
WHR Global, a Client-Driven Global Mobility Management Company, Celebrates 30 Years Relocating Employees Across the World

WHR Global, a Client-Driven Global Mobility Management Company, Celebrates 30 Years Relocating Employees Across the World

PR Newswire ·  06/11 21:18

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MILWAUKEE, June 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WHR Global (WHR), a relocation management company and leader in the global mobility and corporate relocation industry, announced the company's 30-year anniversary.

2024年6月11日,密爾沃基 / PRNewswire / - WHR全球(WHR)是一家搬遷管理公司,是全球流動性和企業搬遷行業的領導者,宣佈公司成立30週年。

WHR was founded in 1994 by Roger Thrun on a simple promise: to provide relocation services with an unmatched level of quality. To this day, this simple promise is commemorated with a framed 30-year-old note card on his desk which includes his 5 core values and business philosophy: empathy, trustworthy, proactive, hardworking, and results-driven.

WHR成立於1994年,由羅傑·特龍(Roger Thrun)承諾提供無與倫比的搬遷服務。 直到今天,這個簡單的承諾被一張30年前的便條貼在他的桌子上以紀念,便條上列出了他的5個核心價值觀和業務理念:關愛,值得信賴,積極主動,勤奮,結果驅動。

Today, WHR Global has expanded its expertise and business philosophy globally with offices in Switzerland and Singapore. WHR's 30-year record of success includes serving Fortune 500 global organizations and U.S. government agencies, with each client ranging from dozens to thousands of relocations and assignments per year.

今天,WHR全球已經擴展了其在全球範圍內的專業知識和業務理念,在瑞士和新加坡設有辦事處。 WHR的30年成功記錄包括爲財富500強全球組織和美國政府機構提供服務,每個客戶每年的調配人員從數十人到數千人不等。

WHR's goal for the next 30 years includes a commitment to preserving a sustainable future for generations to come. The goal is to operate and relocate employees in a socially responsible manner while being cognizant of our own environmental impact and partnering with sustainable companies who are united in this belief.


"Thank you to our clients, employees, and those we have helped relocate in the 30 years," states Founder and CEO Roger Thrun. "Our greatest success is people."

“感謝我們的客戶,員工和那些我們已經幫助搬遷了30年,”創始人兼首席執行官羅傑·特龍說。 “我們最大的成功就是人。”

About WHR Global


WHR Global (WHR) is a private, client-driven global relocation management company distinguished by its best-in-class service delivery and cutting-edge, proprietary technology. WHR has offices in the United States, Switzerland, and Singapore. With its 100% client retention rate for the past decade, WHR continues to position itself as the trusted leader in global employee relocation. We partner with human resources, travel divisions, and global mobility departments at a wide variety of organizations from Fortune 500 corporations to the U.S. government. WHR lives by its vision and passion for Advancing Lives Forward and Making the Complex Simple.


To learn more about WHR, visit , or follow WHR on LinkedIn. View WHR's free resources for global mobility professionals in their Relocation Toolbox.


Media Contact: Sean Thrun, Strategic Initiatives Manager
[email protected]

媒體聯繫人:戰略事業部經理肖恩·特倫 (Sean Thrun)
[email protected]



