


The Lion Electric ·  06/13 12:00

MONTREAL, June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - The Lion Electric Company (NYSE: LEV) (TSX: LEV) ("Lion" or the "Company"), a leading manufacturer of all-electric medium and heavy-duty urban vehicles, announced today the successful final certification for its heavy-duty ("HD") battery pack, the LionBattery HD, a lithium-ion battery pack specifically designed for the Company's purpose-built heavy-duty trucks.

2024年6月13日,蒙特利爾 /新聞提供:紐交所(LEV)(TSX:LEV)的The Lion Electric Company(“Lion”或“公司”)是一家領先的全電動中重型城市車輛製造商,今天宣佈其重型(“HD”)電池組LionBattery HD已成功通過最終認證,這是一款專門爲公司的專用重型卡車而設計的鋰離子電池組。

Lion, in collaboration with third-party testing partners, conducted stringent testing to meet the certification requirements. The LionBattery HD pack is now certified to meet the most rigorous criteria and safety regulations in the automotive industry.

Lion與第三方測試合作伙伴合作,進行了嚴格的測試,以滿足認證要求。 LionBattery HD電池組目前獲得認證,符合汽車行業最嚴格的標準和安全法規。

These 105 kWh proprietary battery packs will power the Lion8 Tractor, an all-electric Class 8 commercial truck, which was unveiled on May 21, 2024, during the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo in Las Vegas.

這些105 kWh專有電池組將爲Lion8牽引車提供動力,Lion8牽引車是一款全電動的8級商用卡車,於2024年5月21日在拉斯維加斯舉行的先進清潔交通(ACT)博覽會上亮相。

Lion had previously announced in December 2023 the certification of its medium-duty ("MD") battery pack, the LionBattery MD pack, specially designed for the company's medium-duty trucks and school buses.

Lion曾於2023年12月宣佈獲得中級貨車(“MD”)電池組LionBattery MD的認證,專爲公司的中型貨車和校車設計。

"At Lion, our commitment to pushing innovation to new heights is exemplified by the development of our state-of-the-art batteries, like the LionBattery HD for heavy-duty trucks. This advancement underscores our dedication to excellence, reliability and safety, solidifying our leadership role in North America's transportation electrification landscape, as the battery serves as a critical component of the vehicle," stated Marc Bedard, CEO-Founder of Lion. "With major battery development milestones behind us, we will now focus on optimizing the integration of both the LionBattery MD and HD packs on our vehicles, which should ultimately translate into production efficiency," Marc further emphasized.

Lion的CEO和創始人Marc Bedard表示:“在Lion,我們推動創新發展的承諾體現在我們如LionBattery HD for heavy-duty trucks 等先進電池的開發方面。 這一進步彰顯了我們的卓越、可靠和安全,鞏固了我們在北美交通電氣化領域的領導地位,因爲電池是車輛的關鍵元件。 過去我們已經完成了主要的電池發展里程碑,現在我們將專注於優化LionBattery MD和HD電池組在我們的車輛上的整合,這最終應該轉化爲生產效率。”

The LionBattery HD and MD packs are manufactured at Lion's state-of-the-art battery production facility. Today, with an annual manufacturing capacity of 1.7 gigawatt hours, the plant is capable of powering 5,000 of Lion's commercial vehicles per year.

LionBattery HD和MD電池組是在Lion的先進電池生產設施製造的。 今天,該工廠年產能爲1.7吉瓦時,能夠爲Lion的商用車輛每年提供動力5,000。

關於Lion Electric

Lion Electric is an innovative manufacturer of zero-emission vehicles. The company creates, designs and manufactures all-electric class 5 to class 8 commercial urban trucks and all-electric school buses. Lion is a North American leader in electric transportation and designs, builds and assembles many of its vehicles' components, including chassis, battery packs, truck cabins and bus bodies.

Lion Electric是一家創新的零排放車輛製造商。該公司生產、設計和製造全電動5至8級商業城市卡車和全電動校車。Lion是電動交通領域的北美領導者,設計、構建和組裝其許多車輛的元件,包括底盤、電池組、卡車駕駛室和公共汽車車身。是一家零排放車輛的創新制造商。該公司創建、設計並製造全電動的5至8級商用城市卡車和全電動校車。Lion是北美電動交通的領導者,設計、構建和組裝許多車輛元件,包括底盤、電池組、卡車駕駛艙和公交車車身。

Always actively seeking new and reliable technologies, Lion vehicles have unique features that are specifically adapted to its users and their everyday needs. Lion believes that transitioning to all-electric vehicles will lead to major improvements in our society, environment and overall quality of life. Lion shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol LEV.

Lion始終積極尋求新的可靠技術,其車輛具有特別適應用戶及其日常需求的獨特功能。 Lion相信,轉向全電動車輛將帶來社會、環境和生活質量的重大改善。Lion股票在紐約證券交易所和多倫多證券交易所下的股票代碼爲LEV。


This press release contains "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws and within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (collectively, "forward-looking statements"), including statements about Lion's beliefs and expectations and other statements that are not statements of historical facts. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as "believe," "may," "will," "continue," "anticipate," "intend," "expect," "should," "would," "could," "plan," "project," "potential," "seem," "seek," "future," "target" or other similar expressions and any other statements that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters, although not all forward-looking statements may contain such identifying words. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are based on a number of estimates and assumptions that Lion believes are reasonable when made. Such estimates and assumptions are made by Lion in light of the experience of management and their perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors believed to be appropriate and reasonable in the circumstances. However, there can be no assurance that such estimates and assumptions will prove to be correct. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. For additional information on estimates, assumptions, risks and uncertainties underlying certain of the forward-looking statements made in this press release, please consult section 23.0 entitled "Risk Factors" of the Company's annual management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations (MD&A) for the fiscal year 2023 and in other documents filed with the applicable Canadian regulatory securities authorities and the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Company's interim MD&As. Many of these risks are beyond Lion's management's ability to control or predict. All forward-looking statements attributable to Lion or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements contained and risk factors identified in the Company's annual MD&A for the fiscal year 2023 and in other documents filed with the applicable Canadian regulatory securities authorities and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Because of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, readers should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Furthermore, forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Except as required under applicable securities laws, Lion undertakes no obligation, and expressly disclaims any duty, to update, revise or review any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


SOURCE The Lion Electric Co.

資源 來源:The Lion Electric Co.

