
Syndio Expands Workplace Equity Platform to Further Support Employers in the Transparency Era

Syndio Expands Workplace Equity Platform to Further Support Employers in the Transparency Era

PR Newswire ·  06/18 20:03

Platform updates include compensation consistency insights, performance analytics, and expert-trained AI for streamlined reporting


SEATTLE, June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Syndio, the world's leader in workplace equity solutions, today announced enhancements to its Workplace Equity Platform that help companies navigate the evolving, complex demands for pay equity and transparency.

2024年6月18日,西雅圖 /美通社/-- Syndio是全球職場公平解決方案領域的領軍者,今天宣佈增強其職場公平平台,以幫助企業應對不斷變化、複雜的薪酬公平和透明化要求。當今,僱主面臨越來越大的壓力,需要解釋並證明他們的薪酬、評估和晉升策略不僅具有公平性,而且還能推動業績、改善企業文化並吸引頂尖人才。爲滿足這些需求,Syndio不斷升級其職場公平平台,把當今的挑戰轉化爲機遇,幫助人力資源團隊在平衡運營效率的同時提供更大的價值。Syndio平台的最新更新包括:

Today, employers are faced with mounting pressure to explain and prove that their compensation, assessment, and promotion strategies are not only equitable, but driving the bottom line, improving culture, and attracting top talent. To meet these needs, Syndio continues to evolve its Workplace Equity Platform to turn today's challenges into opportunities, helping HR teams deliver greater value while balancing operational efficiency. The latest updates across Syndio's Platform include:


  • Global Pay Reports: A new reporting solution that simplifies the creation of pay reports across 29 jurisdictions. Launching later this year, an integrated AI expert, trained on proprietary information, will provide 24/7 guidance to ensure companies stay compliant with evolving transparency regulations.
  • PayEQ Compensation Consistency Analysis: Expanded analytics in PayEQ that helps resolve inconsistencies in employee compensation, providing detailed analysis to ensure equitable pay practices throughout the organization.
  • OppEQ Performance Equity Analysis: OppEQ now includes performance equity, extending its analytics to cover promotions and performance assessments. This enhancement identifies biases and inconsistencies, providing a holistic view of the key drivers of the unadjusted pay gap.
  • Upgraded Pay Finder functionality: Pay Finder now provides more robust and customizable features. Administrators can set precise policies and manage user access to data, putting the right insights in the hands of decision makers. This enhancement ensures consistent, equitable, and transparent pay decisions throughout the employee lifecycle.
  • PayEQ薪酬一致性分析:在PayEQ中擴展了分析功能,幫助解決員工薪酬的不一致性,提供詳細的分析,確保組織內部的薪酬實踐公平一致。OppEQ表現公平分析:OppEQ現在包括績效公平,將其分析擴展到晉升和績效評估領域。這個增強功能可以識別出偏見和不一致之處,提供不可調整薪資差距關鍵驅動力的全面視圖。
  • 升級後的Pay Finder功能:Pay Finder現在提供更強大、可自定義的功能。管理員可以設置精確的策略,管理用戶對數據的訪問,爲決策者提供正確的見解。這個升級功能可以確保一致、公平和透明的薪資決策貫穿整個員工生命週期。這些增強功能使Syndio的平台成爲人力資源領導者實現職場公平和透明化的一站式解決方案,無論公司處於何種程度上的這一旅程。它可以促進基於數據的決策和一致的溝通,幫助企業高效地打造公平的工作場所,吸引和留住頂尖人才。
  • Syndio的首席執行官Maria Colacurcio說:"今天的C-suite領導面臨着遵守新的薪酬透明法律要求和滿足不斷上升的員工期望和股東需求的雙重挑戰。因此,利用先進技術來應對這種狀況對於保持競爭力和優化結果至關重要。企業領導需要洞察力,以識別和獎勵推動公司發展和實現增長的價值。Syndio的平台不僅有助於實現這一點,而且還能維持一致和公平的實踐關係每一位員工。"表現評估。這個增強功能可以識別出偏見和不一致之處,提供不可調整薪資差距關鍵驅動力的全面視圖。
  • 現在,Pay Finder提供更強大、可自定義的功能。管理員可以設置精確的策略,管理用戶對數據的訪問,爲決策者提供正確的見解。這個升級功能可以確保一致、公平和透明的薪資決策貫穿整個員工生命週期。

With these enhancements, Syndio's platform is a one-stop solution for HR leaders to streamline workplace equity and transparency efforts regardless of where companies are in their journey. It enables data-driven decision-making and consistent communication, helping companies efficiently create equitable workplaces that attract and retain top talent.


"Today's C-suite leaders face the dual challenge of adhering to new pay transparency laws while meeting rising employee expectations and shareholder demands. The stakes are high, and leveraging advanced technology to navigate this landscape is crucial for maintaining competitiveness and optimizing the bottom line," said Maria Colacurcio, CEO of Syndio. "Company leaders need insights to identify and reward the values that move their company forward and enable growth. Syndio's platform does just that while maintaining consistent and equitable practices for every employee."

Syndio首席執行官Maria Colacurcio說:"今天的C-suite領導面臨着遵守新的薪酬透明法律要求和滿足不斷上升的員工期望和股東需求的雙重挑戰。因此,利用先進技術來應對這種狀況對於保持競爭力和優化結果至關重要。企業領導需要洞察力,以識別和獎勵推動公司發展和實現增長的價值。Syndio的平台不僅有助於實現這一點,而且還能維持一致和公平的實踐關係每一位員工。"Syndio 的首席執行官 Maria Colacurcio公司領袖需要洞察力來識別和獎勵推動公司發展和實現增長的價值。Syndio的平台能夠做到這一點,同時爲每個員工維持一致和公平的實踐。

At a recent WorldatWork Total Rewards '24 event, industry leaders affirmed the vital role pay equity — and workplace equity technology — play to protect and evolve company culture and performance in the transparency era. Hywel Jones, Vice President of Total Rewards at TD SYNNEX, emphasized the proactive approach needed for compliance with the EU Pay Transparency Directive. "As we prepare for the EU Directive, we are focusing on getting ahead of it rather than letting the train hit us," said Jones. "This means we invest time in our data and methodology, as well as a technology partner that gives us confidence in presenting to our leadership."

最近世界薪酬 '24 活動上,行業領袖確認了薪酬公平和工作場所平等科技在透明度時代保護和發展企業文化和業績方面發揮的重要作用。行業領袖們強調了薪酬公平 - 和工作場所平等科技 - 在透明時代保護和發展公司文化和績效所起的至關重要的作用。TD SYNNEX 的總薪酬副總裁Hywel Jones強調了實現歐盟薪酬透明度指令合規所需的積極應對。Jones說:“當我們準備迎接歐盟指令時,我們專注於走在它的前面,而不是讓火車碾過我們。這意味着我們投入時間和精力放在數據和方法上,以及信懇智能作爲給予我們自信的技術合作夥伴來向領導展示。”美光科技的總薪酬副總Athar Siddiqee強調了他們實現薪酬公平承諾在吸引頂尖人才方面的關鍵差異。Siddiqee說:“候選人告訴我們,‘我有多個就業機會,但我選擇與美光合作,因爲你們承諾實現薪酬公平。’”通過利用Syndio 的PayEQ,美光不僅在基本工資、獎金和股票方面實現了薪酬公平,而且還看到了直接與他們公平的薪酬做法相關的員工參與度得到顯著提高。這種情緒共鳴了一種更廣泛的趨勢,即將優先考慮披露薪酬明細作爲組織成功和員工滿意度的重要組成部分。要了解有關Syndio最新進展以及擴展的工作場所平等平台如何幫助公司有效制定薪酬公平和透明度戰略的更多信息,請訪問

Athar Siddiqee, VP of Total Rewards at Micron Technology, highlighted how their commitment to pay equity has become a key differentiator in attracting top talent. "Candidates have told us, 'I've had multiple offers, but I chose to work with Micron because you are committed to pay equity'." By leveraging Syndio's PayEQ, Micron has not only achieved pay equity across base compensation, bonuses, and stock but has also seen a significant increase in employee engagement scores directly tied to their equitable pay practices. These sentiments echo a broader trend towards prioritizing pay transparency as an essential component of organizational success and employee satisfaction.

關於SyndioSyndio是工作場所平等解決方案的領先者,提供技術和專業建議,使公司能夠在員工生命週期的每個階段測量、實現和維護公平和透明度。通過Syndio 的工作場所平等平台,公司將公平嵌入其核心業務實踐中,幫助識別薪酬差距,增強人力資源政策的有效性,並推動更快、更少偏見的決策制定。Syndio獲得了超過300家公司的信任,其中包括30%的財富雜誌“最受欽佩的公司”,Syndio確保薪酬和晉升的公平性和一致性,同時簡化全球合規性報告和通信,以便每位客戶都能成爲和保持僱主的首選。加入Syndio 打造更加公平和高效的未來工作的前沿。

To learn more about Syndio's latest advancements and how the expanded Workplace Equity Platform can help companies effectively shape strategies for pay equity and transparency, visit

聯繫人:Lauren Riefflin,425.829.0516, 來源:Syndio .

About Syndio
Syndio is the leader in workplace equity solutions, offering technology and expert advice that enables companies to measure, achieve, and sustain equity and transparency at every step of the employee lifecycle. With Syndio's Workplace Equity Platform, companies embed equity into their core business practices, helping to identify pay gaps, bolster the efficacy of HR policies, and facilitate faster, less biased decision-making. Trusted by over 300 companies, including 30% of Fortune's Most Admired Companies, Syndio ensures equity and consistency in pay and advancement while streamlining global compliance reporting and communications so that each customer can become and remain employers of choice. Join the forefront of building a more equitable and efficient future of work with Syndio.

Contact: Lauren Riefflin, 425.829.0516, [email protected]


