
New Vital Farms Campaign Celebrates Game Changers on Every Field

New Vital Farms Campaign Celebrates Game Changers on Every Field

新的vital farms宣傳活動讚頌每一位改變世界的人。
GlobeNewswire ·  06/20 21:29

Campaign features real Vital Farms farmers and will appear across National Women's Soccer League, Ladies Professional Golf Association and Ladies Tennis through November 2024

本次活動將真實的Vital Farms農民特色展示,並將在全美女子足球聯賽、女子職業高爾夫巡迴賽、和女子網球比賽的板塊中陸續展現,一直持續到2024年11月。

AUSTIN, Texas, June 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With all eyes on women's sports in recent months, Vital Farms (Nasdaq: VITL), a Certified B Corporation that offers a range of ethically produced foods nationwide, has launched a new campaign celebrating game changers on every field who are vital to business.

2024年6月20日——在近幾個月聚焦於女子體育運動後,Vital Farms(納斯達克股票代碼:VITL)推出了一項新活動,慶祝那些改變市場格局、對業務至關重要的球場傑出人物。Vital Farms是一家公益企業,提供全國範圍內的各種符合道德標準生產的食品。

The new campaign spots, titled "Early Birds," celebrate incredible women who are changing the game on every field, connecting the hard work that Vital Farms' more than 300 family farmers do every day with athletes who are raising the standards on their own field. Directed by award-winning filmmaker Sarah Chatfield, "Early Birds" follows athletes and farmers as they start their day, perfecting their craft, raising the standards and choosing progress over easy, brought to life through a series of match cuts. Featured in the spots are two real-life Vital Farms farmers, Katie and Lachelle.

以上新活動以“早起鳥兒”爲主題,讚美了各領域裏的傑出女性,這些女性正在改變各自領域的市場格局,將Vital Farms超過300家農民日常所做的辛勤努力與那些竭力提升各自領域標準的運動員進行了聯接。電影獲獎導演Sarah Chatfield指導本次活動,並通過一系列的比賽鏡頭,展現了運動員和農民在一天之初開始他們的一天,完善自己的技藝,不僅提升自身的標準,而且不怕困難,積極求進。本次活動特色板塊中將展示兩位真實的Vital Farms農民Katie和Lachelle。

"Vital Farms has always been committed to raising the standards, and we recognize a shared work ethic, discipline and pursuit of progress between our farmers and the athletes who are operating at the top of their game," said Kathryn McKeon, Vital Farms Chief Marketing Officer. "We're excited to join the growing and overdue conversation around women's sports, and we tip our cap to the badass women we see every day on the field, on our farms, within our crew, on our board and across our stakeholder community, not to mention our own girls on grass – our hens."

Vital Farms一直致力於提高標準,我們發現我們的農民和那些頂級運動員之間有相同的一份工作精神、紀律以及追求進步的目標。我們很高興能夠參與當前國內女子運動的不斷髮展以及進行積極的、努力取得的回應。我們向攻克各自領域難關的傑出女性們致敬:她們分別在現實的運動場地、我們的農場裏、我們自己的團隊、我們公司的董事會以及我們的相關利益群體中取得了顯著的成就。特別特別要提到的是我們擁有豐碩成果的女孩們——我們公司的母雞們。

The new creative by GUT Miami in partnership with Dentsu X will appear across linear TV and streaming ad units during National Women's Soccer League matches, the Ladies Professional Golf Association Tour and ladies tennis (singles and doubles) through November 2024, in addition to media sponsorships during select NWSL matches and LPGA tournaments. The campaign will also show up through TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat.

GUT Miami與Dentsu X合作的這一新廣告創意將出現在全美女子足球聯賽比賽、女子職業高爾夫巡迴賽以及女子網球比賽(單打和雙打),持續到2024年11月。而在選擇的全美女子足球聯賽比賽和女子職業高爾夫巡迴賽上也將是廣告贊助商。此外,本次廣告活動也會通過TikTok、Instagram和Snapchat平台展示。

To encourage more fans across the country to tune in, Vital Farms is amplifying some of the most exciting match-ups taking place this summer and hosting brunch watch parties for fans to enjoy while enjoying limited-time menu offerings featuring Vital Farms eggs. In July, tennis fans can indulge in a "Vital Farms Full English Breakfast" at participating Chicken N Pickle locations across the country while cheering on the ladies' singles and doubles finalists. And, for golf fans, select Hopdoddy Burger Bar locations will host the "Vital Farms Early Birdie Brunch" during the AIG Women's Open starring the Rise and Shine Burger, whose MVP is a Vital Farms sunny egg.

爲了鼓勵更多觀衆收看全美女子足球聯賽比賽、女子職業高爾夫巡迴賽以及女子網球比賽,在今年夏天,Vital Farms將主打一些最令人興奮的比賽,並舉辦早午餐看球派對。此外,早午餐餐單也專門搭配了Vital Farms的雞蛋。在7月份,網球迷們可以在全美部分門店免費品嚐“Vital Farms全英式早餐”,並且在觀看女單和女雙決賽的同時呈現。而對於高爾夫球迷,部分門店將提供“Vital Farms早起鳥兒早午餐餐”以及在參加今年AIG Women's Open時升級的“早起鳥兒巨無霸漢堡”,其中MVP是Vital Farms的太陽蛋。Vital Farms最新的廣告活動“農民間歇”慶祝了300多個家庭農民每天生產蛋品的辛勤工作,向大家展示他們不會輕易地暫停。即使在假日,他們依然堅守工作。 關於Vital Farms:Vital Farms(納斯達克股票代碼:VITL)是一家公益企業,提供全國特色道德經營的食品製造業,成立於2007年,其起源要追溯到德克薩斯州奧斯汀市的一家農場。目前,Vital Farms已成爲全球商標,旗下有300多家家庭農場,是美國畜產品最負盛名的自由放養雞生產品牌。 Vital Farms主張對待農牧業動物的道德規範和可持續的農業經營方式,並支持消費者在購買上透明化的做到了企業長期利益的共贏,通過紐約股票交易所進行股票交易等方式進行操作。Vital Farms出品的蛋品包括雞蛋、黃油、熟雞蛋和全蛋液,已連續多年被評爲美國全國零售總銷售額最高的自由放養雞蛋品牌。Vital Farms的理念貫穿於始於飼養動物的道德規範和可持續的農業經營以及對各利益相關者的長期利益實現,包括農民和供應商、客戶和消費者、社區和環境以及職員與股東等等。Vital Farms的產品在全美約24,000家商店銷售。此外,Vital Farms的自由放養雞蛋還可以在全美數百家餐飲企業看到蹤影。更多信息,請訪問:在全美女子足球聯賽比賽上將展示最新廣告創意,女子職業高爾夫巡迴賽和女子網球比賽(單打和雙打)活動期間也將在平台上進行廣告推廣。位於部分門店的Hopdoddy漢堡店,將會於AIG Women's Open期間進行“Vital Farms早起鳥兒早午餐餐”活動,並提供“巨無霸陽光蛋漢堡”,其中MVP是Vital Farms的太陽蛋。

Vital Farms' most recent ad activation, "Farmer Pause" celebrated the hard work of the more than 300 family farmers that produce our eggs with pause ad units across premium streaming services during the holiday season, reminding consumers that farmers don't get to pause. Even during the holidays.

Vital Farms最新的廣告活動“農民間歇”慶祝了300多個家庭農民每天生產蛋品的辛勤工作,向大家展示他們不會輕易地暫停。即使在假日,他們依然堅守工作。

Vital Farms (Nasdaq: VITL) is a Certified B Corporation that offers a range of ethically produced foods nationwide. Started on a single farm in Austin, Texas, in 2007, Vital Farms is now a national consumer brand that works with over 300 family farms and is the leading U.S. brand of pasture-raised eggs by retail dollar sales. Vital Farms' ethics are exemplified by its focus on the humane treatment of farm animals and sustainable farming practices. In addition, as a Delaware public benefit corporation, Vital Farms prioritizes the long-term benefits of each of its stakeholders, including farmers and suppliers, customers and consumers, communities and the environment, and crew members and stockholders. Vital Farms' products, including shell eggs, butter, hard-boiled eggs, and liquid whole eggs, are sold in approximately 24,000 stores nationwide. Vital Farms pasture-raised eggs can also be found on menus at hundreds of foodservice operators across the country. For more information, visit

關於Vital Farms:Vital Farms(納斯達克股票代碼:VITL)是一家公益企業,提供全國特色道德經營的食品製造業,成立於2007年,其起源要追溯到德克薩斯州奧斯汀市的一家農場。目前,Vital Farms已成爲全球商標,旗下有300多家家庭農場,是美國畜產品最負盛名的自由放養雞生產品牌。Vital Farms主張對待農牧業動物的道德規範和可持續的農業經營方式,並支持消費者在購買上透明化的做到了企業長期利益的共贏,通過紐約股票交易所進行股票交易等方式進行操作。Vital Farms出品的蛋品包括雞蛋、黃油、熟雞蛋和全蛋液,已連續多年被評爲美國全國零售總銷售額最高的自由放養雞蛋品牌。Vital Farms的理念貫穿於始於飼養動物的道德規範和可持續的農業經營以及對各利益相關者的長期利益實現,包括農民和供應商、客戶和消費者、社區和環境以及職員與股東等等。Vital Farms的產品在全美約24,000家商店銷售。此外,Vital Farms的自由放養雞蛋還可以在全美數百家餐飲企業看到蹤影。更多信息,請訪問:
關於Vital Farms:Vital Farms(納斯達克股票代碼:VITL)是一家公益企業,提供全國特色道德經營的食品製造業,成立於2007年,其起源要追溯到德克薩斯州奧斯汀市的一家農場。目前,Vital Farms已成爲全球商標,旗下有300多家家庭農場,是美國畜產品最負盛名的自由放養雞生產品牌。Vital Farms主張對待農牧業動物的道德規範和可持續的農業經營方式,並支持消費者在購買上透明化的做到了企業長期利益的共贏,通過紐約股票交易所進行股票交易等方式進行操作。Vital Farms出品的蛋品包括雞蛋、黃油、熟雞蛋和全蛋液,已連續多年被評爲美國全國零售總銷售額最高的自由放養雞蛋品牌。Vital Farms的理念貫穿於始於飼養動物的道德規範和可持續的農業經營以及對各利益相關者的長期利益實現,包括農民和供應商、客戶和消費者、社區和環境以及職員與股東等等。Vital Farms的產品在全美約24,000家商店銷售。此外,Vital Farms的自由放養雞蛋還可以在全美數百家餐飲企業看到蹤影。更多信息,請訪問:

Rob Discher

Rob Discher

Anthony Bucalo

Anthony Bucalo

