
The Inner Circle Acknowledges, Peggy G. Pollard as a Top Pinnacle Professional

The Inner Circle Acknowledges, Peggy G. Pollard as a Top Pinnacle Professional

內部圈子認可,Peggy G. Pollard爲頂尖的專業人士
PR Newswire ·  06/19 03:30

AMHERST, Va., June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Prominently featured in The Inner Circle, Peggy G. Pollard is acknowledged as a Top Pinnacle Professional for her contributions as an Esteemed Lead Nursing Executive at Oracle Health.


Mrs. Pollard, a distinguished healthcare professional with over three decades of experience, is making an indelible mark as a Lead Nursing Executive at Oracle Health. Her role is pivotal in the implementation of a groundbreaking electronic health record system for the Veterans Affairs, heralding a significant healthcare transformation.

作爲傑出的醫療保健專業人士,擁有30餘年的經驗,Peggy G. Pollard 在甲骨文醫療機構擔任重要職務。因在爲退伍軍人事務部門實施重大的醫療信息化系統轉型方面的領導作用,而獲得卓越的成就並留下不可磨滅的印記。

With a career spanning over 30 years in the healthcare industry, Mrs. Pollard has demonstrated unwavering dedication and expertise. Her commitment to healthcare and her leadership in clinical informatics has positioned her as a trailblazer in the field.

Peggy G. Pollard 在醫療保健行業工作時間超過30年,展現了毫不動搖的專業才能和奉獻精神。她在臨床醫學信息學方面的領導才能和對健康保健的執着奉獻,使她成爲該領域的開路先鋒。

Currently, as a Lead Nursing Executive at Oracle Health, Mrs. Pollard leads a dynamic team of Nurse Executives facilitating the implementation of a cutting-edge electronic health record system for the Veterans Affairs. This endeavor is poised to be one of the most substantial healthcare transformations in history.

Peggy G. Pollard 現任甲骨文醫療機構執行護理高層,在與團隊一起推動退伍軍人事務部門實施先進的電子醫療信息系統,這項努力正在成爲醫療保健史上最具影響力的轉變之一。

Mrs. Pollard's educational background is marked by excellence. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, from the University of Lynchburg (formerly Lynchburg College). Additionally, she possesses a Master of Science in Leadership and Organizational Change from Pfeiffer University, graduating Summa Cum Laude from both.

Peggy G. Pollard 擁有優秀的教育背景。她持有林奇堡大學(原林奇堡學院)護理學學士學位以及普費夫大學領導和組織變革的碩士學位,並從兩個大學均榮獲畢業最高榮譽,即Summa Cum Laude。

Her affiliation with the American Nursing Informatics Association, American Nursing Informatics Association, American Medical Informatics, and American College of Healthcare Executives underscores her commitment to staying at the forefront of clinical informatics.


Mrs. Pollard's contributions to healthcare have not gone unnoticed. She has received the prestigious Top Honors Award from the University of Lynchburg and others, further emphasizing her impact on the industry. She was presented with the Beacon Award, the ANA Award, as well as invitations to speak on various topics to national organizations such as the American Nurses Association, and Office of National Coordination for Health Information Technology. In addition, Ms. Pollard is a Daisy Award winner signifying excellence in nursing practice.

Peggy G. Pollard 在醫療保健行業做出的貢獻備受肯定。她曾獲得林奇堡大學的榮譽獎學金,並獲得指南燈獎章、全美護理協會獎章及就國家衛生信息技術協調辦公室和美國護理協會等國家機構發表演講的邀請。此外,Pollard女士還是傑出護理實踐者 “Daisy Award” 的獲得者。

She attributes her accomplishments to the invaluable guidance of her mentors, her tendency to consider the bigger picture, her ability to approach situations in a strategic manner, and her unwavering commitment to hard work.


In addition to her illustrious career, Mrs. Pollard is a devoted wife to her husband, Larry Pollard. Together, they have raised a loving family, including children Christopher, Lauren, Stacey, and Andrew.

除了她輝煌的職業生涯,Peggy G. Pollard 還是她丈夫 Larry Pollard 的忠實妻子。他們共同撫養着他們的家庭,包括他們的子女 Christopher、Lauren、Stacey 和 Andrew。

Her dedication extends beyond her family, as she aspires to continue making a meaningful difference in healthcare, fostering continued growth and success. She is convinced that the work of clinical informatics will constitute a lasting legacy within the healthcare industry.


CONTACT: Katherine Green, 516-825-5634, [email protected]

聯繫人:Katherine Green,電話號碼:516-825-5634,電子郵件:[email protected]

SOURCE The Inner Circle

資料來源:《The Inner Circle》

