
CES Unveiled in Amsterdam Partners With European Innovation Council, Showcasing Europe's Technology Leadership

CES Unveiled in Amsterdam Partners With European Innovation Council, Showcasing Europe's Technology Leadership

PR Newswire ·  06/13 21:00

ARLINGTON, Va., June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Consumer Technology Association (CTA), the owner and producer of CES, the world's most powerful tech event, is announcing a new partnership with the European Commission's European Innovation Council (EIC) for this year's CES Unveiled in Amsterdam. This partnership will help identify breakout technologies from across Europe to be showcased at the event taking place in the Beurs van Berlage on October 15, 2024. The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy has also renewed its long-standing partnership with CES Unveiled in Amsterdam to demonstrate the groundbreaking innovations from the Netherlands.

2024年6月13日,弗吉尼亞州阿靈頓/美通社——消費科技協會(CTA)是CES世界上最具影響力的科技活動的所有者和製造商,宣佈與歐洲委員會的歐洲創新理事會(EIC)建立新夥伴關係,共同舉辦於2024年10月15日在貝爾拉赫交易所舉行的CES未揭幕活動,以展示歐洲各地的突破性科技。荷蘭經濟事務和氣候政策部也續約與CES Unveiled in Amsterdam的長期夥伴關係,以展示來自荷蘭的創新技術。

"We are proud to partner with the European Innovation Council at CES Unveiled in Amsterdam to highlight incredible technologies from European technology leaders and startups," said Gary Shapiro, CEO, CTA. "Europe is a technology hub with a strong startup ecosystem, and companies from across the continent are pioneering tech innovations that can solve big global challenges."

“我們很自豪能與歐洲創新理事會在CES Unveiled in Amsterdam合作,以突出歐洲科技領袖和初創公司的不可思議技術,”CTA的首席執行官Gary Shapiro表示。“歐洲是一個擁有強烈的初創生態系統的科技樞紐,來自歐洲各地的公司開創可解決重大全球挑戰的技術創新。”

As part of the road to CES 2025, which returns to Las Vegas from January 7-10, Unveiled in Amsterdam connects Europe's iconic brands and promising startups, top-level government officials, industry leaders, investors and media. Preview trends heading into CES 2025 in Las Vegas before anyone else and get inspired by the technology creating a better tomorrow.

作爲通往2025年CES之路的一部分,CES Unveiled in Amsterdam把歐洲的標誌性品牌、有前途的初創公司、高層政府官員、行業領袖、投資者和媒體聯繫在一起,返回2025年1月7日至10日的拉斯維加斯,提前預覽CES 2025的趨勢,並從創造更美好明天的技術中獲得靈感。

A new addition to CES Unveiled this year is the "pitch battle"—an on-site opportunity for the next generation of startups to showcase their innovations. Judged by influential business leaders, EIC decision makers, investors and engineers, the winner of the pitch battle will receive a coveted booth space in Eureka Park at CES 2025 in Las Vegas.

CES Unveiled今年的新加入是“Pitch Battle”-一個現場機會,讓下一代初創公司展示他們的創新。由有影響力的商業領袖、EIC決策者、投資者和工程師評判,pitch battle的獲勝者將獲得一個珍貴的展位,位於Eureka Park,在2025年的CES拉斯維加斯展出。

For the European Innovation Council (EIC), CES Unveiled in Amsterdam depicts an optimal platform to support the most promising innovations across Europe, from early-stage research to commercialization. EIC joins forces with CTA and CES Unveiled in a shared goal to harness the untapped potential of technology and showcase European innovation at a global scale. Moreover, the EIC is determined to upgrade the visibility of Europe as a whole and as a result will cooperate with European National Delegations present at CES Las Vegas to create strong synergies and bring the European Innovation under a strong European quality brand.

對於歐洲創新理事會(EIC)來說,CES Unveiled in Amsterdam是支持整個歐洲最有前途的創新所需的最佳平台,從早期研究到商業化。EIC與CTA和CES Unveiled合作,致力於發揮技術潛力,展示歐洲創新,提高歐洲的可見度,並與出席CES拉斯維加斯的歐洲國家代表進行合作,以建立強大的協同效應,爲歐洲創新建立強有力的品牌。

The EIC is Europe's flagship innovation program and one of the biggest investors in the Europe with a budget of more than €10.1 billion all focused on developing deep tech, supporting unicorns, centaurs and research projects and fostering women entrepreneurship. Since 2018, the EIC have supported over 2000 startups and SMEs, and more than 550 projects that generated over 600 innovations and 100 patents.


Registration to attend CES Unveiled in Amsterdam is open. For more information on exhibiting at the event, contact [email protected].

CES Unveiled in Amsterdam的註冊現已開放,如需更多展覽信息,請聯繫[email protected]。

About The European Innovation Council:
The EIC is Europe's flagship innovation program to identify, develop and scale up breakthrough technologies and game changing innovations. The European Innovation Council (EIC) has been established under the EU Horizon Europe programme. It has a budget of €10.1 billion to support game changing innovations throughout the lifecycle from early stage research, to proof of concept, technology transfer, and the financing and scale up of start-ups and SMEs. The EIC takes a pro-active approach to managing funding under the leadership of EIC Programme Managers who develop visions for innovation and technology breakthroughs and steer portfolios of projects to achieve these goals. A unique feature of the EIC is that it provides funding for individual companies (mainly startups and SMEs) through both grants and investments. The investments currently take the form of direct equity or quasi-equity investments and are managed by the EIC Fund.

歐洲創新理事會(EIC)是歐洲的旗艦創新計劃,旨在識別、開發和擴大突破性技術和改變遊戲規則的創新。歐洲創新理事會(EIC)創建在歐盟前瞻性研究和創新計劃Horizon Europe下,擁有101億歐元的預算,支持從早期研究到概念證明、技術轉移以及初創企業和中小企業的融資和擴大規模的遊戲變革創新。EIC採取積極主動的方式管理資金,在EIC規劃經理的領導下開發創新和技術突破的願景,並指導項目組合來實現這些目標。EIC的一個獨特特點是通過撥款和投資爲單個公司(主要是初創企業和中小企業)提供資金支持。投資目前採取直接股權或準股權投資的形式,並由EIC基金管理。Horizon Europe 計劃底下,擁有101億歐元的預算,支持遊戲變革創新,從早期研究、概念證明、技術轉移到初創企業和中小企業的融資和擴大規模。 EIC課程經理開展創新和技術突破的願景,並指導項目組合實現這些目標。EIC的一個獨特特點是通過撥款和投資爲單個公司(主要是初創企業和中小企業)提供資金支持。目前的投資採取直接股權或準股權投資的形式,由EIC基金管理。EIC Fund .

About the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy:
The Ministry promotes the Netherlands as a country of enterprise with a strong international competitive position and an eye for sustainability. It is committed to creating an excellent entrepreneurial business climate, by creating the right conditions and giving entrepreneurs room to innovate and grow. By paying attention to nature and the living environment. By encouraging cooperation between research institutes and businesses. This is how we enhance our leading positions in agriculture, industry, services and energy and invest in a powerful, sustainable country.


About CES:
CES is the most powerful tech event in the world – the proving ground for breakthrough technologies and global innovators. This is where the world's biggest brands do business and meet new partners, and the sharpest innovators hit the stage. Owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), CES features every aspect of the tech sector. CES 2025 will take place Jan. 7-10, 2025, in Las Vegas. Learn more at and follow CES on social.

關於CES:CES是世界上最有影響力的科技活動,是突破性技術和全球創新者的檢驗場。這是世界上最大的品牌做生意和結交新夥伴的地方,也是最尖銳的創新者走向舞臺的地方。由消費科技協會(CTA)所有和生產,CES展示了科技行業的方方面面。CES 2023將於2023年1月5日至8日在拉斯維加斯舉行,媒體日將於2023年1月3日和4日舉行。了解更多信息,可訪問CES.tech並在社交平台上關注CES。
CES是世界上最強大的科技活動,是突破性技術和全球創新者的試驗場。這是世界上最大的品牌做生意和結識新夥伴的地方,也是最尖端的創新者上臺的地方。CES由消費技術協會(CTA)所有和製作,涵蓋科技領域的各個方面。CES 2025將於2025年1月7日至10日在拉斯維加斯舉行。欲了解更多信息,請訪問CES.tech並關注CES社交媒體帳戶。

About Consumer Technology Association:
As North America's largest technology trade association, CTA is the tech sector. Our members are the world's leading innovators – from startups to global brands – helping support more than 18 million American jobs. CTA owns and produces CES – the most influential tech event in the world. Find us at Follow us @CTAtech.

CES 2023技術趨勢觀察 - 2023年1月3日,內華達州拉斯維加斯科技部門。我們的成員是世界領先的創新者-從初創公司到全球品牌-爲支持超過1800萬美國就業機會而努力。CTA擁有並製作CES-這是世界上最具影響力的科技活動。如需了解更多信息,請訪問。在@CTAtech上關注我們。

SOURCE Consumer Technology Association


