
New Interim Venous Ulcer Healing Data From the EnVVeno Medical VenoValve(R) Pivotal Trial to Be Presented at the Society for Vascular Surgery 2024 Vascular Annual Meeting on June 21, 2024

New Interim Venous Ulcer Healing Data From the EnVVeno Medical VenoValve(R) Pivotal Trial to Be Presented at the Society for Vascular Surgery 2024 Vascular Annual Meeting on June 21, 2024

2024年6月21日,EnVVeno 醫療公司 VenoValve(R) 關鍵試驗的新中期靜脈潰瘍癒合數據將在 2024 年血管年會上展示。
Accesswire ·  06/18 00:00

IRVINE, CA / ACCESSWIRE / June 17, 2024 / enVVeno Medical Corporation (Nasdaq:NVNO) ("enVVeno" or the "Company"), a company setting new standards of care for the treatment of venous disease, today announced that new interim venous ulcer healing data from the VenoValve U.S. pivotal trial will be presented at the Society for Vascular Surgery 2024 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM2024) being held June 18-22, 2024 in Chicago, IL. The presentation, entitled "The Impact of VenoValve Implantation on Venous Ulcer Healing in Patients with Deep Venous Reflux," will be made on Friday, June 21, 2024 by primary investigator Dr. Cassius Iyad Ochoa Chaar MD, MS, RPVI, Associate Professor of Surgery, Division of Vascular Surgery, Yale School of Medicine, the top enrolling site for the trial.

enVVeno醫療公司(Nasdaq:NVNO)(“enVVeno”或“公司”)是一家爲靜脈疾病治療制定新標準的公司。它今天宣佈,來自VenoValve美國關鍵試驗的新的中期靜脈潰瘍癒合數據將在2024年6月18日至22日在伊利諾伊州芝加哥舉行的2024年血管年會(VAM2024)上公佈。此次發佈的題目是“VenoValve植入對患有下肢靜脈逆流的靜脈潰瘍癒合的影響”,由主要調查員Cassius Iyad Ochoa Chaar醫學博士、外科學副教授、血管外科學部的耶魯醫學院,該醫學院是該次試驗的最佳招募站,在6月21日星期五發布。VenoValve植入對患有下肢靜脈逆流的靜脈潰瘍癒合的影響今年的研究最重要的招募站雅芳·醫學院血管外科的心臟外科醫生塞倫·衆(VenVPoCir)。他有一個團隊,被重點研究的病例都是拉斐爾是什麼,VLCRP及阿洛伊斯·戈司以及其他心血管方面的問題。

The data to be presented will include venous ulcer healing and improvement rates for venous ulcer patients who have now reached the one-year milestone in the Company's Surgical Anti-reflux Venous Valve Endoprosthesis (SAVVE) U.S. pivotal study for the VenoValve. Overall healing or improvement rate data for thirty-one ulcers among twenty-one patients will be presented, and the presentation will also include sub-categories for ulcers that existed for more than one year and less than one year prior to the VenoValve surgery. Recurrence rate data for any venous ulcers that fully healed, and then recurred, will also be presented. Excerpts from the presentation will be made available on the Company's website.


In assessing the benefit and risk of a novel technology such as the VenoValve, which addresses an unmet medical need, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers whether a medical device provides a clinically meaningful benefit compared to existing technologies. Subjects with venous ulcers who were enrolled in the SAVVE study all received at least three (3) months of conventional treatment with existing technologies (compression therapy, leg elevation, and wound care) and many also received vein ablations for superficial venous disease, and venous stenting for obstruction, if indicated. As a result, the venous ulcer patients in the SAVVE study are the most difficult to treat, having venous ulcers that remained after at least three and as many as five types of existing treatments.


Severe Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) is a debilitating disease that most often occurs when valves inside of the veins of the leg fail, causing blood to flow in the wrong direction (reflux) and increased pressure within the veins of the leg (venous hypertension). Symptoms of severe CVI include leg swelling, pain, edema, and recurrent open sores known as venous ulcers. The disease can severely impact everyday functions such as sleeping, bathing, and walking, and is known to result in high rates of depression and anxiety. There are currently no effective treatments for severe CVI of the deep vein system caused by valvular incompetence and the Company estimates that there are approximately 2.5 million new patients each year in the U.S. that could be candidates for the VenoValve.


The FDA has asked the Company to collect one year data on all SAVVE patients to support its PMA application seeking FDA approval to market and sell the VenoValve, which the Company expects to file in Q4 of this year. For more information about the 2024 Vascular Annual Meeting, please visit


About enVVeno Medical Corporation

關於enVVeno Medical Corporation

enVVeno Medical (NASDAQ:NVNO) is an Irvine, California-based, late clinical-stage medical device Company focused on the advancement of innovative bioprosthetic (tissue-based) solutions to improve the standard of care for the treatment of venous disease. The Company's lead product, the VenoValve, is a potential first-in-class surgical replacement venous valve being developed for the treatment of deep venous Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). The Company is also developing a non-surgical, transcatheter based replacement venous valve for the treatment of deep venous CVI called enVVe. CVI occurs when valves inside of the veins of the leg become damaged, resulting in the backwards flow of blood (reflux), blood pooling in the lower leg, increased pressure in the veins of the leg (venous hypertension) and in severe cases, venous ulcers that are difficult to heal and become chronic. Both the VenoValve and enVVe are designed to act as one-way valves, to help assist in propelling blood up the leg, and back to the heart and lungs. The VenoValve is currently being evaluated in the SAVVE U.S. pivotal trial and the Company is currently performing the final testing necessary to seek approval for the enVVe pivotal trial.

enVVeno Medical(納斯達克股票代碼:NVNO)是一家總部位於加利福尼亞州爾灣的晚期臨床階段醫療器械公司,專注於推進創新的生物義肢(基於組織的)解決方案,以改善治療靜脈疾病的標準。該公司的主要產品VenoValve是一種潛在的首創外科替代靜脈瓣膜,用於治療深靜脈慢性靜脈功能不全(CVI)。該公司還開發基於非手術的介入替換靜脈瓣:enVVe,用於治療深靜脈CVI。當腿部的靜脈內瓣膜損壞時,CVI會發生,導致血液回流(反流)、血液滯留於下肢,靜脈高壓以及在嚴重情況下難以癒合並變爲慢性的靜脈潰瘍。VenoValve和enVVe都設計爲單向閥門,以幫助推動血液上行到腿部,並返回心臟和肺部。目前,VenoValve正處於SAVVE美國關鍵試驗中的評估階段,該公司正在進行最終測試,以尋求enVVe關鍵試驗的批准。

Cautionary Note on Forward-Looking Statements


This press release and any statements of stockholders, directors, employees, representatives and partners of enVVeno Medical Corporation (the "Company") related thereto contain, or may contain, among other things, certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties. Such statements may include, without limitation, statements identified by words such as "projects," "may," "will," "could," "would," "should," "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "estimates," "intends," "plans," "potential" or similar expressions. These statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of the Company's management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties, including those detailed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results and timing may differ significantly from those set forth or implied in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve certain risks and uncertainties that are subject to change based on various factors (many of which are beyond the Company's control). The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future presentations or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

本新聞稿以及與enVVeno Medical Corporation(以下簡稱“公司”)的股東、董事、員工、代表和合作夥伴有關的任何聲明可能包含或可能包含其他內容,除此之外,還包含某些《1995年私人證券訴訟改革法》規定的重要風險和不確定性。這種前瞻性聲明可能包括無關語句,例如“計劃”、“可能”、“將”,“可能”,“應該”,“相信”、“期望”、“預期”、“估計”、“意圖”、“計劃”、“潛力”或類似表達。這些聲明基於公司管理層的當前信仰和期望,並且受到重大的風險和不確定性的影響,包括那些在公司向證券交易委員會提交的文件中詳細描述的風險和不確定性。實際結果和時間可能會與前瞻性聲明所設定或暗示的結果和時間顯著不同。前瞻性聲明涉及某些風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性可能基於各種因素髮生變化(其中許多因素超出了公司的控制範圍)。公司無需公開更新任何前瞻性聲明,無論是因爲新的信息,還是由於未來的報告或其他原因,除非法律規定。



Jenene Thomas, JTC Team, LLC
(833) 475-8247

Jenene Thomas,JTC團隊LLC
(833) 475-8247

SOURCE: enVVeno Medical

來源:enVVeno Medical

