
MyQueue+, the Only Solution to Centralize Operations Through True Role Specialization

MyQueue+, the Only Solution to Centralize Operations Through True Role Specialization

PR Newswire ·  06/17 19:15

Modern, highly customizable platform gives flexibility to operators and focus to teams


TAMPA, Fla., June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Funnel, the only front office product suite to successfully centralize operations for leading companies, today announced the release of a reimagined CRM platform with MyQueue+, the only dashboard that empowers specialized portfolio-wide workflows. MyQueue+ allows specialized teams to optimize renter journeys and tasks across companies' entire portfolios. Teams only receive relevant, pre-prioritized, to-do's on their task list specific to their role and responsibilities.

佛羅里達州坦帕,2024年6月17日 /美通社/-- Funnel作爲領先公司唯一能夠成功實現操作集中的前臺產品套件,Funnel今天宣佈推出重新設計的CRM平台MyQueue+。MyQueue+是唯一可以支持專業組合全面增強工作流程的儀表板。MyQueue+讓特定團隊優化整個公司的租戶旅程和任務。團隊只收到特定角色和職責的相關、預先優先排定的任務清單。

"Funnel's CRM and MyQueue+ gave us the freedom and flexibility to operate with specialized teams and roles," said Kristy Simonette, Senior Vice President Strategic Services and Chief Information Officer, Camden Property Trust. "No other software solution gives this kind of flexibility to perfect the customer journey, and allow for more meaningful careers for our team members."

卡姆登物業信託的高級副總裁、戰略服務和首席信息官Kristy Simonette表示:“Funnel的CRM和MyQueue+給了我們自由和靈活性來運營專門的團隊和職責。沒有其他軟件解決方案可以提供這樣的靈活性來完善客戶旅程,以及爲我們的團隊成員提供更有意義的職業生涯。”

Team turnover is a constant industry challenge, and no two multifamily operators have the same priorities and workflows. With MyQueue+ operators empower team members to only focus on the most important tasks relevant to their role and responsibilities. This future-proofs operators' businesses to align team member action with company-wide goals. Benefits and enhancements of MyQueue+:


  • Task categories allow specialized teams to see tasks for their specific role across the entire portfolio, with ease. For example, if a specialized team handles tours for a group of properties, when a tour is booked it creates a specific task for a member of that team. These specialized tour agents would only see tour tasks at the communities for which they are responsible, leaving the on-site agents to work their own queue without receiving touring notifications.

  • Specialized teams can interact with renters at any stage of the renter lifecycle, at any community or cluster of communities in the portfolio, based on the team member's responsibilities and management company initiatives. For example, if a resident emails in a complaint about their neighbor this would automatically route to and notify members of the customer service team to respond without bogging down the normal onsite team. In other systems this email would go to the onsite team, to potentially get lost in the shuffle of other tasks, and need to be forwarded from the onsite team to the customer service team.

  • Guest card status visibility and filtering ensures that specialized teams are only notified for renters who have hit the milestones associated with their job scope. For example, your applications team can be tuned to focus only on renters that are in the initial application stage.
  • 任務類別可讓專業團隊輕鬆看到整個組合中與其特定角色相關的任務。例如,如果專業團隊負責一組物業的導覽,當預定導覽時它就會爲該團隊的某個成員創建一個特定的任務。這些專業的導覽代理只會在他們負責的社區中看到導覽任務,而在現場代理獨立工作而不接收導覽通知。專業團隊可以與租戶互動,無論在組合中的哪個社區或集群,都可以根據團隊成員的角色和管理公司的倡議。例如,如果一位居民以電子郵件投訴鄰居,這會自動轉到並通知客戶服務團隊成員響應,而不會拖累普通現場團隊。在其他系統中,這個電子郵件將會轉到現場團隊,可能會在其他任務中被忽略,並需要從現場團隊轉發到客戶服務團隊。

  • 訪客卡狀態的可見性和過濾確保專業團隊只會收到與其工作範圍相關的租戶的通知。例如,您的應用程序團隊可以被調整隻關注處於初始階段的租戶。“我們很自豪成爲唯一成功將操作集中於領先物業管理公司的產品套件,並繼續改進我們的產品,讓集中化之旅變得更加簡化的公司,”Funnel首席執行官Tyler Christiansen說:“集中化曾經是一種邊緣性的多家庭觀念,而現在是多家庭領袖的默認未來經營模式。我們將繼續創新,並推出新的產品功能到市場上,爲運營商創建這樣的現實。”

  • 了解關於如何集中化的更多信息以及集中化對運營商的影響,請登錄Funnel的專欄圖書館。請註冊深度探討網絡研討會,了解有關MyQueue+的更多信息。

"We are proud to be the only product suite to successfully centralize operations for leading property management companies, and to continue to iterate on our product to make the centralization journey even more streamlined for companies moving to Funnel," said Tyler Christiansen, CEO, Funnel. "Centralization used to be a fringe multifamily idea, and it's now the default future operating model for multifamily leaders. We will continue to innovate and push new product functionality into the market to create this reality for operators."


Learn more about how to centralize, and what centralization has unlocked for operators with Funnel's centralization library. To learn more about MyQueue+ RSVP to the deep dive webinar.

Funnel爲三個重要的群體提供了勝利:希望降低成本並提高效率的運營商;需要更好的客戶體驗的租戶;以及需要更好的長期職業生涯的現場團隊。Funnel的人工智能和自動化技術驅動平台是業界領袖、業主和運營商信賴的企業級解決方案,可以從首次查詢到多年續簽的各個環節提供 streamlined、consistent、connected的體驗,同時通過只有租戶中心的平台才能提供的操作靈活性節省了運營商可量化的資金。我們稱之爲租戶管理軟件;我們的客戶稱之爲新的操作模式。了解更多關於Funnel的集中化圖書館的內容。要了解有關MyQueue+的更多信息,請通過電子郵件註冊深度探討網絡研討會。關於Funnel

About Funnel
Funnel provides a win to three vital groups: operators looking to reduce costs and improve efficiencies; renters who demand a better customer experience; and stretched-thin onsite teams who demand a better long-term career. Funnel's AI and automation-powered platform is the enterprise-grade solution industry leaders, owners, and operators trust to deliver a streamlined, consistent, and connected experience from first inquiry through years of renewals, while simultaneously saving operators quantifiable money through the operational flexibility only a renter-centric platform can provide. We call it Renter Management Software; our clients call it the new operating model.

Funnel爲三個重要的群體提供了勝利:希望降低成本並提高效率的運營商;需要更好的客戶體驗的租戶;以及需要更好的長期職業生涯的現場團隊。Funnel的人工智能和自動化技術驅動平台是業界領袖、業主和運營商信賴的企業級解決方案,可以從首次查詢到多年續簽的各個環節提供 streamlined、consistent、connected的體驗,同時通過只有租戶中心的平台才能提供的操作靈活性節省了運營商可量化的資金。我們稱之爲租戶管理軟件;我們的客戶稱之爲新的操作模式。

Media Contacts:


Funnel Leasing
Alex Howe, VP of Marketing + Growth
[email protected]

Alex Howe,市場營銷和創業板副總裁
[email protected]



