻廣告支出和策略報告》,2024年數字視頻廣告收入預計達到630億美元。儘管增長速度很快,但僅運行連接電視(CTV)廣告系列的途徑是多樣和複雜的。代理公司、網絡、流媒體發行者、身份解決方案和廣告技術平台都已建立了用於計劃、執行和測量CTV廣告系列的隔離運行環境。2024年數字視頻廣告支出和策略報告“廣告商需要一種更智能、更有效的方式來執行CTV和視頻廣告系列。通過Collective TV,我們正在提供一種結果驅動的電視解決方案,該解決方案是靈活的、可擴展的和可衡量的。我們通過Collective TV,把電視廣告的奇妙 aspects理掉了。” Albertsons Media Collective的零售媒體高級副總裁Kristi Argyilan說道。

"Advertisers need a smarter, more effective way to execute CTV and video campaigns. With Collective TV, we're removing the silos between publishers, demand-side platforms, and identity solutions by offering an outcome-driven TV solution that is flexible, scalable and measurable," said Kristi Argyilan, SVP of Retail Media for Albertsons Media Collective. "With Collective TV, we're taking the wonder out of TV advertising."

Collective TV爲廣告商或發行商提供了三個靈活的服務渠道。 使用現代貨幣和iSpot進行全渠道視頻廣告系列執行,使用Display&Video 360獲得高級視頻和CTV庫存,包括YouTube。根據Comscore的數據,Display&Video 360提供對美國92%的CTV家庭的訪問權。其他CTV庫存可通過FreeWheel獲得,並通過Clinch實現個性化和本地化的動態內容優化。

Collective TV provides three flexible service channels for advertisers or publishers.

作爲使用Display&Video 360的一部分,廣告商可以使用Collective TV創建引人入勝的可購物YouTube視頻廣告,從而減少生產成本並加速上市時間。 Collective TV的可購物廣告可以通過多個庫存提供商提供,從而最大限度地提高廣告商的影響力和受衆,並在單個購買技術堆棧內保持簡化的廣告活動管理。

  • Premium Offering Channel: Enables brands to execute omnichannel video campaigns using modern currency and measurement with iSpot, and access to premier video and CTV inventory with Display & Video 360, including YouTube. Display & Video 360 provides access to 92% of CTV households in the U.S., according to Comscore.
    Additional CTV inventory is available through FreeWheel, and personalized and localized dynamic content optimization across this premium channel offering is enabled through Clinch.
    As part of working with Display & Video 360, advertisers can create engaging, shoppable YouTube video ads with Collective TV, reducing production costs and speed to market. Collective TV's shoppable ads can be delivered across multiple inventory providers, maximizing reach and impact for advertisers, while maintaining streamlined campaign management within a single buying tech stack.
    The launch of Collective TV comes on the heels of Albertsons Media Collective's partnership with Google and LiveRamp to market to streaming audiences with Display & Video 360's Publisher Advertiser Identity Reconciliation (PAIR) protocol. As an early adopter of PAIR, Albertsons Media Collective connects Albertsons' informed shopper audiences with premium content, while leveraging LiveRamp's platform to enhance security and privacy for publisher and marketer data collaboration.
  • 優質品牌渠道:推廣商和流媒體服務提供商想要利用Collective TV爲其廣告商提供額外價值。 Collective TV提供品牌安全,以及響應隱私的廣告體驗,以保證廣告商的自信,即視頻和CTV廣告以正確的方式在他們知道購物者的地方觀看電視。 Collective TV通過綜合的全渠道方法,透過Albertsons Media Collective的離站點庫存,通過社交平台和CTV出版商爲廣告商提供靈活的視頻使用方式。 Collective TV通過The Trade Desk提供靈活的歸因窗口,並跟蹤支持意識、考慮和轉換的通用KPI。
    要了解有關Albertsons Media Collective和Collective TV的更多信息,請訪問
    Albertsons Media Collective與Google和LiveRamp合作,利用Display&Video 360的發佈者廣告商身份協調(PAIR)協議,面向流媒體受衆進行營銷。作爲PAIR的早期採用者,Albertsons Media Collective將Albertsons的知情購物者受衆與高級內容聯繫起來,同時利用LiveRamp的平台增強發佈商和營銷人員數據合作的安全性和隱私性。
  • DIY CTV Channel: Offers build-it-yourself capabilities that are designed for brands that want to roll up their sleeves. Brands or agencies that work with The Trade Desk can access 80% of all premium CTV inventory, which includes Albertsons Media Collective's first-party audience data and item-level closed-loop measurement for on and offline sales in a privacy conscious manner. Additional capabilities include weather and location data integration and marketing mix modeling integration. Linear audience reach extension will be available later this year via iSpot.
    "CTV represents some of the most premium inventory for advertisers," said Ben Sylvan, VP of Data Partnerships, The Trade Desk. "Albertsons' purchase-based data represents an opportunity for media buyers to bring that incredibly valuable data to inform their media buys on the big screen and focus on the most valuable buyers. This represents a major change that will improve the consumer experience and continue to support the streaming content we all love, and we look forward to media buyers reimagining what's possible in their CTV media plans."
  • DIY CTV渠道::提供自制能力,適用於希望掀起袖子的品牌。與The Trade Desk合作的品牌或代理商可以訪問80%的所有高級CTV庫存,其中包括Albertsons Media Collective的一方受衆數據和用於隱私保護的在線和離線銷售級別測量。其他功能包括天氣和位置數據集成以及營銷組合模型集成。線性受衆到達擴展將在今年晚些時候通過iSpot提供。
    “CTV代表了廣告商最優質的庫存之一,”The Trade Desk的數據合作副總裁Ben Sylvan說道。 “Albertsons的基於購買的數據爲媒體購買者提供了將非常有價值的數據應用於宏偉的屏幕上的機會,並着重關注最寶貴的買家。這代表了一種改變,將改善消費者體驗,並繼續支持我們所熱愛的流媒體內容,我們期待媒介購買者重新想象他們在CTV媒介計劃中的可能性。”
  • Collective Syndication Channel: For publishers and streaming services that want to leverage Collective TV to offer extra value for their advertisers.
  • 集體授權渠道:對於希望利用Collective TV爲其廣告商提供額外價值的出版商和流媒體服務。

Collective TV offers brand safety along with privacy conscious ad experiences to instill confidence in advertisers that video and CTV ads are being served in the right way to their known shoppers in the places they watch TV. Collective TV offers advertisers an easier way to use video through a holistic, omnichannel approach across Albertsons Media Collective's off-site inventory via social platforms and CTV publishers. Collective TV offers flexible attribution windows via The Trade Desk and tracks common KPIs that support awareness, consideration, and conversion.

Collective TV爲廣告商提供品牌安全,以及響應隱私的廣告體驗,以保證廣告商的自信,即視頻和CTV廣告以正確的方式在他們知道購物者的地方觀看電視。 Collective TV通過綜合的全渠道方法,透過Albertsons Media Collective的離站點庫存,通過社交平台和CTV出版商爲廣告商提供靈活的視頻使用方式。 Collective TV通過The Trade Desk提供靈活的歸因窗口,並跟蹤支持意識、考慮和轉換的通用KPI。

"In 2023, we spearheaded the framework for standardization to enable consistent measurement across retail media. Now we're reimagining video measurement and optimization across all channels through our co-op garden approach and first-party data, all with an eye toward simplifying the complexity in this space our clients are having to navigate," added Argyilan.


To learn more about Albertsons Media Collective and Collective TV, please visit LinkedIn.

要了解有關Albertsons Media Collective和Collective TV的更多信息,請訪問 LinkedIn.

About Albertsons Media Collective


Albertsons Media Collective is a next-generation retail media network rooted in connections, technology and innovation. As the retail media arm for Albertsons Companies, one of the largest food and drug retailers in the United States, we connect with consumers in more than 2,200 locations across 34 states and the District of Columbia. Through a companywide focus on innovation, we partner with leading brands to help them engage shoppers when and where it matters most, with the power of sophisticated first-party data. From innovative delivery platforms to highly targeted marketing solutions, we offer our clients a variety of programs designed to drive retail sales and maximize brand impact to best serve our shoppers.

Albertsons Media Collective是一家根植於連接、技術和創新的下一代零售媒體網絡。作爲美國最大的食品和藥品零售商之一Albertsons Companies的零售媒體部門,我們在34個州和哥倫比亞特區的2,200多個位置與消費者聯繫。通過全公司的創新重心,我們與領先品牌合作,幫助他們在最需要時與購物者互動,利用複雜的第一方數據的力量。從創新的交付平台到高度精準的營銷解決方案,我們爲我們的客戶提供各種方案,旨在推動零售銷售並最大限度地提高品牌的影響力,以最好地服務我們的購物者。

Source: Albertsons Companies, Inc.


