
Almedalen 2024: Ericsson to Put Swedish Digitalization Center Stage

Almedalen 2024: Ericsson to Put Swedish Digitalization Center Stage

2024年阿爾梅達倫: 愛立信把瑞典數字化中心放在舞臺中心
愛立信 ·  06/20 12:00

The annual week-long festival on the Baltic Sea island brings Sweden's political community, spanning all parties, together with business, academic and research leaders to discuss issues across the range of government responsibilities.


Ericsson is among the regular participants at the Almedalsveckan (Almedalen week) festival from the Swedish enterprise and industry sector.


Ericsson Chief Technology Officer, Erik Ekudden, will spearhead the company's presence at this year's event, which runs from June 24-28.

愛立信首席技術官Erik Ekudden將領導公司在今年的活動中發揮作用,該活動從6月24日至28日。

Ekudden, and other Ericsson experts, will highlight how a digitalized business sector and a digitalized public sector are fundamental to making Sweden competitive.


The pace of digitalization, the future of AI, public-private partnerships, research, innovation, the digitalization of electricity grids, and lifelong learning are among the subjects Ericsson experts will address in a range of seminars organized either by Ericsson or at the invitation of a partner. All seminars are open to the public and will include senior business figures from Swedish industry and political representatives.


Erik Ekudden says: "Governments can now see what digitalization with the latest technology is delivering in leading countries around the world. For the sake of Sweden's future competitiveness, what we'd like to see is an acceleration of action on establishing a high-performance digital infrastructure. Our seminars, events and one-to-one meetings will shed light on how a Swedish investment now gives a 40 billion SEK societal payback and global learnings from transportation, manufacturing, energy, and small and medium businesses adopting digital platforms using resilient clouds, 5G and AI."

Erik Ekudden說:“各國政府現在可以看到最新技術的數字化帶來了什麼成果。爲了保持瑞典的未來競爭力,我們希望看到加速建立高性能數字基礎設施的行動。我們的研討會、活動和一對一會議將闡明一項瑞典投資如何爲社會帶來40億瑞典克朗的回報,並從運輸、製造業、能源和中小企業採用具有彈性雲、5G和AI數字平台的全球學習中獲取經驗。”

Ericsson Seminars:


  • Research and innovation for a competitive Sweden
  • AI: what will be the next big thing?
  • Digitalization for a smarter Sweden
  • 研究和創新以保持瑞典的競爭力
  • 人工智能:下一個大事情是什麼?
  • 數字化使瑞典更加智能

Other Seminars:


  • Private-public collaboration – the key to the next generation of secure communication solutions? (Telia seminar)
  • The digital capabilities of the electricity grids are a key to the transition - how do we speed it up? (Telia seminar)
  • 私營和公共協作 - 實現下一代安全通信解決方案的關鍵?(Telia研討會)
  • 電力網絡的數字化能力是過渡的關鍵 - 我們如何加速過渡?(Telia研討會)

Further information (in Swedish) on Ericsson's Almedalen 2024 program is available via this link.

有關愛立信Almedalen 2024計劃的更多信息(瑞典語)可通過此鏈接獲得。通過此鏈接.

Ericsson's program at Almedalen is the latest engagement in the company's drive to encourage political and regulatory decision makers to support digitalization, particularly in Europe.


Ericsson President and CEO, Börje Ekholm also discussed digitalization with six European prime ministers at the company's Stockholm headquarters, while addressing the G7 business wing in Rome, and while addressing a Nordic Investment Bank seminar in Tallinn.

Ericsson also joined forces with four major companies to call on Europe's policymakers to take urgent action in five key digitalization competitiveness areas.


In April, Ekudden also welcomed a new joint 6G Vision between the European Union and the United States to strengthen cooperation and partnership on emerging technologies such as 6G.


