
Pure Storage Recognizes Customers Driving Business Impact in Fourth Annual Breakthrough Awards Program

Pure Storage Recognizes Customers Driving Business Impact in Fourth Annual Breakthrough Awards Program

pure storage在第四屆突破獎計劃中表彰推動業務影響的客戶。
PR Newswire ·  06/21 21:00

Seven customers honored at Pure//Accelerate 2024 for innovative use of the Pure Storage platform among 12,500+ global customers

全球12500多位Pure Storage平台訂閱用戶中,有七位用戶因創新使用Pure Storage平台而受到嘉獎。

LAS VEGAS, June 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Pure Storage //Accelerate -- Today at Pure//Accelerate2024, Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG), the IT pioneer that delivers the world's most advanced data storage technology and services, announced the winners of its fourth annual Pure Storage Breakthrough Awards. The Awards recognize Pure Storage customers displaying extraordinary innovation, creativity, sustainability, business breakthroughs and overarching success using the Pure Storage platform.

2024年6月21日,拉斯維加斯 /美通社/-- Pure Storage //Accelerate -- 今天在Pure // Accelerate2024上,全球最先進的數據存儲技術和服務提供商Pure Storage(NYSE:PSTG)宣佈了第四屆Pure Storage Breakthrough Awards的獲獎者。這些獎項是爲表彰使用Pure Storage平台的客戶在展示卓越的創新、創意、可持續性、業務突破和整體業績方面表現出的卓越成就而設立的。來自共有12500多位Pure Storage的全球訂閱用戶的NTT DATA、THG、SoftBank Corp.、Rivian、Fiserv、MediaZen和Indiana Office of Technology(IOT)等用戶,從五個類別中脫穎而出,成爲領袖人物。這五個類別是:G.O.A.T.(史上最強),雲冠軍,數據戰士,預見之智和純樸可持續性。

Customers including NTT DATA, THG, SoftBank Corp., Rivian, Fiserv, MediaZen, and the Indiana Office of Technology (IOT) were selected among more than 12,500 of Pure Storage's global customers as leaders across five categories: G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time), Cloud Champion, Data Warrior, Visionary, and Pure Good Sustainability.


2024 Award Recipients:


  • Greatest of All Time (G.O.A.T.) - North America - NTT DATA: G.O.A.T.s use the Pure Storage platform in innovative ways to help customers thrive. As a global innovator of business and technology services, NTT DATA works with more than 75% of the Fortune Global 100 and is committed to helping clients innovate, optimize, and transform for long-term success. The Pure Storage platform enables NTT DATA to bolster its Cloud and AI infrastructure for customers, handling up to 400 TB of data and 3 billion records daily, all while cutting energy costs by 50%.
  • Greatest of All Time (G.O.A.T.) - EMEA - THG: Global digital innovator THG (formerly the Hut Group) revolutionizes how brands and consumers connect. The Pure Storage platform, including Evergreen//One Storage as-a-Service solution supports all of THG's data needs, including 400 global websites, AI training models, and thousands of e-commerce databases, while reducing its power consumption by 80% and bolstering AI-powered, award-winning customer service.
  • Greatest of All Time (G.O.A.T.) - APJ - SoftBank Corp.: SoftBank serves more than 40 million mobile subscribers in Japan. With its "Beyond Carrier" growth strategy, SoftBank has significantly expanded its business and services beyond telecom. Pure Storage plays an important role in SoftBank's multi-domain ICT platform, ensuring data integrity and availability. SoftBank is now focusing on new innovations, including a project aimed at developing homegrown LLMs with 390 billion parameters in 2024.
  • Cloud Champion - Rivian Automotive: Rivian is disrupting the electric vehicle industry with its lineup of electric SUVs, trucks, and commercial vehicles. Leveraging a comprehensive Kubernetes strategy with Portworx by Pure Storage as its data services platform, Rivian accelerates development, improves critical system performance, and drives innovation. Using the Portworx platform, Rivian has reduced downtime for provisioning vehicle keys, while improving control engineers' visibility into the status of shop machinery.
  • Data Warrior - MediaZen: A leader in voice recognition solutions for diverse markets, MediaZen built a high-powered and scalable R&D platform on Pure Storage to supercharge AI research. In the past, it could take up to a year to complete AI modeling tasks. With the new research environment powered by Pure Storage, it takes just two weeks - a 96% improvement.
  • Pure Good (Sustainability) - Fiserv: Fiserv powers a vast range of financial transactions, reliably handling up to 25,000 financial transactions per second for its six million global merchant locations and nearly 10,000 financial institution clients. Investing in enhanced data center storage technology, Fiserv has yielded a 75% reduction in overall block storage rack space and 73% lower power and cooling costs using the Pure Storage platform.
  • Visionary - Indiana Office of Technology: The Indiana Office of Technology empowers 92 state agencies, with 35,000 employees to deliver innovative, better-quality services for its 6.7 million citizens. With Pure Storage's single, consolidated data storage platform supporting 90% of the state's IT infrastructure, the team spends up to 70% less time on maintenance, allowing more time to focus on supporting new technology projects.
  • 北美 G.O.A.T.(史上最強)獲獎者:NTT DATA: G.O.A.T.s以創新的方式使用Pure Storage平台來幫助客戶成功。作爲全球業務和技術服務的創新者,NTT DATA與全球財富100強的75%以上的客戶合作,並致力於幫助客戶進行創新、優化和轉型,以實現長期成功。而Pure Storage平台使NTT DATA能夠爲客戶提供強大的雲端和人工智能基礎設施,每天處理400 TB的數據和30億條記錄,同時將能源成本降低了50%。
  • 歐洲、中東和非洲地區的 G.O.A.T。(史上最強)獲獎者:THG:全球數字創新者THG(前身爲Hut Group)改變了品牌和消費者之間的聯繫方式。包括Evergreen//One Storage as-a-Service解決方案在內的Pure Storage平台支持了THG的所有數據需求,包括400個全球網站、人工智能訓練模型和成千上萬的電子商務數據庫,同時將其能耗降低了80%,增強了基於人工智能的、屢獲殊榮的客戶服務。
  • 亞太地區的 G.O.A.T.(史上最強)獲獎者:SoftBank Corp. SoftBank爲日本的4000多萬移動用戶提供服務。根據其“超越運營商”的增長戰略,SoftBank顯著擴大了其電信業務和服務的範圍。Pure Storage在SoftBank的多領域ICT平台中發揮了重要作用,確保數據的完整性和可用性。SoftBank現在正在專注於新的創新,包括一個旨在開發擁有3900億個參數的本土LLMs項目。:SoftBank在日本擁有超過4000萬移動用戶。通過其“超越運營商”的增長策略,SoftBank的業務和服務顯着擴展到電信之外。Pure Storage在SoftBank的多域ICT平台中扮演着重要角色,確保數據完整性和可用性。SoftBank現在正在關注新的創新,包括一個旨在開發3900億參數的本土LLMs項目。
  • 雲冠軍:瑞弗汽車: Rivian正在顛覆電動汽車行業,推出電動SUV、皮卡和商用車型。藉助Portworx和Pure Storage的數據服務平台的全面Kubernetes戰略,Rivian加速了其開發,提高了關鍵系統性能,並推動了創新。利用Portworx平台,Rivian減少了發放車輛密鑰的停機時間,同時提高了控制工程師對車間設備狀態的可見性。
  • 數據戰士:MediaZen是各種市場語音識別解決方案的領導者,其在Pure Storage上構建了一個高功率、可擴展的R&D平台,以加速AI研究。過去,完成AI建模任務可能需要一年時間。擁有由Pure Storage提供動力的新研究環境,只需要兩週就可以完成,改進率達96%。: 純淨的好處(可持續性):
  • 純淨(可持續性)-Fiserv: Fiserv爲其全球六百萬商戶和近萬家金融機構的25,000個金融交易提供可靠服務。投資於增強的數據中心存儲技術,Fiserv利用Pure Storage平台使整體塊存儲機架空間減少75%,且能耗和冷卻成本降低73%。
  • 有遠見的-印第安納技術辦公室: 印第安納技術辦公室賦予92個州立機構和35,000名員工提供創新和更高質量的服務,服務於它的670萬居民。通過Pure Storage的單一的、統一的數據存儲平台,支持了州的90%的IT基礎設施,團隊花費的維護時間減少了多達70%,使他們有更多的時間關注支持新的技術項目。

Hear From Our Winners:


"Today's award further demonstrates our commitment to helping our global customers accelerate and modernize their cloud transformation journeys to meet the demands of today's data-driven environments. We are excited to continue building upon our decade-long partnership with Pure Storage to fuel customer innovation." – Scott McIsaac, Senior Vice President, Managed Cloud, NTT DATA

“今天的獎項進一步證明了我們致力於幫助全球客戶加速和現代化他們的雲轉型的承諾以滿足當今數據驅動環境的需求。我們很高興能夠繼續與Pure Storage的十年合作伙伴關係,來推動客戶的創新。”-Scott McIsaac,NTT DATA高級副總裁,託管雲“一切重要任務都在Pure Storage上完成,而且使用它很簡單易操作,我們甚至不需要一個專門的存儲工程師。在THG,我們不怕冒險。擁有一個堅實的技術基礎設施,使我們可以自由地嘗試新事物、採用早期的先驅技術,並轉變方向。“-Schalk Van Der Merwe,THG首席技術官

"Everything that's mission critical runs on Pure Storage, and it's so simple and easy to work with that we don't even need a dedicated storage engineer. At THG, we're not afraid to take risks. Having a solid technology infrastructure in place gives us the freedom to try new things, adopt early initiatives, and shift gears." Schalk Van Der Merwe, CTO, THG

“我們希望爲客戶創建一個真正的本地日語LLM。通過Pure Storage確保雲存儲領域的數據完整性和高服務可用性,我們對未來實現下一代技術的飛躍感到興奮。”- Ashiq Khan,SoftBank Corp.統一雲和平台部門負責人“Portworx在支持容器化方面發揮了關鍵作用,推動了整個生產的增長。隨着業務規模的擴大和更多客戶的服務,它能夠幫助我們實現明顯的操作效率。”-Josh Crater,Rivian Automotive員工軟件工程師

"We want to create a truly native Japanese LLM for our customers. With Pure Storage ensuring data integrity and high service availability in cloud storage domains, we are excited about what we can achieve in the future to create the next technology leap." Ashiq Khan, Head of the Unified Cloud and Platform Division, SoftBank Corp.

“Pure Storage平台使我們有能力將我們的AI模型提升到更高的水平,處理日益增長的工作量需求,並超越我們的性能預期。靈活的訂閱模型也將使我們能夠以最經濟的方式按需調整以滿足我們特定的業務需求。”-JongSung Yoon,MediaZen NAMZ AI研發組副主管“Softbank正在日本爲客戶創建LLM,純度存儲在SoftBank的多域ICT平台中發揮着重要的作用,確保數據完整性和可用性。我們對於未來能夠在創造下一次技術躍遷方面取得什麼成就感到興奮。“-Ashiq Khan,SoftBank Corp.統一雲和平台部門負責人

"Portworx plays a key role in supporting the containerization efforts that are driving an increase in production across the board. It helps us achieve significant operational efficiency as we scale our business and serve more customers." Josh Crater, Staff Software Engineer, Rivian Automotive

“Portworx在支持容器化方面發揮了關鍵作用,推動了整個生產的增長。隨着業務規模的擴大和更多客戶的服務,它能夠幫助我們實現明顯的操作效率。”-Josh Crater,Rivian Automotive員工軟件工程師“Pure Storage平台使我們有能力將我們的AI模型提升到更高的水平,處理日益增長的工作量需求,並超越我們的性能預期。靈活的訂閱模型也將使我們能夠以最經濟的方式按需調整以滿足我們特定的業務需求。”-JongSung Yoon,MediaZen NAMZ AI研發組副主管

"The Pure Storage platform gives us the agility to take our AI models to the next level, handling ever-increasing workload demands and exceeding our performance expectations. A flexible subscription model will also enable us to tailor to our specific business needs in the most cost-effective way." – JongSung Yoon, Deputy Director of NAMZ AI R&D Group, MediaZen

“今天的獎項進一步證明了我們致力於幫助全球客戶加速和現代化他們的雲轉型的承諾以滿足當今數據驅動環境的需求。我們很高興能夠繼續與Pure Storage的十年合作伙伴關係,來推動客戶的創新。”-Scott McIsaac,NTT DATA高級副總裁,託管雲“Pure Storage將AI重新定義爲按需服務。可以在全球範圍內提供AI的理想場所,以更快地獲取新的AI洞察和業務優勢。”- Santosh Rao,MSFT Azure高級產品市場營銷經理

"In our business, performance, reliability and security have long been considered table stakes, and now, so is sustainability. The unparallelled performance and reliability of Pure's platform was convincing, and how it supported our sustainability initiatives really won over our team. Our purchasing decisions are driven by the potential impacts across the board." Steve Allgeier, Vice President of the Distributed Infrastructure Group, Fiserv

“在我們的業務中,性能、可靠性和安全性長期以來一直被視爲必備條件,現在,可持續性也是如此。純淨平台的無與倫比的性能和可靠性是很有說服力的,它如何支持我們的可持續性倡議真正贏得了我們團隊的讚賞。我們的採購決策是由潛在的整體影響所驅動的。“ Fiserv分佈式基礎設施集團副總裁Steve Allgeier

"Our citizens expect a certain level of digital savvy, and the performance and reliability that goes along with it. Pure gives us a future-proof platform that can evolve and scale alongside us." John Thatcher, Deputy/Assistant IT Director – Platform Services, Indiana Office of Technology

“公民們期待一定水平的數字化智能以及伴隨其而來的性能和可靠性。Pure爲我們提供了一個未來可靠的平台,可以隨着我們的發展和擴展而不斷演進和升級。”印第安納州技術辦公室平台服務副/助理IT總監John Thatcher

Learn more:


  • Pure Storage Customer Breakthrough Awards
  • Pure Storage客戶突破獎

About Pure Storage

Pure Storage(紐交所代碼:PSTG)提供業界最佳的平台,用於存儲、管理和保護全球數據。通過統一的存儲操作環境提供雲體驗,Pure 賦予每個組織快速滿足不斷變化的數據需求的敏捷性和規模性,同時降低總體擁有成本。Pure 相信,通過提供存儲平台,可以在全球範圍內大幅減少數據中心的排放量,從而產生有意義的影響。Pure 自詡爲以客戶爲先的企業,在行業中享有最高的淨推廣得分。欲了解更多信息,請訪問

Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG) delivers the industry's most advanced data storage platform to store, manage, and protect the world's data at any scale. With Pure Storage, organizations have ultimate simplicity and flexibility, saving time, money, and energy. From AI to archive, Pure Storage delivers a cloud experience with one unified Storage as-a-Service platform across on premises, cloud, and hosted environments. Our platform is built on our Evergreen architecture that evolves with your business – always getting newer and better with zero planned downtime, guaranteed. Our customers are actively increasing their capacity and processing power while significantly reducing their carbon and energy footprint. It's easy to fall in love with Pure Storage, as evidenced by the highest Net Promoter Score in the industry. For more information, visit .

Pure Storage (紐交所: PSTG) 爲行業板塊提供了最先進的數據存儲平台,以便於在任何規模下存儲、管理和保護世界的數據。使用Pure Storage,組織機構實現了終極簡單和靈活性,節省了時間、金錢和能源。從AI到存檔,純存儲通過提供面向服務的存儲平台,在本地、雲和託管環境下,爲用戶提供了雲體驗。我們的平台基於Evergreen架構構建,隨着您的業務發展不斷演變-始終在零計劃停機的情況下保持更新和更好的狀態。我們的客戶正在積極增加他們的容量和處理能力,同時顯著降低碳排放和能源佔用。很容易愛上Pure Storage,因爲我們在行業中擁有最高的淨推薦值。有關更多信息,請訪問。

Pure Storage, the Pure Storage P Logo, Evergreen//One and the marks on the Pure Storage Trademark List are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pure Storage Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. The Trademark List can be found at Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Pure Storage,Pure Storage P Logo,Evergreen//One以及Pure Storage商標清單上的標記是Pure Storage Inc.在美國和/或其他國家的商標或註冊商標。商標列表可以在這裏找到。。其他名稱可能是其各自所有者的商標。

Analyst Recognition:
Leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Primary Storage
Leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Distributed File Systems & Object Storage

2023 年 Gartner 分佈式文件系統和對象存儲魔力象限領先公司

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