
Sparta Group Joins Forces With Parametric Design Canada Inc., to Bring It's Autonomous Medicine Project to a Whole New Level

Sparta Group Joins Forces With Parametric Design Canada Inc., to Bring It's Autonomous Medicine Project to a Whole New Level

Sparta Group聯手Parametric Design Canada Inc.,將其自主醫療項目提升到一個全新的水平
Accesswire ·  06/20 20:45

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TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / June 20, 2024 / Sparta Group (TSX.V:SAY) (the "Corporation" the "Company", "Sparta Group", "Sparta Capital", "SAY.V" or "Sparta") has announced that it has entered a strategic partnership with Parametric Design Canada Inc., a leader and innovator in augmented reality technologies. The alliance has been forged to allow the companies to elevate Sparta's Autonomous Medicine Project to a whole new level with Augmented Reality (AR) visors.

2024年6月20日,多倫多/ACCESSWIRE——Sparta Group (TSX.V:SAY) (以下稱爲“公司”、“Sparta Group”、“Sparta Capital”、SAY.V”或“Sparta”) 宣佈與增強現實技術領先創新者Parametric Design Canada Inc.建立戰略合作伙伴關係,以將公司的自主醫療項目提升到一個全新的高度。這個聯盟的目的是讓兩家公司使用增強現實(AR)顯示器昇華公司的自主醫療項目。

When complete, the "Doc-in-a-Box" project is anticipated to meet all the requirements for a Category 4 Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) and offer the additional benefits of Augmented Reality (AR) integration. Through this joint effort, the companies intend to offer healthcare professionals a groundbreaking decision support medical device that is Health Canada/FDA approved providing autonomous diagnosis of illness and selection of treatment coupled to the enhanced, interactive availability of a real-world environment with AR glasses. As designed, the system will enable the sharing of live streams with remote doctors for immediate support and decision-making. The integration of Parametric Design Canada Inc.'s sophisticated AR application can also offer vital assistance in both medical training and treatment diagnosis.

當“醫生在盒子裏”項目完成後,預計將滿足醫療設備第四類軟件(SaMD)的所有要求,並提供增強現實(AR)集成的額外優勢。通過這項聯合努力,兩家公司計劃提供給醫療保健專業人士一種開創性的決策支持醫療器械,該器械已經得到了加拿大衛生部和 FDA 認證,可自動診斷疾病和選擇治療方案,並與 AR 眼鏡中增強的交互環境相結合。按設計,該系統將使遠程醫師共享實時流以進行立即支持和決策制定。Parametric Design Canada Inc.高度複雜的增強現實應用程序的集成也可以在醫學培訓和治療診斷中提供重要的幫助。

Doc-in-a-Box is intended to help doctors, nurses or other healthcare professionals provide their patients with better service more efficiently. The system supports a just-in-time access to the latest medical evidence base for over 2,500 indications and treatment options thus providing patients with the best medical care immediately available and ensuring the highest standard of medical practice. Management from both companies have said they are "thrilled" to be merging their expertise to develop a technology that will make high-quality medical care more accessible, especially in remote areas of the world and in challenging environments like space exploration, where traditional healthcare is limited.


"We are fortunate to have Parametric Design Canada Inc.'s expertise and look forward to a highly successful alliance. Formalizing our relationship is an important step in our journey to develop and commercialize this transformative medical device. It will empower medical professionals to fully leverage our technology to combat two of the biggest challenges in healthcare - wait times and health outcomes," said Sparta President, Tony Peticca.

“我們很幸運能夠擁有Parametric Design Canada Inc.的專業知識,並期待與他們達成一個非常成功的聯盟。 formalizing 我們之間的關係是我們開發和商業化這種變革性醫療器械的旅程中的重要一步。它將使醫療專業人員充分利用我們的技術來解決醫療保健中面臨的兩個最大的挑戰——等待時間和健康結局,”Sparta Group 總裁 Tony Peticca表示。

Augmented reality (AR) opens a whole new way to interact with the world around us through digital visual elements, sounds, and other sensory stimuli. Parametric Design Canada has experience in applying AR to multiple industries.

增強現實(AR)爲我們開啓了通過數字視覺元素,聲音和其他感官刺激與我們周圍世界互動的全新方式。 Parametric Design Canada 在多個行業應用增強現實方面擁有經驗。

"Merging Parametric Design Canada Inc.'s expertise in augmented reality with SPARTA Group's commitment to health and green technology means we are poised to redefine the boundaries of medical technology. We are excited about the potential for deeper integration of our technologies, and we look forward to exploring new horizons together. Our shared vision is one where AR and AI-driven solutions become integral parts of medical practice, transforming the way healthcare is delivered and experienced," said Parametric Design Inc.'s, Richard Bressan.

“將Parametric Design Canada Inc.在增強現實方面的專業知識與 SPARTA Group 對衛生和綠色技術的承諾相結合,意味着我們即將重新定義醫療技術的邊界。我們對我們的技術深度融合的潛在可能性感到興奮,並期待一起探索新的地平線。我們的共同願景是,AR 和 AI 指導下的解決方案將成爲醫療實踐的必要組成部分,改變醫療保健的傳遞和體驗,”Parametric Design Inc.的 Richard Bressan表示。

Statista, the global data and business intelligence platform states that over 23 million jobs worldwide will be enhanced by AR technology by 2030.


About Parametric Design Canada Inc.

關於Parametric Design Canada Inc.

PARAMETRIC DESIGN CANADA INC. is highly experienced in augmented reality technologies and plays an integral role in Sparta's initiatives. The company offers expert training, specialized consultancy services, and engineering services in all aspects of product development, including design, simulation, PLM, IIoT, and AR. As a partner and authorized retailer for PTC and Keyshot, PARAMETRIC DESIGN CANADA INC. provides a comprehensive product suite that includes CAD 3D, CAM, PLM, Rendering, Augmented Reality, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and multi-physics simulation software.

PARAMETRIC DESIGN CANADA INC.在增強現實技術方面擁有豐富的經驗,在Sparta的各項倡議中發揮着重要的作用。該公司提供專業培訓、專業諮詢服務,以及產品開發的各個方面的工程服務,包括設計、仿真、PLM、IIoT和AR。作爲PTC和Keyshot的合作伙伴和授權零售商,PARAMETRIC DESIGN CANADA INC.提供綜合的產品套件,包括CAD 3D、CAM、PLM、渲染、增強現實、工業物聯網(IIoT)和多物理仿真軟件。

About Sparta


Sparta Group (a.k.a. Sparta Capital Ltd.) is a technology-based company focused on integrating emerging technologies. It operates with a decentralized business model, with each active business functioning as a separate subsidiary. This structure provides brand recognition, insight, high-level strategic guidance, and financial monitoring. Sparta Capital Ltd. is strategically positioned across three dynamic business verticals, each engineered to integrate cutting-edge technologies and drive sustainable growth. Environment: ERS International, is a waste management operation with its state-of-the-art, proprietary e-waste processing technologies. Health: Sparta Health Corporation is a vertical harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Augmented Reality (AR), to develop technologies that enhance personalized patient care and improve treatment outcomes. Transportation: TruckSuite, guided by top industry experts, is a comprehensive suite of products and services designed to keep trucks operational and drivers competitive. TruckSuite management believes their offerings can play a pivotal role in enhancing the logistics and transportation industry.

Sparta Group(亦稱Sparta Capital Ltd.)是一家專注於整合新興技術的科技公司。它採用分散式商業模式,每個活躍的業務機構都作爲一個單獨的子公司運作。這種結構提供品牌認知度、深入的洞察、高層次的戰略指導和財務監測。Sparta Capital Ltd.在三個充滿活力的業務豎直領域具有戰略地位,每個豎直領域都是爲了整合前沿技術並推動可持續增長而設計的。環保方面:ERS International是一家擁有先進專有的電子廢棄物處理技術的廢物管理公司。健康方面:Sparta Health Corporation是一家垂直整合人工智能(AI)、機器學習(ML)和增強現實(AR)的公司,開發旨在增強個性化患者護理並改善治療結果的技術。運輸方面:由頂尖行業專家指導的TruckSuite是一套全面的產品和服務,旨在使卡車保持運營並使司機具備競爭力。TruckSuite的管理團隊認爲他們的產品和服務可以在增強物流和運輸行業方面發揮關鍵作用。

Sparta is a publicly traded company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange Inc. under the symbol "SAY" (TSX.V: SAY). Additional information is available at or on SEDAR at .

Sparta是一家在TSX Venture Exchange Inc.上以"SAY"(TSX.V:SAY)符號上市的公開交易公司。更多信息請瀏覽網站或在SEDAR上瀏覽。

For more information contact:
Tony Peticca, President
Telephone: 416-648-6506

Tony Peticca,總裁

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SOURCE: Sparta Group

消息來源: Sparta Group

