
Jeff Bezos Assures Washington Post's Ethical Standards Amid Leadership Controversy: 'Full Commitment On... Quality, Ethics, And Standards'

Jeff Bezos Assures Washington Post's Ethical Standards Amid Leadership Controversy: 'Full Commitment On... Quality, Ethics, And Standards'

Benzinga ·  06/20 09:10

In an email to the Washington Post's newsroom leaders, billionaire owner Jeff Bezos assured that the newspaper's ethical standards will remain unchanged despite recent controversies surrounding its CEO and an incoming senior editor.

億萬富翁Jeff Bezos在給《華盛頓郵報》新聞編輯組的電子郵件中保證,儘管該報的CEO和一名即將到任的高級編輯存在爭議,該報的道德標準將保持不變。

What Happened: Bezos, the founder of, in an email obtained by Politico, addressed the ongoing controversy at The Washington Post, stating, "the journalistic standards and ethics at The Post will not change." He also pledged his "full commitment on maintaining the quality, ethics, and standards we all believe in."

發生了什麼:亞馬遜創始人Bezos在Politico泄露的電子郵件中針對《華盛頓郵報》持續發酵的爭議表示:“《華盛頓郵報》的新聞標準和道德不會改變。” 他還承諾“全力維護我們所有人所信仰的質量、道德和標準。”

The controversy revolves around CEO Will Lewis and incoming executive editor Robert Winnett, who have been accused of using ethically questionable methods to gather information. Despite this, Bezos expressed his support for Lewis and Winnett's plan to restructure the Post newsroom.

爭議圍繞着CEO Will Lewis和即將到任的行政編輯Robert Winnett,他們被指控使用具有倫理問題的方法收集信息。儘管如此,Bezos仍支持Lewis和Winnett的《華盛頓郵報》新聞編輯室重組計劃,表示了自己的支持。

The Washington Post published a scathing report on Sunday alleging Winnett collaborated with a man who used deceptive tactics to obtain confidential information at the Sunday Times. Additionally, The New York Times reported on Saturday that Lewis and Winnett used stolen phone and company records for two articles at the British newspaper.


Bezos also acknowledged the need for change as the world evolves but emphasized that the high standards at The Post must and will remain unchanged.


Why It Matters: The recent controversy at The Washington Post comes after a period of significant change for the publication. In November 2023, the Post announced the appointment of Lewis as its new CEO and publisher, following voluntary staff reductions and a notable dip in digital subscribers.


Bezos' assurance of the paper's ethical standards is particularly significant in light of his history with the publication. In 2022, X Owner Elon Musk called out Bezos as the "puppetmaster" of The Washington Post, sparking a public feud between the two billionaires.


Bezos' ownership of The Washington Post has been a subject of interest since he expressed his intent to sell the publication in 2023 in order to purchase the Washington Commanders football club.

Bezos對《華盛頓郵報》的擁有權自他表達意圖於2023年出售該出版物以購買足球俱樂部Washington Commanders以來一直備受關注。

Image via Featureflash


This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Shivdeep Dhaliwal

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Shivdeep Dhaliwal

