
Tintina Provides Additional Information Relating to Proposed Investment in Chile and Debt Reorganization

Tintina Provides Additional Information Relating to Proposed Investment in Chile and Debt Reorganization

GlobeNewswire ·  06/18 00:18

TORONTO, June 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tintina Mines Limited ("Tintina" or the "Company") (TSXV: TTS) wishes to provide additional information in connection with the upcoming meeting of the shareholders of the Company on June 26, 2024, at which the shareholders will be asked to consider and approve two related transactions. These include: (i) an investment in Andean Belt Resources SpA ("ABR"), a mining exploration company incorporated under the laws of Chile, to acquire a 65%-75% equity ownership interest in ABR for cash consideration in the amount of $4,000,000 (USD); and (ii) a proposed reorganization of the Company's existing debt (currently in the amount of $12,071,484.57 (CAD)) with its shareholder and sole creditor, Mr. Juan Enrique Rassmuss through: (i) the issuance of up to the lower of (a) 126,191,416 common shares in the capital of the Company (on a post-consolidation basis, as described below) and (b) such number of common shares that would result in no less than 10% of the common shares being in the "public float" (as defined in the policies of the TSXV), at an issuance price of $0.06 per common share (on a post-consolidation basis, as described below) in satisfaction of up to $7,571,484.57 of outstanding debt; and (ii) the conversion of the remaining debt in the amount of $4,500,000 into a long-term obligation with no fixed maturity, bearing interest at a rate of 7% per annum and payable on demand, subject to the condition that Mr. Rassmuss may not demand repayment for a period of two years. Both of these transactions are related party transactions and are also described in the press release of the Company dated February 6, 2024.

TORONTO,2024年6月17日(環球社) - Tintina Mines Limited(以下簡稱“Tintina”或“公司”)(TSXV:TTS)希望就公司股東於2024年6月26日召開的會議提供更多信息,股東將被要求考慮並批准兩項相關交易。其中包括:(i)投資於智利法律下成立的採礦勘探公司Andean Belt Resources SpA(“ABR”),以現金支付4,000,000美元(USD)的代價獲得ABR 65%-75%的股權; (ii)擬議中的公司現有債務(當前爲12,071,484.57加元)與其股東兼唯一債權人Juan Enrique Rassmuss先生進行的重組:(i)以發行最多一千二百六十一萬一千四百一十六股該公司的普通股(按照下文所述的後合併基礎進行),並且(b)該數量的普通股的發行將導致不少於10%的普通股處於“公共浮動”狀態(如TSXV政策中所定義),按照6美分/股(按照下文所述的後合併基礎進行)的發行價格,以滿足7,571,484.57美元的未償債務;以及(ii)將剩餘的4,500,000美元債務轉換爲長期債務,無固定到期日期,按7%的年利率計息並應支付要求,但Juan Enrique Rassmuss先生在兩年內不得要求償還,除非滿足要求。這兩筆交易均爲關聯方交易,並且亦已於公司於2024年2月6日發佈的新聞稿中進行了描述。

In connection with the transactions described above, the Company will also be seeking shareholder approval for a consolidation of its issued and outstanding common shares on the basis of a ratio of one post-consolidation share to a minimum of every two pre-consolidation shares and a maximum of every five pre-consolidation shares, with the ratio to be determined and implemented by the board of directors of the Company at its sole discretion provided that the ratio will reflect a minimum price of $0.05 per common share on a post-consolidation basis. It is anticipated that the consolidation will take place prior to the acquisition and debt restructuring described above. Share figures and prices in this press release presented on a post-consolidation basis reflect a 2:1 consolidation.


As described in the management information circular of the Company dated May 17, 2024, the Company considered and evaluated a business expansion into new jurisdictions, particularly in the Peruvian and Chilean segments of the South American Andean Cordillera, areas in which the Company's senior management and directors have extensive expertise. The Company wishes to provide further detail on this process, advising that upon further consideration it was determined that the most viable alternative for enhancing shareholder value would be the currently proposed acquisition of ABR, which is directly connected to the debt restructuring proposal with Mr. Rassmuss. In particular, management and the board considered that this alternative provided the Company with access to a property in a familiar jurisdiction with a current technical report on it, through an acquisition of a majority interest in a subsidiary such that the proceeds of the investment will be used in large part to fund the contemplated exploration expenditures on that property. Further, given Mr. Rassmuss' connection to ABR, this alternative provided the opportunity for the company to concurrently negotiate the debt restructuring proposal.

根據公司於2024年5月17日發佈的管理信息圓通中所述,該公司考慮並評估了擴大業務範圍到新的司法轄區,特別是南美安第斯山脈的秘魯和智利領域,該領域是公司高級管理人員和董事在其中具有廣泛的專業知識。該公司希望進一步詳細說明此過程,指出在進一步考慮後,確定增強股東價值的最可行選擇將是當前擬議中的收購ABR,這與與Juan Enrique Rassmuss先生的債務重組建議直接相關。特別是,管理層和董事會考慮到,這種選擇爲公司提供了在熟悉的司法管轄區內的物業的訪問,該物業具有當前的技術報告,通過對子公司中的多數股權的收購,從而有了投資收益用於資助該物業的擬定的勘探支出。此外,鑑於Juan Enrique Rassmuss先生與ABR的聯繫,該選擇提供了公司同時談判有關債務重組提議的機會。

The acquisition and the debt restructuring are directly connected, and the debt restructuring will only be completed subject to the approval of the investment in ABR. This was specifically considered by the independent members of the board of directors of the Company in considering this opportunity. The terms of the acquisition and the debt restructuring (including pricing) were negotiated between management of the Company and management of ABR and Mr. Rassmuss, respectively.

收購和債務重組是直接相關的,債務重組僅在投資於ABR的批准下完成。這一點由公司董事會的獨立成員在考慮此機會時特別考慮了。收購和債務重組的條款(包括價格)是由該公司的管理層與ABR和Juan Enrique Rassmuss先生的管理層協商的。

Following the issuance of the common shares to Mr. Rassmuss in connection with the debt restructuring, based on his current shareholdings as of the date hereof, Mr. Rassmuss will hold an aggregate of 133,114,837 common shares, representing 89.25% of the issued and outstanding common shares (on a post-consolidation basis). The terms of the debt restructuring (and in particular, the share issuance to Mr. Rassmuss) were developed to result in no less than 10% of the common shares of the Company being held in the "public float" (as defined in the policies of the TSXV). While there have been no discussions with Mr. Rassmuss about taking the Company private, under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101") any further going private transaction involving one or more persons that are "interested parties" (as defined in MI 61-101) who beneficially own 90% or more of the issued and outstanding common shares at that time would be exempt from the requirement to obtain minority shareholder approval. The independent members of the board of directors of the Company specifically considered the size of the share issuance to Mr. Rassmuss in discussing the proposed transactions.

在與Juan Enrique Rassmuss先生有關的債務重組中發行普通股後,基於截至此時的他的持股情況,他將持有總計133,114,837股普通股,佔已發行和流通普通股的89.25%(按照後合併基礎計算)。債務重組的條款(特別是,股票發行給Juan Enrique Rassmuss先生的條款)的制定是爲了結果導致公司的公共浮動的普通股不低於公司發行和流通的普通股的10%(根據TSXV的政策),而只有少數股東通過一兩個合併。儘管目前沒有與Juan Enrique Rassmuss先生就收購該公司進行討論,在《多立邊界儀60-101》的情況下,任何進一步的私有化交易僅涉及一個或多個屬於的“利益相關方”(同《多立邊界儀60-101》所定義)人,他們在此時有90%或更多的已發行和流通的普通股,將豁免獲得少數股東批准的要求。公司董事會的獨立成員在討論所提議的交易時特別考慮了Juan Enrique Rassmuss先生的股份發行量的大小。董事會和全由獨立董事組成的特別委員會(“特別委員會”)批准的該安排計劃的背景和支持該安排的原因(“背景”);(MI 61-101)

Each of the transactions described above are subject to all necessary regulatory and other approvals, including but not limited to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange and the approval of the shareholders of the Company.

上述交易均須獲得所有必要的監管和其他批准,包括但不限於獲得公司股東的批准和TSX Venture Exchange的批准。

Each of (i) the acquisition in ABR and (ii) the debt restructuring described above are "related party transactions" under the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange and MI 61-101 due to the involvement of Mr. Juan Enrique Rassmuss in each transaction. Mr. Rassmuss is the President and Chairman and a director of the Company, and also holds approximately 30% of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company as at the date hereof. With respect to the investment into ABR, the local ownership entity for the ABR properties is affiliated with the Rassmuss Group of Companies, a diversified conglomerate with over 50 years of experience operating across various industries, including mining, oil and gas, metallurgy, and textiles in South America. Juan Enrique Rassmuss is the President and CEO of the Rassmuss Group.

上述(i)收購ABR和(ii)債務重組均爲TSX Venture Exchange和MI 61-101政策下的“相關方交易”,因涉及Juan Enrique Rassmuss先生而爲相關方交易。 Rassmuss先生是公司的總裁兼主席兼董事,並且截至此時大約擁有公司已發行和流通普通股的30%。就對ABR的投資而言,ABR物業的本地所有權實體與Rassmuss Group of Companies相關聯,該集團是在南美洲的礦業,石油和天然氣,冶金和紡織品等各個行業中運營超過50年的多元化企業。Juan Enrique Rassmuss是該集團的總裁兼首席執行官。

As these are related party transactions, shareholder approval on a disinterested basis will be required in order to each of them to proceed. The Company intends to rely on the exemption from the valuation requirement found in section 5.5(b) of MI 61-101.

由於這些是關聯方交易,因此需要在非利益相關方的基礎上獲得股東的批准,以便它們繼續進行。公司打算依靠MI 61-101第5.5(b)節中發現的評估要求豁免權。

Trading in the common shares of the Company is currently halted and it is not anticipated that trading will resume prior to the completion of the transactions described herein.


About Tintina


Tintina is a Canadian-based company with over twenty years of experience in the junior mining industry. Tintina currently owns two main properties, both of which are located in Yukon. The common shares of Tintina are listed for trading on the TSXV under the symbol "TTS".

Tintina是一家總部位於加拿大的公司,在初級礦業行業擁有超過二十年的經驗。 Tintina目前擁有兩個主要物業,均位於育空。 Tintina的普通股在TSXV上交易,股票代碼爲“TTS”。

Tintina Contact:


Tintina Mines Limited
Mr. Jing Peng
82 Richmond Street East
Toronto, Ontario
M5C 1P1
Phone: (416) 848-9888

Tintina Mines Limited
82 Richmond Street East
多倫多, 安大略省
M5C 1P1

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策中所定義的那樣)均不對本發佈的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

Forward-looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions and accordingly, actual results and future events could differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. You are hence cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of present or historical fact are forward-looking statements and the forward-looking statements in this press release include but are not limited to statements regarding completion of the transactions described in this press release on the terms described herein, or at all, and the potential benefits of such transactions. Forward-looking statements include words or expressions such as "proposed", "will", "subject to", "near future", "in the event", "would", "expect", "prepared to" and other similar words or expressions. Where the Company expresses or implies an expectation or belief as to future events or results, such expectation or belief is based on assumptions made in good faith and believed to have a reasonable basis. Such assumptions include, without limitation: that existing the Company will be able to negotiate definitive terms with respect to the transactions described herein on the terms as currently expected or at all; and that the Company will be able to receive all necessary approvals that are required in order to complete such transactions.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性聲明。前瞻性聲明涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和假設, 因此,實際結果和未來事件可能與此類聲明中所表述的不同。因此,我們警告您不要過度依賴前瞻性聲明。所有陳述, 除了當前或歷史事實的陳述外,都屬於前瞻性聲明,本新聞稿中的前瞻性聲明包括但不限於有關按照此處所述條款完成所描述交易或不完成的陳述,以及此類交易可能帶來的潛在收益的陳述。前瞻性聲明包括諸如“擬議”,“將”,“受制於”,“近期”,“在事件中”, “將會”,“預計”,“準備好”和其他類似的詞或表達方式。如果公司對未來事件或結果表達或暗示其期望或信仰,那麼這種期望或信仰是基於善意地做出的並被認爲具有合理基礎的假設。這些假設包括但不限於:目前公司能夠按照預期或不按照預期與 respect to the transactions described herein 達成明確條款; 公司能夠獲得完成此類交易所需的所有必要批准。

Factors that could cause future results or events to differ materially from current expectations expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements include: the risk that the terms of a definitive agreement cannot be reached or cannot be reached; the risk that the Company will not obtain all necessary approvals for the transactions described herein to proceed; general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; the state of capital markets; failure to realize the anticipated benefits of the transactions described herein; other unforeseen events, developments, or factors causing any of the aforesaid expectations, assumptions, and other factors ultimately being inaccurate or irrelevant; and any risks associated with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

導致未來結果和事件與前瞻性聲明中表達或暗示的當前期望不同可能的因素包括:無法達成或無法達成達成明確協議的風險; 公司將無法獲得所有必要的批准,以使所述交易進行; 一般的商業、經濟、競爭、政治和社會不確定性; 資本市場狀態; 未能實現所描述交易的預期收益; 其他未預料到的事件、發展或因素,使得所有上述期望、假設和其他因素最終變得不準確或不相關。此外,任何與正在進行的 COVID-19 大流行相關的風險。

You can find further information with respect to these and other risks in filings made with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities that are available at . The Company disclaims any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable law.


