
CITGO Lemont Refinery and FBI-Chicago Host Joint Public Safety Exercise

CITGO Lemont Refinery and FBI-Chicago Host Joint Public Safety Exercise

PR Newswire ·  06/18 00:24

LEMONT, Ill., June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On June 13, 2024, CITGO Lemont Refinery and the Chicago Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) hosted a full day, live tabletop exercise (TTX) to analyze and enhance the coordinated crisis response between private and public partners across Illinois. The large-scale training event consisted of a site-specific exercise scenario in which all stakeholder organizations could identify and analyze their own actions through the lens of the greater, synchronized effort to control a fictional Weapons of Mass Destruction incident.

2024年6月17日,伊利諾伊州CITGO Lemont煉油廠和聯邦調查局芝加哥分局(FBI)共同舉辦了一次爲期一整天的實地桌面演練(TTX),以分析和增強私營和公共夥伴在整個伊利諾伊州的協調應對危機的能力。這次大規模的培訓活動包含了一個現場演練情景,各相關組織可以通過整體的、協調的行動,識別和分析自己的行爲。

"It's our culture to be safe, secure and reliable at the CITGO Lemont Refinery. We're always identifying ways to improve our facility for a more secure environment for our employees and the community," stated Jim Cristman, CITGO Lemont Vice President and General Manager. "Continuous improvement and identifying gaps in performance is what this drill represents, and we're excited to be partnering with FBI's Chicago Division on this effort."

"在CITGO Lemont煉油廠,安全、穩定、可靠是我們的文化。我們一直在尋找改進設施,以創造一個更安全的環境,保護員工和社區。"CITGO Lemont副總裁兼總經理吉姆·克里斯特曼表示:"持續改進和發現績效差距正是這次演習的目的,我們很高興能夠與FBI的芝加哥分局合作完成這項工作。"

"Today's exercise was an excellent example of the type of proactive, collaborative training that is integral to assuring our readiness in the face of a crisis," said Dennaris Coleman, Assistant Special Agent in Charge with the FBI's Chicago Division. "These types of exercises are critical in understanding our partners' capabilities, resources, and procedures and having that intelligence helps us to better respond in the unlikely event of a real incident."

"今天的演習是一次積極主動、協作訓練的絕佳例子,這對於在危機面前保持準備非常有幫助。"FBI芝加哥分局助理特別探員丹納瑞斯·科爾曼(Dennaris Coleman)表示:"這類活動在理解我們夥伴的能力、資源和程序方面至關重要,這些情報有助於我們更好地在發生真實事件時應對。"

Today's training event included ninety-seven attendees from thirty local, state and federal agencies. Local agencies that were in attendance included members from the CITGO Lemont Refinery Community Awareness Emergency Response (CAER) Council. The council is made up of local and county leaders, police, fire, emergency management, along with refinery leadership. It continues to share information and increase understanding and cooperation between CITGO, community leaders and communities regarding safety, the environment and emergency response. Other attendees represented are state, federal and international law enforcement and local community agencies.

今天的培訓活動共有97名來自30個地方、州和聯邦機構的代表參加。參加的地方機構包括CITGO Lemont煉油廠社區意識應急反應(CAER)委員會的成員。該委員會由當地和縣領導、警察、消防、緊急管理人員以及煉油廠領導組成。委員會繼續分享信息,並增進關於安全、環境和應急響應方面的理解和合作,以便更好地合作。其他參與者代表的是州、聯邦和國際執法機構及當地社區機構。

CITGO Petroleum Corporation is a recognized leader in the refining industry and operates under the well-known CITGO brand. CITGO owns and operates three refineries located in Lake Charles, La.; Lemont, Ill.; and Corpus Christi, Texas, and wholly and/or jointly owns 42 active terminals, six pipelines and three lubricants blending and packaging plants. With approximately 3,600 employees and a combined crude capacity of approximately 807,000 barrels-per-day (bpd), CITGO ranks as the fifth-largest and is one of the most complex independent refiners in the United States. CITGO transports and markets transportation fuels, lubricants, petrochemicals and other industrial products, and supplies a network of approximately 4,000 locally owned and independently operated branded retail outlets, all located east of the Rocky Mountains. CITGO Petroleum Corporation is owned by CITGO Holding, Inc.

CITGO石油公司是煉油行業的知名領導者,經營着衆所周知的CITGO品牌。CITGO擁有並經營着三座位於路易斯安那州查爾斯湖、伊利諾伊州萊蒙特和德克薩斯州科珀斯克里斯蒂的煉油廠,並完全或部分擁有42個活躍終端、六條管道和三個潤滑油調和和包裝工廠。CITGO擁有約3600名員工,粗油加工能力約爲807,000桶/日,是美國第五大、規模最大、最複雜的獨立煉油商之一。CITGO運輸和銷售運輸燃料、潤滑劑、石油股和其他工業產品,並供應大約4,000家區域性擁有和獨立經營的品牌零售店,所有這些店都位於落基山以東。CITGO石油公司歸CITGO Holding公司所有。

About the FBI's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Program


The FBI established the WMD program on July 26, 2006 to create a unique combination of law enforcement authorities, intelligence analysis capabilities, and technical subject matter expertise. Creation of the WMD program enabled the FBI to bring its WMD preparedness, prevention, and response capabilities into a single, focused organization. The program uses a strategic approach to address emerging threats and risk-based vulnerabilities with other federal agencies, Congress, private sector companies, and the American public, affording all groups opportunities to collaborate on ensuring the safety and security of our country.


SOURCE CITGO Petroleum Corporation


