
CopperEx Commences Follow Up Surface Program in Advance of Phase II Drilling Program

CopperEx Commences Follow Up Surface Program in Advance of Phase II Drilling Program

newsfile ·  2024/06/21 10:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 21, 2024) - CopperEx Resources Corp. (TSXV: CUEX) (the "Company" or "CopperEx") today announced the commencement of a focused geological field exploration program in preparation for Phase II Drilling on the ADLP and Sopresa Targets at the Company's flagship Exploradora Norte Project, Northern Chile.

加拿大卑詩省溫哥華-(Newsfile Corp.-2024年6月21日)-CopperEx Resources Corp. (TSXV:CUEX) (以下簡稱“公司”或“CopperEx”)今日宣佈啓動了針對其位於智利北部Exploradora Norte項目的ADLP和Sopresa Targets進行的第二階段鑽探的地質野外勘探工作。

CopperEx plans to execute a three-week field work program with the exploration team having already mobilized on-site and commencing work on June 08, 2024. The field work program is designed to focus on infill areas and extensions in both the north and south directions on the ADLP Target, and infill areas and extension to the north on the Sorpresa Target. With the excavator now remobilized to site, the program is envisaged to include a total of approximately 12 additional trenches, adding to the four trenches excavated during the recently completed and published Phase I drill program. The inaugural drill program demonstrated robust gold grades including the following highlights:

CopperEx計劃執行爲期三週的現場工作計劃,勘探團隊已於2024年6月8日已到位並開始工作。現場工作計劃旨在聚焦於ADLP目標區域的北部和南部方向的覆蓋擴展區域,並在Sorpresa目標區域的北部覆蓋擴展區域。隨着挖掘機現已重返現場,該計劃計劃涵蓋大約12條額外的溝槽,此前已在最近完成的Phase I鑽孔計劃期間挖掘了4條溝槽。首次鑽探計劃展示了堅實的黃金品位,其中包括以下亮點:

  • 114.00 meters of 0.95 g/t Gold from 4.00-118.00 meters in RC hole A-RC-02 including:

    • 70.00 meters of 1.27 g/t Gold (22.00-92.00 meters)

    • And 28.00 meters of 1.63 g/t Gold (46.00-74.00 meters)

    • And 12.00 meters of 2.45 g/t Gold (62.00-74.00 meters)

  • 58.00 meters of 0.74 g/t Gold from 68-126 meters in RC hole S-RC-01 including:

    • 54.00 meters of 0.78 g/t Gold (72.00-126.00 meters)

    • And 30.00 meters of 1.03 g/t Gold (72.00-102.00 meters)

    • And 12.00 meters of 0.89 g/t Gold (114.00-126.00 meters)

  • 85.00 meters of 0.42 g/t Gold from 76.00-161.00 meters in RC hole S-RC-02 including:

    • 34.00 meters of 0.96 g/t Gold (76.00-110.00 meters)

    • And 14.00 meters of 1.81 g/t Gold (88.00-102.00 meters)

  • RC孔A-RC-02中4.00-118.00米段的0.95克/噸的114.00米,其中包括:

    • 22.00-92.00米段的1.27克/噸黃金,長度爲70.00米

    • 46.00-74.00米段的1.63克/噸黃金,長度爲28.00米

    • 62.00-74.00米段的2.45克/噸黃金,長度爲12.00米

  • RC孔S-RC-01中68-126米段的0.74克/噸黃金,長度爲58.00米,其中包括:

    • 72.00-126.00米段的0.78克/噸黃金,長度爲54.00米

    • 72.00-102.00米段的1.03克/噸黃金,長度爲30.00米

    • 114.00-126.00米段的0.89克/噸黃金,長度爲12.00米

  • RC孔S-RC-02中76.00-161.00米段的0.42克/噸黃金,長度爲85.00米,其中包括::

    • 76.00-110.00米段的0.96克/噸黃金,長度爲34.00米

    • 88.00-102.00米段的1.81克/噸黃金,長度爲14.00米

For a complete list of drill intercepts from the inaugural drill program, see the Company's press release dated May 30th, 2024.


Once laboratory results have been received, the Phase II drill program design will be finalized, whereby the preliminary quotation process for drilling has commenced based upon a forecast range of meters to drill.


CopperEx expects to commence drilling Phase II in less than four months, with follow up drilling on the exceptional results of the recently completed and published inaugural drill program.


The ADLP and Sopresa Targets are located within the Franja del Oro area, part of an approximately 15-kilometer-long gold enrichment zone located in the northwestern part of the 23 by 13-kilometer (20,800 hectare) Exploradora Norte Project.

ADLP和Sopresa目標位於“Franja del Oro”區域內,是Exploradora Norte項目(佔地面積23公里×13公里(20,800公頃),位於智利北部)中長約15公里的黃金富集區的一部分。 Franja del Oro,是Exploradora Norte項目中長約15公里的黃金富集區的一部分,位於智利北部。



  • CopperEx has commenced a focused geological field exploration program in preparation for Phase II Drilling on the ADLP and Sopresa Targets.

  • The focused geological field exploration program is expected to be complete within three weeks and amongst other works will consist of approximately 12 additional trenches.

  • Once laboratory results are in hand, CopperEx will finalize the Phase II drill program, focusing on the ADLP and Sopresa Targets.

  • Phase II drilling is expected to commence in less than four months.

  • CopperEx已啓動專注於ADLP和Sopresa目標的地質野外勘探計劃,以準備進行第二階段鑽探。

  • 預計專注於地質野外勘探計劃將在三週內完成,其中大約包括12個附加的壕溝。

  • 一旦實驗室結果到手,CopperEx將完成第二階段鑽探計劃,重點關注ADLP和Sopresa目標。

  • 預計第二階段鑽探將在不到四個月內開始。

Dave Prins, President & CEO of CopperEx stated, "Based upon the excellent results of the recently published Phase I drill campaign, which demonstrated the robust gold grades and continuity at ADLP and importantly demonstrates that the newly identified surface gold mineralization at Sorpresa extends to depth and along strike, we are confident that the Phase II drill program will further expand on these results and the targets. We look forward to delivering the results from the Phase II drill campaign in a very timely manner, as was clearly accomplished on Phase I drilling."

CopperEx總裁兼首席執行官Dave Prins表示:基於最近公佈的第一階段鑽探工作的優異結果,ADLP的金品位和延續性得到了證明,而Sorpresa新發現的地表金礦化也證明其向深度和延伸方向延伸。我們有信心第二階段鑽探計劃將進一步擴展這些結果和目標。我們期待着在非常及時的方式下發布第二階段鑽探工作的結果,就像第一次鑽探一樣。CopperEx技術顧問John Robins表示:"我對我們在Sopresa和ADLP目標上開展第二期勘探計劃的準備工作感到興奮。第一期勘探計劃的結果表明了一個大氧化金礦牀的潛力,除了該項目的銅潛力。"

John Robins, Technical Advisor to CopperEx stated, "I am excited as we begin preparations for our Phase II exploration program on the Sopresa and ADLP targets. The results from the Phase I program demonstrate the potential for a large oxide gold deposit, in addition to the project's copper potential."

Exploradora Norte和Franja del Oro計劃圖1:Exploradora Norte-包括主要目標區域、地表和壕溝岩石地球化學的地圖。本新聞發佈中的所有科學技術信息均經公司技術顧問Daniel MacNeil, PGeo批准。MacNeil先生是符合NI 43-101標準的合格人。

Overall Exploradora Norte and Franja del Oro Plan


Figure 1: Exploradora Norte - Property map including key target areas and surface and trench rock geochemistry2.


Qualified Person


All scientific and technical information in this news release has been approved by Daniel MacNeil, PGeo, Technical Advisor to the Company. Mr. MacNeil is a qualified person for the purposes of NI 43-101.

CopperEx Resources Corp. Dave Prins

Additional information about CopperEx and its Projects can be found on the Company's website at, or email


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On behalf of the Board of Directors
CopperEx Resources Corp.


Dave Prins
President & CEO

Dave Prins。

For further information contact:

+1 (604) 646-4527
+1 (604) 646-4527

About CopperEx Resources Corp.


CopperEx is a copper and gold focused exploration company with three porphyry and porphyry related gold and copper projects located in Chile and Peru in established mineral belts near producing mines. The Company's Flagship Property, Exploradora Norte, located in Northern Chile, has multiple high quality drill ready targets. At Exploradora Norte, CopperEx has the option to earn 65% and a Preferred Option for an additional 35% with no attached royalty.

CopperEx是一家銅和黃金勘探公司,擁有三個位於智利和秘魯的斑岩和斑岩相關黃金和銅項目,這些項目位於已經形成礦產帶且靠近產礦區。該公司的旗艦資產Exploradora Norte位於智利北部,擁有多個高品質待鑽探目標。在Exploradora Norte,CopperEx有賺取65%股權的機會,以及無附加知識產權金的附加35%的優先選擇。在Exploradora Norte,CopperEx有賺取65%股權和附加35%無附加知識產權金的優先選擇。

CopperEx has an Option Agreement for the 20,800-hectare Exploradora Norte property, to earn a 65% ownership interest, with a preferred option to earn an additional 35%. The property is located along the prolific West Fissure fault system in northern Chile, north of El Salvador and south of Escondida at 3,400 meters above sea level in the Chilean pre-cordillera. The property has a year-round operating climate with good access.

CopperEx與Exploradora Norte物業簽訂了選項協議,以獲得20,800公頃的Exploradora Norte物業的65%所有權,同時還有獲得附加35%的首選權。該物業位於智利北部產溝山脈西斷層帶沿線,北至Salvador,南至Escondida,海拔3,400米。該物業全年可操作,易於進入。

In addition to the Exploradora Norte property, CopperEx owns 100% of its Kio Buggy (Northern Chile) and La Rica (Apurimac province Peru) properties, also with no attached royalties. The CopperEx Exploradora Norte property is immediately adjacent (to the north and east) of Codelco's Exploradora property which hosts a resource estimated by Codelco to contain 190-280 Mt @ 0.40% Cu.(1,2)

除了Exploradora Norte物業之外,CopperEx還獨資擁有其在Kio Buggy(智利北部)和La Rica(秘魯Apurimac省)的物業,同樣沒有附加知識產權金。Kio Buggy(智利北部)和La Rica(秘魯Apurimac省)的物業,同樣沒有附加知識產權金。Codelco的Exploradora物業,其資源量由Codelco估算爲190-280 Mt @ 0.40% Cu。(1,2)

The Company's priority is to advance exploration of the Franja del Oro Target at Exploradora Norte which includes the Sorpresa and Agua de la Piedra (ADLP) Targets, and the surrounding favorable host rocks which remain significantly underexplored.

公司的優先事項是推進Exploradora Norte的Franja del Oro目標的勘探,該目標包括Sorpresa和Agua de la Piedra(ADLP)目標,以及周圍仍未得到充分勘探的有利岩石。

Exploradora Norte Advanced Exploration Targets.

Exploradora Norte先進的勘探目標。

  • The Franja del Oro Area contains sediment and volcanics hosted gold mineralization with associated replacement textures and alteration consistent with epithermal gold deposits that form distal to a porphyry copper-gold system. The Franja del Oro area hosts multiple parallel, north trending stratigraphically and structurally controlled mineralized zones. CopperEx has conducted extensive exploration along 4-kilometer-long north-south trending segments of the high priority Sorpresa and Agua de la Piedra ("ADLP") Targets to assess surface gold grades, continuity (along strike) and to define individual drill targets. CopperEx has identified gold mineralization over approximately 7 kilometers along the ADLP system (surface rock geochemical results). CopperEx leveraged the strong correlation between gold and arsenic to expand the geochemical footprint of the Franja del Oro area using Portable XRF technology to approximately 15 kilometers (and remains open).

  • Peuco - Porphyry Copper Gold Target: Geochemical and geophysical anomalies spatially associated with tourmaline breccia bodies. Breccias consist of potassically altered porphyry clasts in quartz-tourmaline matrix associated with peripheral polymetallic veins and skarn alteration.

  • Florencia Copper Gold Target - Centered on a NW-SE trending structural corridor extending to the Exploradora porphyry Cu deposit (Codelco) ~5 km to the NW. IP Geophysical features (resistivity and chargeability) suggest the potential for porphyry style copper-gold mineralization at depth. Epithermal style quartz veins and breccia, alteration, and geochemical anomalism exist at surface.

  • 分析師團隊剛剛選出他們認爲投資者現在可以買入的10只最佳股票……而超微電腦不在其中。有可能這10只被選出的股票未來幾年會產生巨大回報。Franja del Oro 區域這個區域包含沉積物和火山岩主持的金礦化,伴隨着與斑岩銅金系統遠離的表生金礦牀形成的蝕變和蝕變結構。Franja del Oro區域有多個平行的、北向的地層和構造控制的礦化帶。CopperEx沿着高優先級的Sorpresa和Agua de la Piedra("ADLP")目標的4公里長的南北向段進行了廣泛的勘探,以評估表面金品位、連續性(沿着走向)並定義單個鑽探目標。CopperEx已經確定了大約7公里範圍內ADLP系統的金礦化(表層岩石地球化學結果)。CopperEx利用金、砷之間的強相關性,使用便攜式XRF技術將Franja del Oro區域的地球化學腳印擴展到約15公里(並仍然開放)。

  • Peuco - 斑岩銅金:地球化學和地球物理異常空間關聯於電氣石碎屑體。 塔吉特碎屑物質由含鉀斑岩斑塊組成,石英-電氣石基質中有周邊多金屬礦脈和矽卡巖蝕變相關。

  • Florencia銅金 目標- 該地區位於一條由西北向東南延伸的構造走廊上,距離西北約5公里處的探索者斑岩銅礦牀(科德爾科)爲中心。電偏距地球物理特徵(電阻率和充電性)表明該區域存在深部斑岩型銅-黃金礦化潛力。淺成熱液型石英脈和角礫岩、變質和地球化學異常現象在地表存在。

Strategic Alliances.


CopperEx is a member of Discovery Group based in Vancouver, Canada. For more information please visit:

CopperEx是位於加拿大溫哥華的Discovery Group的成員。更多信息請訪問

Cautionary Note.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.




  • (1) Source:

  • (2) Note: The deposits and projects shown or mentioned which fall outside of the CopperEx land position provide geologic context for the CopperEx's Property, but this is not necessarily indicative that the Property hosts similar grades or tonnages of mineralization.

  • (1) 來源:

  • (2) 注:在CopperEx土地範圍之外的顯示或提到的礦牀和項目爲CopperEx的物業提供地質背景,但這並不一定表明物業具有類似品位或礦化量。

Forward-Looking Information.


Forward-Looking Statement (Safe Harbor Statement): This press release contains forward looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. The use of any of the words "anticipate", "plan", "continue", "expect", "estimate", "objective", "may", "will", "project", "should", "predict", "potential" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward looking statements. In particular, this press release contains forward looking statements concerning the Company's exploration plans. Although the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which the forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements because the Company cannot give any assurance that they will prove correct. Since forward looking statements address future events and conditions, they involve inherent assumptions, risks, and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of assumptions, factors, and risks. These assumptions and risks include, but are not limited to, assumptions and risks associated with conditions in the equity financing markets, and assumptions and risks regarding receipt of regulatory and shareholder approvals.



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