
Seeking Intentionality: Meet Hillary Jeffrey

Seeking Intentionality: Meet Hillary Jeffrey

Accesswire ·  06/21 22:15

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 21, 2024 / GoDaddy

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE /2024 年 6 月 21 日/GoDadd

Originally published on GoDaddy Resource Library

最初發布在 GoDaddy 資源庫中

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your career at GoDaddy.

告訴我們一些關於你自己和你在 GoDaddy 的職業生涯的信息。

I'm Hillary, a Senior Software Engineer here at GoDaddy. I work on the Platform Team for Recommendations as Data (RAD) and Switchboard. I joined GoDaddy almost two years ago. I made my career out of following interesting challenges, such as modernizing US Navy RADAR distribution software and developing ephemeral environments at CISA for cybersecurity scans and testing.

我是 GoDaddy 的高級軟件工程師希拉里。我在 “數據即推薦” (RAD) 和 Switchboard 平台團隊工作。我差不多兩年前加入了 GoDaddy。我的職業生涯源於關注有趣的挑戰,例如對美國海軍雷達分發軟件進行現代化改造以及在 CISA 開發用於網絡安全掃描和測試的臨時環境。

I look for highly-collaborative work environments with teammates who foster curiosity and inclusivity, and I found that here at GoDaddy! This year, I became a part of the leadership team for our Employee Resource Group (ERG) GD United. The ERG is dedicated to the LGBTQIA+ community and allied employees. Within the leadership team, I feel surrounded by fantastic people who care about making a positive yet focused impact.

我正在尋找與培養好奇心和包容性的隊友高度協作的工作環境,我在 GoDaddy 找到了這一點!今年,我成爲了我們的員工資源小組(ERG)GD Unite****團隊的一員。ERG致力於LGBTQIA+社區和相關員工。在領導團隊中,我感到身邊有優秀的人才,他們關心產生積極而有針對性的影響。

How do you feel that GoDaddy supports you to do things that are important to you?

你覺得 GoDaddy 支持你做對你很重要的事情?

At GoDaddy, I experience a supportive work environment where leadership and colleagues alike foster a culture of shared accountability. This culture enables us to make relevant decisions, contribute to social causes with donation matching, and recognize each other as Everyday Champions. I enjoy collaborating across the organization and mentoring others through another ERG called GDWIT, focusing on women in tech. I also appreciate that we use our own tools and strive to make them more user-friendly. I feel that I have a stake and an impact in the outcomes we pursue.

在 GoDaddy,我體驗了一個支持性的工作環境,領導層和同事都營造了共同問責的文化。這種文化使我們能夠做出相關的決定,通過捐款匹配爲社會事業做出貢獻,並認可彼此爲 “日常冠軍”。我喜歡在組織內開展合作,並通過另一個名爲GDWIT的ERG指導其他人,該小組側重於科技領域的女性。我還感謝我們使用自己的工具並努力使它們更加用戶友好。我覺得我們追求的結果與我息息相關,也有影響力。

What has been one of your proudest moments at GoDaddy?

你在 GoDaddy 最自豪的時刻之一是什麼?

I think we all expect the big achievements to be our proudest moments, such as rebuilding a compute cluster, solving an error, or providing technical justification to prevent an issue. However, I have found that what happens in the quiet moments along the edge of understanding matters just as much. I call these "aha!" moments! Here are some of my favorites:

我認爲我們都期望重大成就將是我們最自豪的時刻,例如重建計算集群、解決錯誤或提供技術理由以防止出現問題。但是,我發現,在理解邊緣的安靜時刻發生的事情同樣重要。我稱這些爲 “啊哈!”時刻!以下是我最喜歡的一些東西:

  • Making users' lives better
  • Being spotlighted for Pride Month
  • Encouraging togetherness through Patio Pride
  • Managing a Cluster rebuild
  • Providing information and technical justification to my skip-level boss and seeing that information used to help other developers
  • Getting my entire team to start humming "The Final Countdown" while awaiting the output from automated job runs and checks
  • 讓用戶的生活更美好
  • 在 “驕傲月” 上備受關注
  • 通過 Patio Pride 鼓勵團結
  • 管理集群重建
  • 向我的跳級老闆提供信息和技術理由,並查看這些信息用於幫助其他開發者
  • 讓我的整個團隊開始嗡嗡作響 “最後的倒計時”,同時等待自動作業運行和檢查的輸出

What does Pride mean to you?


Pride is about authenticity, intentionality, and openness to other ways of being. Admiral Grace Hopper said that "Humans are allergic to change. They love to say, 'We've always done it this way.' I try to fight that." Pride to me is about being authentically myself and making others around me feel safe to do so as well.


What advice do you have for allies who want to support the LGBTQIA+ community?


Stay curious! Listen, ask, and seek resources.


Books and media are a great exploration of possibilities. I recently read Translation State by Ann Leckie. It was a fabulous read in so many ways! I really appreciate how reading the book helped normalize using neopronouns in conversation and storytelling.

書籍和媒體是對可能性的絕佳探索。我最近讀了 翻譯狀態 作者:安·萊基。從很多方面來說,這都是一本很棒的讀物!我真的很欣賞閱讀這本書如何幫助人們在對話和講故事中使用新代名詞。

It's important to take time to connect with the dignity and humanness of an individual rather than trying to lump everyone into arbitrary groups. I identify as nonbinary in a way where I don't have a strong preference on what pronouns people use as long as I can tell I'm being referred-to. We should all take time to educate, stepping in for pronoun practice and call-ins with compassion. I recommend taking just a bit more time to reflect on conversations, rather than speaking "for" or "over" individuals.

重要的是要花點時間與個人的尊嚴和人性建立聯繫,而不是試圖將所有人混爲任意的群體。我認定自己是非二進制的,只要我能分辨出我被指向的是我,我對人們使用的代詞就沒有強烈的偏好。我們都應該花時間進行教育,參與代詞練習,帶着同情心打電話。我建議多花一點時間來反思對話,而不是 “代表” 或 “結束” 個人說話。

What are some things that you enjoy doing outside of work?


I like to garden, hike, swim in the ocean, and enjoy the outdoors with my dog, Belle. She enjoys The Zoomies, yelling at squirrels, and splashing in water (on the ground only - sky water is expressly prohibited). When I'm not in front of the computer, I'm often making art, overthinking something, playing games with friends, or up to other shenanigans.

我喜歡園藝、遠足、在海里游泳,也喜歡和我的狗 Belle 一起享受戶外活動。她喜歡 Zoomies、對松鼠大吼大叫以及在水中嬉戲(僅限地面——明確禁止天空中的水)。當我不在電腦前時,我經常在創作藝術品,想得太多,和朋友一起玩遊戲,或者做其他惡作劇。

Are you enjoying this series and want to know more about life at GoDaddy? Check out our GoDaddy Life social pages! Follow us to meet our team, learn more about our culture (Teams, ERGs, Locations), careers, and so much more. You're more than just your day job, so come propel your career with us.

你喜歡這個系列嗎?想更多地了解 GoDaddy 的生活嗎?看看我們的 GoDaddy Life 社交頁面!關注我們與我們的團隊見面,詳細了解我們的文化(團隊、ERG、地點)、職業等等。你不僅僅是日常工作,所以來和我們一起推動你的職業生涯吧。

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