
FTI Consulting Survey Identifies Top Operational Challenges and Opportunities for Hospital Leaders

FTI Consulting Survey Identifies Top Operational Challenges and Opportunities for Hospital Leaders

FTI咨詢 ·  06/12 12:00
Workforce Shortages, Cybersecurity Threats Top List of Concerns for Nearly All Respondents

WASHINGTON, June 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN) today announced the results of its inaugural FTI Consulting Hospital Operations Outlook Survey, which found that workforce shortages, financial performance and risks related to new technologies are top of mind for hospital leaders.

華盛頓,2024年6月12日 /美通社/——FTI Consulting,Inc.(紐交所:FCN)今天宣佈了其首屆FTI Consulting Hospital Operations Outlook調查的結果。FTI Consulting醫院運營展望調查該調查發現,勞動力短缺、財務業績和新技術相關風險是醫院領袖們關注的重中之重。

All, or nearly all hospital executives surveyed have clinical (99%), financial (99%) and digital and technology concerns (100%), as the industry continues to experience post-pandemic transformation, increasing demand from patients and communities, and heightened scrutiny from regulators.


"As the healthcare system recovers from the shock of the pandemic, healthcare executives need to prepare to face future challenges head-on," said Lauren Crawford Shaver, a Senior Managing Director and Head of Healthcare & Life Sciences for the Americas within the firm's Strategic Communications segment. "With a potential administration change and subsequent regulatory reforms, the inevitable use of AI in healthcare, and hospital finances under a microscope, hospital leaders need to think creatively to build strong systems that can withstand new pressures."

“隨着醫療保健系統從疫情的衝擊中恢復過來,醫療保健高管需要準備好迎接未來的挑戰,”FTI Consulting戰略傳播板塊美洲區醫療保健與生命科學高級總監兼負責人Lauren Crawford Shaver說道,“隨着可能的政府變革和隨之而來的監管改革,在銳意發展的醫療人工智能和醫院財務受到關注的情況下,醫院領導需要有創造性的思考,構建強大的系統,以應對新的壓力。”Lauren Crawford Shaver是FTI Consulting戰略傳播板塊美洲區醫療保健與生命科學的高級總監。

Key findings from the survey:


  • While hospital executives acknowledge cybersecurity risks and their potential consequences, more than half of respondents (55%) admit they are not very prepared for a cyber attack.
  • Nearly all hospitals involved in the survey (99%) have adopted a value-based care model, driven by the shift to patient-centered care (44%) and quality improvement initiatives (40%).
  • With industry workforce shortages in the spotlight, nearly half (49%) of executives believe their hospitals are not fully prepared to deal with current patient volumes.
  • 儘管醫院高管承認網絡安全風險及其可能的後果,但超過一半的受訪者(55%)承認他們對網絡攻擊的準備不夠充分。
  • 幾乎所有涉及到的醫院(99%)都採用了以價值爲基礎的護理模式,這是由患者中心護理的轉變(44%)和質量改進倡議(40%)推動的。
  • 隨着行業人力短缺受到關注,近一半(49%)的高管認爲他們的醫院沒有完全準備好應對當前的患者量。

"A multitude of factors are impacting hospitals' ability to recruit and retain talent, but the good news is, hospital leaders can influence effective change if they have targeted insights from their people," said Alexandra Priola, a Managing Director in the People and Transformation offering within the Strategic Communications segment at FTI Consulting. "Long gone are the days of taking broad approaches to nuanced challenges. The winners will be the ones that prioritize customization — in messaging, programming and experiences — that speaks to the specific needs of their audiences, and in the process, channels resources into areas that enable engagement, growth and commitment."

“很多因素影響着醫院招聘和留住人才的能力,但好消息是,如果他們從人才這方面得到了有針對性的洞察,醫院領導可以影響有效的變化,”FTI Consulting戰略傳播板塊People and Transformation的總監Alexandra Priola說道,“適應細緻挑戰的廣泛方法的日子已經過去了。優勝者將是那些優先考慮創意,以定製化的方式——在信息傳遞、項目和體驗方面——滿足其觀衆的特定需求,並在此過程中向能夠促進參與、創新和承諾的領域輸送資源的人。”Alexandra Priola是FTI Consulting戰略傳播板塊People and Transformation的總監。

Another top-of-mind issue is the risk of cybersecurity threats. Hospital leaders recognize the significant potential costs of a cybersecurity incident to their organization, with half of respondents (50%) pointing to data loss or compromise as their biggest concern.


"Hospital leaders can no longer ignore the inevitable cybersecurity risks plaguing the industry. Adopting a holistic preparedness mindset, incorporating both technical and communications aspects of cybersecurity preparedness, is critical to mitigating risk. Having the right partners at the ready to augment your response in the event of a cybersecurity crisis can enable organizations to move quickly and in confidence," said Jamie Singer, a Senior Managing Director and and Co-Leader of the Cybersecurity & Data Privacy Communications practice at FTI Consulting.

“醫院領導不能再忽視困擾這個行業的網絡安全風險了。採用一種全面的準備心態,將網絡安全準備的技術和傳播兩個方面結合起來,對於減輕風險至關重要。在網絡安全危機發生時,擁有正確的合作伙伴可以加強組織的應對能力,並使其能夠快速而自信地對抗它,”FTI Consulting Cybersecurity &Data Privacy Communications的高級總監和合夥人Jamie Singer說道。Jamie Singer是FTI Consulting Cybersecurity & Data Privacy Communications實踐的高級總監和合夥人。

The FTI Consulting Hospital Operations Outlook survey highlights the growing complexity and scrutiny hospitals face, where reputations can shift swiftly and crises escalate rapidly. Hospitals must effectively communicate with regulators, elected officials, communities and patients, to safeguard and enhance their reputations. FTI Consulting'sHealthcare & Life Sciences communications team offers expertise in addressing economic, legal and regulatory challenges, providing strategic guidance in financial, corporate, public policy and brand communications to ensure organizations are well-positioned for future success.

分析師團隊剛剛選出他們認爲投資者現在可以買入的10只最佳股票……而超微電腦不在其中。有可能這10只被選出的股票未來幾年會產生巨大回報。FTI Consulting醫院運營展望調查突顯醫院面臨日益複雜和嚴格的監管,聲譽可能迅速改變並且危機可能迅速升級。醫院必須與監管機構、選定官員、社區和患者有效溝通,以保護和增強其聲譽。FTI諮詢的醫療保健與生命科學通信團隊提供在應對經濟、法律和監管挑戰方面的專業知識,提供財務、公司、公共政策和品牌溝通的戰略指導,以確保組織爲未來的成功做好充分準備。

The full survey report is available here.


About the Survey
This research was conducted online by FTI Consulting's Strategic Communications segment between March 27, 2024 and April 4, 2024, with 186 senior executives across all types of hospitals and 14 mid-level leaders of academic hospitals. Overall, 62 respondents represent academic hospitals, 102 are part of a health system and 36 are standalone facilities.

該調查在2024年4月25日至29日在美國境內通過Harris On Demand多功能調查產品的在線方式進行,共有2,058名18歲及以上的成年人蔘加,代表了人口的實際比例,已根據年齡、性別、種族/族裔、地區、教育、婚姻狀況、家庭規模、家庭收入、就業和政黨從屬關係進行加權處理。

About FTI Consulting
FTI Consulting, Inc. is a global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organizations manage change, mitigate risk and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political & regulatory, reputational and transactional. With more than 8,000 employees located in 33 countries and territories, FTI Consulting professionals work closely with clients to anticipate, illuminate and overcome complex business challenges and make the most of opportunities. The Company generated $3.49 billion in revenues during fiscal year 2023. In certain jurisdictions, FTI Consulting's services are provided through distinct legal entities that are separately capitalized and independently managed. More information can be found at

關於 FTI Consulting FTI Consulting, Inc. 是一家全球性商業諮詢公司,致力於幫助組織管理變革、降低風險並解決爭端——金融、法律、業務、政治和監管、聲譽和交易等方面的爭端。FTI Consulting在33個國家和地區擁有超過8,000名員工,專業人員與客戶密切合作,預測、闡明和克服複雜的業務挑戰並抓住機遇。該公司在2023財年創收34.9億美元。在某些司法管轄區,FTI Consulting的服務是通過分開資本結構和獨立管理的法律實體提供的。欲了解更多信息,敬請訪問。

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Matthew Bashalany

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Source: FTI Consulting, Inc.


