
KnowBe4 Collaborates With Microsoft on the New Microsoft Ribbon Phish Alert Button

KnowBe4 Collaborates With Microsoft on the New Microsoft Ribbon Phish Alert Button

PR Newswire ·  06/18 02:16

New Microsoft Ribbon Phish Alert Button (PAB) by KnowBe4 to enhance email security for Outlook users globally


TAMPA BAY, Fla., June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- KnowBe4, the provider of the world's largest security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, today announced its new Microsoft Ribbon Phish Alert Button (PAB) developed in collaboration with Microsoft for Outlook to elevate email security standards and make it easy to report suspected phishing.

佛羅里達州坦帕灣,2024年6月17日 / PRNewswire / - 作爲世界上最大的安全意識培訓和模擬網絡釣魚平台的提供商,KnowBe4今天宣佈其與Microsoft合作開發的新版Microsoft Ribbon釣魚警報按鈕(PAB)將集成到Outlook大綱中,以提高電子郵件安全標準,並使報告可疑的網絡釣魚郵件變得更加容易。

KnowBe4's new PAB is integrated conveniently into the Outlook Home ribbon which empowers users to report suspicious emails with just one click, directly from their inbox. As cybercriminals become more sophisticated and deceptive with their phishing attacks, organizations face an ever-increasing risk of falling victim to these malicious tactics. Employees, acting as the last line of defense against such threats, play a crucial role in identifying and reporting potential phishing attempts.


KnowBe4's new Microsoft Ribbon Phish Alert Button turns Microsoft's existing spam reporting tool in Outlook into an advanced email threat management feature. Through close collaboration, this integrated feature delivers a uniform experience across most Outlook versions for Windows, Mac and the web, which eliminates the confusion caused by different reporting buttons from numerous vendors. The Microsoft Ribbon PAB is available on Outlook 365, New Outlook for Windows and Outlook on the Web, including the Outlook Web Access (Exchange 2013, 2016, and 2019) and Outlook Web App (Microsoft 365). This enables employees to easily identify and report suspected phishing emails from a familiar Outlook interface.

KnowBe4的新版Microsoft Ribbon釣魚警報按鈕將Microsoft Outlook現有的垃圾郵件報告工具轉化爲先進的電子郵件威脅管理功能。通過密切合作,這個集成功能在Windows、Mac和web大多數Outlook版本上提供了統一的體驗,消除了來自多個供應商的不同報告按鈕所造成的混亂。Microsoft Ribbon PAB可在Outlook 365、新版Outlook for Windows和Outlook on the Web上使用,包括Outlook Web Access(Exchange 2013、2016和2019)和Outlook Web App(Microsoft 365)。這使員工可以輕鬆地從熟悉的Outlook界面識別和報告可疑的網絡釣魚郵件。

The collaboration between KnowBe4 and Microsoft exemplifies the power of innovation and teamwork in addressing the challenges of cybersecurity. With the new Microsoft Ribbon Phish Alert Button, organizations can look forward to a more streamlined and effective approach to combating phishing attacks, ultimately creating a safer digital environment for everyone.

KnowBe4與Microsoft的合作彰顯了創新和團隊合作在應對網絡安全挑戰方面的力量。有了新版Microsoft Ribbon釣魚警報按鈕,組織可以期待更加簡便高效的方法來對抗網絡釣魚攻擊,從而爲每個人創造更安全的數字環境。

KnowBe4's PAB is recognized as the number one Outlook add-in, setting the standard for empowering employees as a strong human defense against social engineering. The Microsoft Ribbon PAB streamlines the reporting process, improves user compliance and enables information security teams to respond swiftly to reported emails. By providing a consistent and user-friendly experience across the organization for both InfoSec teams and the employees, the chances of successfully detecting and preventing a phishing attack increase.

KnowBe4的PAB被認爲是No. 1 Outlook插件,爲有力的人類防禦社會工程開啓了標準。Microsoft Ribbon PAB簡化了報告流程,提高了用戶的合規性,並使信息安全團隊能夠迅速響應報告的郵件。通過爲信息安全團隊和員工提供統一和用戶友好的體驗,組織成功檢測和預防網絡釣魚攻擊的機會增加了。

"Our collaboration with Microsoft highlights the importance of industries joining forces in developing innovative threat management tools to counter the relentless evolution of cyberattacks," said Stu Sjouwerman, CEO of KnowBe4. "Phishing email attacks remain one of the most popular threats facing organizations today and empowering employees to be vigilant is critical. The integration of KnowBe4's Microsoft Ribbon Phish Alert Button represents a stride forward in cultivating a strong security culture in organizations worldwide."

“我們與微軟的合作凸顯了各行業在開發創新的威脅管理工具方面加強合作的重要性,以應對不斷進化的網絡攻擊,” KnowBe4首席執行官Stu Sjouwerman表示。 “網絡釣魚郵件攻擊仍然是今天組織面臨的最流行的威脅之一,賦予員工警覺性至關重要。 KnowBe4的Microsoft Ribbon釣魚警報按鈕的集成代表了全球組織內建立強大安全文化的一大進步。”

For more information on the KnowBe4 Microsoft Ribbon Phish Alert Button, visit here

欲知更多關於KnowBe4 Microsoft Ribbon釣魚警報按鈕的信息,請訪問這裏

or see the video here: Microsoft Build - Outlook Add-ins Transformed

或查看此處視頻:Microsoft Build - Outlook插件轉型視頻在這裏:微軟 Build - Outlook 插件變革

About KnowBe4
KnowBe4, the provider of the world's largest security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, is used by more than 65,000 organizations around the globe. Founded by IT and data security specialist Stu Sjouwerman, KnowBe4 helps organizations address the human element of security by raising awareness about ransomware, CEO fraud and other social engineering tactics through a new-school approach to awareness training on security. The late Kevin Mitnick, who was an internationally recognized cybersecurity specialist and KnowBe4's Chief Hacking Officer, helped design the KnowBe4 training based on his well-documented social engineering tactics. Organizations rely on KnowBe4 to mobilize their end users as their last line of defense and trust the KnowBe4 platform to strengthen their security culture and reduce human risk.

作爲全球最大的安全意識培訓和模擬網絡釣魚平台的提供商,KnowBe4現在已被全球超過65,000個組織使用。由IT和數據安全專家Stu Sjouwerman創立的KnowBe4幫助組織通過採用新型安全意識培訓來提高組織對勒索軟件、CEO欺詐和其他社會工程學戰術的認識。後任國際知名的網絡安全專家和KnowBe4的首席黑客官的Kevin Mitnick根據他的廣爲人知的社會工程學戰術設計了KnowBe4的培訓。組織依靠KnowBe4來調動終端用戶作爲他們的最後一道防線,並信任KnowBe4平台以增強其安全文化並降低人爲風險。

Media Contact
Amanda Tarantino
Public Relations Officer
[email protected]

Amanda Tarantino
[email protected]

SOURCE KnowBe4 Inc.

來源知名安全培訓和模擬攻擊平台 KnowBe4 Inc。

