
Evolution Equity Partners Appoints Aron Khurana as Partner and Head of Investor Relations

Evolution Equity Partners Appoints Aron Khurana as Partner and Head of Investor Relations

Evolution Equity Partners任命Aron Khurana爲合夥人兼投資人關係主管。
PR Newswire ·  06/13 21:00

Khurana is promoted to Partner at Evolution as the firm expands its capital base, team and access to best-of-breed cybersecurity software companies amidst growing investment opportunities.


NEW YORK, June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Evolution Equity Partners, a leader in cybersecurity venture capital, is thrilled to announce that Aron Khurana has been promoted to Partner. Aron joined Evolution in 2021 as Head of Investor Relations and is responsible for the firm's fundraising efforts and client activities.

2024年6月13日,紐約 / PRNewswire——網絡安全創投領導者Evolution Equity Partners非常榮幸地宣佈,Aron Khurana已經晉升爲合夥人。Aron於2021年加入Evolution,擔任投資者關係主管,負責公司的籌資和客戶活動。

Aron Khurana.
Aron Khurana。

Khurana has extensive experience across capital raising, fund formation, strategy, and relationship management. Most recently, he led Evolution's $1.1 Billion capital raise. Previously, he led fundraising in The US and Europe at a multi-strategy private equity firm helping grow the firm's assets under management to $15 Billion. Aron held similar roles at Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse and The Chicago Board of Trade.


"Evolution recently completed a $1.1 billion capital raise expanding our capital base, team, and access to best-of-breed cybersecurity software companies amidst growing investment opportunities," said Richard Seewald, founder and managing partner of Evolution Equity Partners. "We are thrilled to welcome Aron Khurana to the Evolution partnership. His extensive experience coupled with strong leadership skills make him an integral part of our team."

"Evolution最近完成了11億美元的融資活動,擴大了我們的資本基礎、團隊和最好的網絡安全軟件公司的渠道,同時不斷增長的投資機會," Evolution Equity Partners的創始人兼管理合夥人Richard Seewald表示。"我們非常高興歡迎Aron Khurana加入Evolution的合夥夥伴,他豐富的經驗加上強有力的領導技巧使他成爲我們團隊中不可或缺的一部分。"

"I would like to thank Richard Seewald, Dennis Smith and all of the partners at Evolution for their incredible leadership and for the opportunity they've given me to succeed," said Khurana. "They spent years building an incredible platform and assembling the most talented team in the cyber VC industry - which has provided the ideal foundation these past 3 years for me to grow and succeed. I'm excited for the years of success that lie ahead for our team. "

"我要感謝Richard Seewald、Dennis Smith,以及Evolution所有合夥夥伴所展現的不可思議的領導才能,以及他們給予我的成功機會," Khurana說。"他們花了多年時間打造了一個不可思議的平台,組裝了網絡安全VC行業最有才能的團隊——在過去的3年中,爲我成長和成功提供了理想的基礎。我爲我們團隊未來的成功而感到興奮。"

About Evolution Equity Partners

關於Evolution Equity Partners

Evolution Equity Partners, based in New York City, Palo Alto, London and Zurich, partners with rapidly growing cybersecurity software companies that safeguard our digital world. The firm was founded by investor and technology entrepreneurs Richard Seewald and Dennis Smith, who manage and lead the firm, and its partners have been involved as founders, investors and as senior operating executives in leading software companies around the world. Evolution has invested in over fifty cybersecurity companies building a growing portfolio of market leaders. Learn more at and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Evolution Equity Partners總部位於紐約市、帕洛阿爾託、倫敦和蘇黎世,與迅速增長的網絡安全概念軟件公司合作,維護我們的數字世界。該公司由投資者和技術企業家Richard Seewald和Dennis Smith創立和領導,其合作伙伴曾在世界各地的領先軟件公司擔任過創始人、投資者和高級營運管理人員。Evolution已投資於50多家網絡安全概念公司,建立了一個不斷增長的市場領導者組合。了解更多信息,請訪問和我們一起LinkedIn和頁面。推特.

SOURCE Evolution Equity Partners

來源:Evolution Equity Partners

