
Shares of YTL Power, Ranhill to Be Suspended on Tuesday Pending Announcement

Shares of YTL Power, Ranhill to Be Suspended on Tuesday Pending Announcement

由於未有公佈的原因,YTL Power和Ranhill的股票將於星期二暫停交易。
蘭希爾 ·  05/27 12:00

KUALA LUMPUR (May 27): Independent power producer YTL Power International Bhd (KL:YTLPOWR) and smaller rival Ranhill Utilities Bhd (KL:RANHILL) have both requested for their shares to be suspended from 9am on Tuesday, pending an announcement.

獨立發電廠商YTL Power International Bhd(KL:YTLPOWR)和較小的競爭對手Ranhill Utilities Bhd(KL:RANHILL)均要求自週二上午9點起暫停交易,等待公告。

Trading in the structured warrants relating to Ranhill will also be suspended, according to separate filings on Bursa Malaysia on Monday.


YTL Power emerged as a substantial shareholder of Ranhill on Nov 1, 2023 after it acquired 243.33 million shares, equivalent to an 18.87% stake, from Cheval Infrastructure Fund LP.

YTL Power在2013年11月1日從Cheval Infrastructure Fund LP手中購得了2.4333億股(相當於18.87%的股份),因此成爲Ranhill的實質性股東。

Following the announcement, speculation was rife that YTL Power is eyeing a controlling stake in Ranhill, given the latter's exclusive rights to Johor's water supply and its exposure in the Sabah power sector

在公告發布後,有傳言稱YTL Power正在爭取控制Ranhill,鑑於Ranhill擁有柔佛州供水的獨家權利以及其在沙巴電力領域中的曝光度。

Ranhill is also actively seeking to expand its presence in the renewable energy (RE) sector through its soon-to-be-operational 50MW large-scale solar (LSS4) plant in Bidor, Perak.


Similarly, YTL Power is also building its presence in Johor and RE via the upcoming phase one of its 72MW data centre and its 500MW solar farm in Kulai, Johor.

同樣,YTL Power也通過即將投入運營的第一階段72MW數據中心和位於柔佛居鑾的500MW太陽能發電場建立在柔佛和可再生能源領域的存在。

YTL Power has also previously indicated interest to participate in RE exports to Singapore, pending finalisation of the RE export framework by the government.

YTL Power此前也表達了參與出口可再生能源到新加坡的興趣,正在等待政府最終確定可再生能源出口框架。

For now, Ranhill chairman and chief executive Tan Sri Hamdan Mohamad holds the lion's share of the group with a total direct and indirect shareholding of 31.42%.

目前,Ranhill主席兼首席執行官Tan Sri Hamdan Mohamad擁有該集團的最大股份,總共直接和間接持股31.42%。

Hamdan is the founder of Ranhill group and has been in control since it took over the listing status of Symphony House Bhd in December 2015.

Hamdan是Ranhill集團的創始人,自從該公司於2015年12月接管Symphony House Bhd上市地位以來一直處於控制地位。

According to Bloomberg, other substantial shareholders in Ranhill include United Overseas Bank Ltd, with a 9.09% stake, and Permodalan Darul Ta'zim Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned company of the Johor state government, with a 9.07% stake.

據彭博社報道,Ranhill的其他實質性股東包括持有9.09%股份的大華銀行有限公司和持有9.07%股份的柔佛州政府全資公司Permodalan Darul Ta'zim Sdn Bhd。

At Monday's market close, shares of Ranhill were up 12 sen, or 8.28%, at RM1.57 for a market capitalisation of RM2.04 billion, while YTL Power rose one sen or 0.2% to RM4.96 for a market capitalisation of RM40.66 billion.

在週一的收盤時,Ranhill的股價上漲12仙,或8.28%,達到1.57令吉的市值爲20.4億令吉,而YTL Power則上漲1仙或0.2%,至4.96令吉,市值爲406.6億令吉。

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