
Jeff Bezos' Vision Inspires Perplexity AI CEO As He Takes On Google Search: 'One Thing I've Done Is...'

Jeff Bezos' Vision Inspires Perplexity AI CEO As He Takes On Google Search: 'One Thing I've Done Is...'

傑夫·貝佐斯的願景啓發了Perplexity AI的首席執行官,他正在挑戰谷歌搜索:“我已經做到的一件事是……”
Benzinga ·  06/20 16:33

During a recent podcast, Aravind Srinivas, CEO of Perplexity, an AI chatbot-powered search engine, discussed how Inc. founder Jeff Bezos' management style has impacted his approach to running the company.

在最近一期的播客中,Perplexity的CEO Aravind Srinivas,一位AI聊天機器人驅動的搜索引擎創業者,談到了亞馬遜創始人Jeff Bezos的管理風格如何影響了他經營公司的方法。

What Happened: Srinivas, in a conversation with Lex Fridman on the Lex Fridman Podcast, credited Bezos for inspiring him to start Perplexity. He emphasized Bezos' management style and customer-centric approach as key factors in the company's growth.

事件經過:Srinivas在和Lex Fridman進行的一次播客對話中,讚譽了Bezos的管理風格和以客戶爲中心的方法是公司發展的關鍵因素,他表揚 Bezos 激勵了他創立Perplexity。

When asked about entrepreneurs who influenced him, Srinivas said, "One thing I've done is take parts from every person. And so, it'll almost be like an ensemble algorithm over them. So I'd probably keep the answer short and say each person what I took. With Bezos, I think it's the forcing to have real clarity of thought."


"And I don't really try to write a lot of documents. There's... when you're a startup, you have to do more in actions and documents, but at least try to write some strategy document once in a while just for the purpose of you gaining clarity, not to have the document shared around and feel like you did some work."


Srinivas also pointed out Bezos' operational excellence and customer obsession as key drivers of Amazon's success.

Srinivas 還指出,Bezos的運營卓越和對客戶的執着是亞馬遜成功的關鍵驅動力。

Why It Matters: Perplexity, a company that is trying to leverage the power of AI to take on Google Search, has been making waves in the tech industry. The company, backed by Bezos and Jensen Huang's Nvidia Corp., has been critical of Google's ad-heavy model, citing decreasing engagement and a growing desire for more direct, user-centric search experiences.

爲什麼這很重要:Perplexity試圖利用人工智能的力量挑戰Google搜索,在科技行業引起了轟動。該公司得到了卡託洛斯和Jensen Huang英偉達公司的支持,批評了谷歌的廣告模式,認爲這種模式導致用戶對搜索的參與度下降,而越來越多的人希望得到更直接、用戶中心的搜索體驗。

Perplexity's approach has also attracted significant investment, with the company securing a new funding round in April, doubling its valuation and earning the status of a unicorn. The company's vision to revolutionize the search engine industry, driven by its fascination with search and the potential of Generative AI in the software space, has been a key factor in its success.


Moreover, Srinivas' meeting with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang in April sparked speculation about potential collaboration between the two companies, further highlighting Perplexity's growing influence in the tech industry.

此外,Srinivas與英偉達CEO Jensen Huang在四月份的會晤引起了兩家公司合作的猜測,進一步突顯了Perplexity在科技行業的影響力不斷增強。

Bezos himself discussed his unconventional approach to productivity on Fridman's podcast in December, which includes allowing his mind to wander during meetings.


Photo courtesy: Shutterstock


This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Kaustubh Bagalkote

