
Supporting Women's and Families' Financial Health: 2024 Women United Power of the Purse Presented by KeyBank and Key4Women

Supporting Women's and Families' Financial Health: 2024 Women United Power of the Purse Presented by KeyBank and Key4Women

支持婦女和家庭的財務健康:2024年 Women United Purse Power 由 KeyBank 和 Key4Women 提供
Accesswire ·  06/15 03:00

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 14, 2024 / KeyBank

北安普頓,MA / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年6月14日 / 美國密鑰銀行

On June 6th, the Connecticut Convention Center was abuzz for the United Way Women United's 13th Annual Power of the Purse Luncheon and Silent Auction presented by KeyBank and Key4Women.


Nearly one thousand women in business and allies filled the room with energy and a real commitment to support Women United's mission to help families on their path to financial empowerment.

近千名女商業界人士和盟友充滿活力地擠滿了房間,並真誠承諾支持Women United的目標,幫助他們走上財務賦權之路。

It was KeyBank's fourth year as Presenting Sponsor, with Business Banking Leader Allison Standish-Plimpton and Market Retail Leader Elona Shape giving welcome remarks and highlighting the resources that Key4Women provides to women business owners and entrepreneurs.

這是KeyBank第四年擔任主席贊助商,商業銀行領導人Allison Standish-Plimpton和市場零售領袖Elona Shape致歡迎詞,並強調Key4Women向女性企業家和創業者提供的資源。

"Women United's mission of providing financial stability to women and their families is a mission that we believe strongly in," said Elona. "After all, financial wellness is the heart of what we do at KeyBank and the core of what we provide through Key4Women."

“Women United提供財務穩定的使命是我們強烈信仰的使命,”Elona說道。 “畢竟,財務健康是我們在KeyBank所做的核心,也是我們通過Key4Women提供的核心。”

Keynote speaker: Rita Moreno

主題演講嘉賓:Rita Moreno

The highlight of the event was actress and keynote speaker Rita Moreno. Best known for her role as Anita from West Side Story, Moreno (age 92) is the first Latina to win all four of the most prestigious awards in show business: an Oscar, a Tony, two Emmys and a Grammy. Her credits span more than seven decades, beginning with her Broadway debut at age 13, and appearing in 40+ feature films and countless television shows.

本次活動最引人注目的是演員和主題演講嘉賓Rita Moreno。 Moreno因其在西區故事中Anita的角色而聞名,是第一位贏得電影、音樂、電視和話劇四項最負盛名獎項的拉丁裔女演員。 她的表演跨越了七十多年,從13歲的百老匯出道開始,出演了40多部電影和無數電視劇。

Rita delivered an inspirational message about breaking down silos, working together and supporting one another to create greater impact.


"I wouldn't have accomplished what I did without the people who supported me and gave me a hand," she said.


Tremendous support for Connecticut families


This year's luncheon and auction of high-end handbags and other donated items raised more than $377,000 to support Women's United work helping Connecticut families achieve financial security and will make a measurable difference for local women and families.

今年的午餐會和高檔手提包及其他捐贈物品的拍賣籌集了超過377,000美元的資金支持Women's United的工作,幫助康涅狄格州家庭實現財務安全,併爲當地的婦女和家庭產生了可衡量的影響。

Since 2012, more than $1.8 million has been raised though the Power of the Purse Luncheon. Funds help ensure that participants in United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut's supported programs receive financial stability programming, including employment and job training opportunities; access to benefits; financial coaching and education; and tax preparation services.

自2012年以來,通過Power of the Purse午餐會籌集了超過180萬美元的資金。. 這些資金有助於確保中央和東北康涅狄格州的聯合方式支持計劃中的參與者接受財務穩定的編程,包括就業和工作培訓機會;福利權利;財務指導和教育;以及稅務準備服務。

Photo courtesy of United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut

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來源: KeyBank

