
Bell and Mila Join Forces to Drive AI Innovation in the Telecommunications Sector

Bell and Mila Join Forces to Drive AI Innovation in the Telecommunications Sector

加拿大貝爾 ·  06/13 12:00
  • Three-year partnership supports the development of cutting-edge AI solutions, enhancing customer experience and optimizing business operations
  • 三年的合作伙伴關係支持前沿的人工智能解決方案的開發,提高客戶體驗和優化業務運營。

MONTRÉAL, June 13, 2024 /CNW/ - Mila and Bell are pleased to announce a new partnership to develop cutting-edge AI solutions. This collaboration is driven by a shared vision to enhance customer experience, optimize business operations and cultivate a vibrant AI ecosystem within Québec and across Canada.


In line with Bell's significant investments in AI, this partnership reinforces Bell's transformation as a technology services leader, harnessing Mila's groundbreaking research to drive transformative improvements across Bell's operations. From data analysis and operational efficiency to internet-based applications, Mila's expertise will accelerate advancements that will enhance the customer experience.


This announcement builds on the 18-month collaborative project Mila and Bell entered into earlier this year to apply deep learning neural network algorithms to Bell's environment. This technique leverages the transformative power of AI deep learning to teach computers how to process information in a manner inspired by the human brain.

這個聲明是在之前Mila和Bell進行了18個月的合作項目的基礎上。在此期間,他們已經將深度學習神經網絡算法應用到了Bell的環境中。該技術利用人工智能深度學習的變革性能力,教電腦以人類大腦的方式處理信息。這一公告是建立在之前的18個月合作項目之上的。 Mila和Bell之前合作將深度學習神經網絡算法應用到Bell的環境中。這項技術利用了人工智能深度學習的變革性能力,教電腦以類似人腦的方式進行信息處理。

By working more closely with Mila, Bell will continue to champion the exploration of emerging technologies, leveraging Mila's cutting-edge research and intellectual leadership, collaborating with emerging AI innovators and engaging in scientific discussions. The expertise gained from applying AI within Bell's operations will be leveraged to empower the entire Canadian business community.


With Mila headquartered in Montréal, Bell will continue developing the city as a key centre for innovation, which includes recently purchased Montréal-based FX Innovation, a leading expert of cloud-focussed managed and professional services and workflow automation solutions, and the technology development team at Bell behind award-winning apps such as MyBell.

Mila總部位於蒙特利爾,Bell將繼續開發該市作爲創新中心的地位。這還包括最近收購的總部位於蒙特利爾的FX Innovation——雲端託管和專業服務及流程自動化解決方案的領先專家,以及開發MyBell等屢獲殊榮應用的Bell技術開發團隊。總部位於蒙特利爾的FX Innovation, 以雲集成、託管和專業服務及工作流自動化解決方案而聞名的FX Innovation,以及負責開發屢獲殊榮的應用程序,如MyBell的Bell技術開發團隊。


"Mila is very pleased to welcome Bell into its partnership community. We look forward to working with the Bell team to explore AI solutions for their business processes and to draw key learnings that can benefit organisations across Canada and their customers."
- Stéphane Létourneau, Executive Vice President of Mila

“Mila非常高興將Bell加入我們的夥伴社區。我們期待與Bell團隊合作,爲他們的業務流程探索人工智能解決方案,同時汲取可有益於全加拿大組織和客戶的關鍵經驗。”- Stéphane Létourneau, Mila的執行副總裁。
“我們與Mila的新合作伙伴關係將鞏固Bell作爲人工智能領導者的地位,讓我們能夠利用這個世界級研究機構的前沿研究,從而提高客戶體驗、改進業務流程、加強數據分析和開發基於互聯網的應用程序。從這種關係中獲得的經驗和知識將有助於我們更好地支持我們的客戶,同時進一步鞏固Bell作爲技術服務領導者的地位。” - Michel Richer, Bell Canada企業解決方案、數據工程與AI高級副總裁。

"Our new partnership with Mila will strengthen Bell's position as an AI leader, enabling us to leverage the world-class institute's cutting-edge research to drive improvements across customer experience, operations, data analysis and Internet-based applications. The experience and knowledge we gain from this relationship will help us support our customers better, while furthering Bell's position as a technology services leader."
- Michel Richer, SVP, Enterprise Solutions, Data Engineering & AI, Bell Canada

“我們與Mila的新合作伙伴關係將鞏固Bell作爲人工智能領導者的地位,讓我們能夠利用這個世界級研究機構的前沿研究,從而提高客戶體驗、改進業務流程、加強數據分析和開發基於互聯網的應用程序。從這種關係中獲得的經驗和知識將有助於我們更好地支持我們的客戶,同時進一步鞏固Bell作爲技術服務領導者的地位。” - Michel Richer, Bell Canada企業解決方案、數據工程與AI高級副總裁。
“我們與Mila的新合作伙伴關係將鞏固Bell作爲人工智能領導者的地位,讓我們能夠利用這個世界級研究機構的前沿研究,從而提高客戶體驗、改進業務流程、加強數據分析和開發基於互聯網的應用程序。從這種關係中獲得的經驗和知識將有助於我們更好地支持我們的客戶,同時進一步鞏固Bell作爲技術服務領導者的地位。” - Michel Richer, Bell Canada企業解決方案、數據工程與AI高級副總裁。

About Mila
關於Mila Mila由蒙特利爾大學的Yoshua Bengio教授創立,是全球最大的深度學習學術研究中心,聚集了超過1,200名機器學習專家。總部位於蒙特利爾,Mila的使命是成爲一個全球性的科學進步中心,激勵創新和AI的增長,造福所有人。Mila是一個全球知名的非營利組織,因其在自然語言處理、自動翻譯、物體識別和生成模型等領域的深度學習方面的巨大貢獻而受到廣泛關注。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Founded by Professor Yoshua Bengio of the University of Montréal, Mila is the world's largest academic research center for deep learning, bringing together over 1,200 specialized researchers in machine learning. Based in Montréal and funded in part by the Government of Canada through the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy, Mila's mission is to be a global center for scientific advancements that inspire innovation and the growth of AI for the benefit of all. Mila is a globally recognized non-profit organization for its significant contributions to deep learning, especially in the fields of language modeling, automatic translation, object recognition, and generative models. For more information, visit


About Bell

Bell is Canada's largest communications company,1 providing advanced broadband Internet, wireless, TV, media and business communication services. Founded in Montréal in 1880, Bell is wholly owned by BCE Inc. To learn more, please visit or

貝爾是加拿大最大的通信公司,提供先進的寬帶互聯網、無線、電視、媒體和企業通信服務。貝爾於1880年在蒙特利爾成立,是BCE公司全資擁有的。欲了解更多信息,請訪問1提供高級寬帶Internet、無線、電視、媒體和商業通信服務的Bell成立於1880年,是BCE Inc全資所有。要了解更多信息,請訪問。要了解更多信息,請訪問。或。Bell for Better.

Through Bell for Better, we are investing to create a better today and a better tomorrow by supporting the social and economic prosperity of our communities. This includes the Bell Let's Talk initiative, which promotes Canadian mental health with national awareness and anti-stigma campaigns like Bell Let's Talk Day and significant Bell funding of community care and access, research and workplace leadership initiatives throughout the country. To learn more, please visit

通過我們正在投資,創造更美好的今天和明天,支持我們社區的社會和經濟繁榮。這包括Bell Let's Talk倡議,通過國家性的宣傳和Bell Let's Talk Day等重要活動以及在全國範圍內對社區關懷和獲取、研究和工作場所計劃的重大資助,促進加拿大的心理健康。欲了解更多信息,請訪問我們正在投資創建更美好的今天和明天,通過支持社區的社會和經濟繁榮來實現。這包括Bell Let's Talk倡議,該倡議通過全國性的宣傳和反對偏見的運動(例如Bell Let's Talk Day)以及在全國範圍內的社區護理和獲取、研究和工作場所領導倡議的顯着財務資助來促進加拿大心理健康。要了解更多信息,請訪問基於總營收和總聯通用戶數量。.

1 Based on total revenue and total combined customer connections.


Media inquiries:
Monte McAuliffe

Monte McAuliffe

Investor inquiries:
Richard Bengian

Richard Bengian

SOURCE Bell Canada

來源 Bell Canada

